
作者&投稿:绪菡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 问题一:开场白用英语怎么说 opening words

问题二:一般英语演讲开场白和结束语怎么说 开头:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Today I would like to share with you something about...
结尾:...That's all for my presentation.Thank you for listening.

问题三:英语开场白翻译 Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!
Thanks for taking your time to attend the second training program of manager in this year.
our topic of this time is program management ,and senior manager ,Wanggang,from the engineering departmnt will be our training tutor today.
the whole process will last for about half an hour.
now ,let's welom Mr wang.

问题四:英文主持开场白 Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this annual dinner in honor of my distinguished guests.I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm wele to you all. A remark in THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS can best express what i feel now, It is such a delight to have friends ing from afar!Now i declare the oppening of our annual dinner!!!
I hope this helps!

问题五:英语演讲开场白和结束语怎么讲? 很久很久以前...A Long Time Ago...
故事就这样结束了...And that's the end of the story

问题六:英语课开场白怎么说???? good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can just simply call me xx,I am very 亥lad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please don't be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ....

问题七:学习小组上台展示,怎么用英语说开场白 学习小组上台展示,怎么用英语说开场白
The study group came to the show, how to say in English

问题八:英文晚会开场白 开场:
A:Ladies and Gentlemen:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. ----XXXXXXX! I'm XXX FROM XXX
B:I'm XXX FROM XXX We are very glad to be the host of this evening party.
A:Learning English can broaden your minds,enhance your knowledge.By doing this , you will know the customs and cultures of other countries.And enjoy the holl time.
B:Yeah, English shows up everywhere,they can be a beautiful song if you sing them with melody.
A:They can be a soul poem if u read them with u heart.
B:They can be a effective tool when you municate with foreigners.
A:Today, a colorful performance which acted by XXXX (class or school) will be held here. The performance shows us what happiness and colorful life it is in XXXX.and the fun of learning english.
B:Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the (classes or clas *** ates) have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.
A:Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, tonight ,we really got lots of happiness in the show.
B:Yeah, we prove that English can be such beautiful once again.we can so nearly touch English and feel the power of it!
A:From now on, we needn't be in trouble in English, because we got the key.
B:''Just do it'' is not only a spirit of doing sports, but also a spirit of studying English.
A:We got really various of exciting performance tonight, we wish the ( X hou......>>

问题九:在演讲英语时,开场白和结束语该怎么说呢? 例如开始的时候先说hello女士们先生们,然后可以说一个小笑话,接着引入你的演讲,最后说That's all thank you.

问题十:女士们先生们之类的开场白用英文怎么说 ladies ang gentlemen ,it's my pleasure to ...
i'm glad to

I can design a dialogue, according to which, all we need to do in addition is to complete the acting.

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超仇蒲公: 开场白: 1. prologue2. prolusion 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他以“晚上好”开始了他的开场白.He began his prologue by saying "good night". 2. 说几句开场白会很合适的.A few words of introduction may not come amiss. 3. 由于...

溆浦县15030386761: 英语演讲的开场白应该怎么说呀 -
超仇蒲公: good morning everyone,my name is XXX,i'm XX years old,i'm from XX school.today,i'll talk sth. about XXX. . . . . . thanks for your attenton

溆浦县15030386761: 英文开场白 -
超仇蒲公: Today I will sing a song to you, the name is "the day you went away",hoping everyone like this.

溆浦县15030386761: 婚礼的开场白.用英语说国际化的场合.婚礼开场白用英语怎么说我要完整一点的我疯掉了是如果作为一 个司仪 举行一个婚礼.他的开场白应该说什么 -
超仇蒲公:[答案] 国际化的场合 internationalized occasion 婚礼 wedding 开场白 prologue

溆浦县15030386761: 开场白 先生们女士们 这个用英语怎么说 -
超仇蒲公:[答案] ladies and gentlemen

溆浦县15030386761: 女士们先生们之类的开场白用英文怎么说 -
超仇蒲公: ladies ang gentlemen ,it's my pleasure to ...i'm glad to 等等、、、问的具体点?比如什么场合的开场白

溆浦县15030386761: 英语开场白 -
超仇蒲公: 开场白的称呼视活动的参与人而定,如下:Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to attend ...... Please help yourself hve a seat. Tonight we will get together here to do .....(简单介绍活动的内容和主题); very appreciated that we invited somebody (参与活动的重要人物);Please let me introduce them one by one, ...... (职务与参与活动的内容) 一句话,活动的开场白需要就活动的内容和形式而定.希望你能举办成功.

溆浦县15030386761: 这是一段开场白 用英文怎么说 -
超仇蒲公: These are the opening remarks.

溆浦县15030386761: 有活动需要英语开场白, -
超仇蒲公:[答案] 开场白的称呼视活动的参与人而定,如下:Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to attend .Please help yourself hve a seat.Tonight we will get together here to do .(简单介绍活动的内容和主题); very appreciated that...

溆浦县15030386761: 好的英文演讲开场白该怎么说要全英文的,与演讲有关的 -
超仇蒲公: 英文演讲开场白的方法:吸引人的开场白1、"To speak for your ears, I have overcome fears, To silence your groans, My skills I have honed." Start with a poem or a rhyme. Pick a poem that is short, lively, and related to your theme or your message...

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