
作者&投稿:大许 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The body has no colorful Phoenix wings, and the heart has something to do with it.


Life will not be lovesick, will be lovesick, will harm lovesickness.


Overlapping tear stains and silent brocade words, life can only die of love.


Sunrise in the East and rain in the west, the road is clear but sunny.


Spring heart does not flourish, an inch of Acacia and an inch of gray.


Three feet Jiaotong died for the king, and the song never came back.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


Qing Qingziyi, leisurely my heart. But for the sake of the emperor, I have been meditating so far.


Life is an infatuation, this hatred is irrelevant to the wind and the moon.


If one day we are not together, we should be together.


When the wind blows, it blows a pool of spring water. In the path of leisurely inducing mandarin duck fragrance, hand brushes red apricot stamens.


Before respecting him, he planned to say that he would return home, but when he did not speak, he would swallow miserably.


Fish, Shen and Yan have no way to go before they believe in human parting.


There is no place to eliminate this feeling, only then eyebrows, and heart.


Most of all, Zhu Yan's dictionary mirrors and rhetoric trees.


Hold hands and look into tears, but there is no language to choke.


I will open my eyes all night long to repay my lifetime without eyebrows.


Flowers should be folded when they are in full blossom, but not when they are empty.


The duck leans on its head and the Jasper scratches its head. All day long, I look up to you and hear magpies.


There is no more weight in half a promise than in half a promise.


Spring silkworm to the end of silk, wax torch grey tears began to dry.


I hope your heart resembles mine and will never fail to love you.


Lin Hua Xie Chunhong, too hasty, helpless toward the cold rain evening wind.


It's a long time ago, but the clothes-belt days have slowed down. Sijun makes people old, and time is too late.


May I be like a star, like a moon, bright at night.


Falling red is not a merciless thing, but a spring mud to protect flowers.


Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your *** ile.


Change my heart, for your heart, I know and remember each other deeply.


Don't miss love because of loneliness, don't miss love because of loneliness all your life.


My clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.


One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit. Sigh after sigh, life is a person.


It should be yours sooner or later. If it weren't yours, it would not stay.


Recalling your heart is like the water of Xijiang River, flowing easard day and night.


One is the fairy flower in Langyuan, the other is the flawless beautiful jade.


Xiaoxuan window, dressing, looking at each other silently, only a thousand lines of tears.


If there is love, the horizon is close, if there is no love, the horizon is close.


He was born without affection and lovesickness.


Carmine tear, phase drunk, when heavy. Since people grow up, they hate water.


Hatred is better than faith. Acacia begins to feel that the sea is not deep.


Beautiful people never fet what they see, never see it in a day, and think like crazy.


When golden wind and jade dew meet, they win but there are countless people on earth!


Beauty roll curtain, deep seated eyebrows. But see tears wet, I don't know who I hate.


Don't want to face him to leave, escape is not a good way, but the only way.


There are trees and branches in the mountains, but you don't know if you are happy.

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御败茵栀: 1、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人. 2、Don't try so hard,the best ...

河津市18796499431: 描写爱情的英文诗句有哪些? -
御败茵栀: Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the 译文:没有你?我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我...

河津市18796499431: 关于爱情的英文诗句、求经典的、最好长一点--[多多益善] -
御败茵栀:[答案] No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt Love is like a butterfly.It goes where it pleases ...

河津市18796499431: 求几首简短经典的英文爱情诗,要积极一点的,还有,一些美好的英文句子也行. -
御败茵栀: When You Are OldWhen you are and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book , And slowly read ,and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace...

河津市18796499431: 有没有表达爱意地英语诗? -
御败茵栀: 泰戈尔 世界上最遥远的距离 The longest distance (to me) in the world --by TagoreThe longest distance in the world is not that between living and death ,But that which when I stand in front you, you just don't realize that I love you .The ...

河津市18796499431: 求关于爱情的英文诗,最好是双语的,表现爱情执着、坚贞积极方面的. -
御败茵栀: 这是一首英文诗名字叫love LOVE I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right ...

河津市18796499431: 给几个关于爱情的英文诗句!...
御败茵栀: Withoutnbsp;you?I'dnbsp;benbsp;anbsp;soulnbsp;withoutnbsp;anbsp;purpose.Withoutnbsp;you?I'dnbsp;benbsp;annbsp;emotionnbsp;withoutnbsp;anbsp;heart.I'mnbsp;anbsp;facenbsp;withoutnbsp;expression,Anbsp;heartnbsp;withnbsp;...

河津市18796499431: 爱情外文诗 - 外国表达爱情的诗歌有哪些?外国表达爱情的诗歌有哪些
御败茵栀: 一、世界上最遥远的距离(泰戈尔)二、给娜塔莎(普希金)三、致――(雪莱)四、什么是爱?——海 涅五、经典爱情诗——拜 伦六、我不能保留你的波浪——(泰戈尔)七、经典爱情诗——(纪伯伦十、致凯恩(普希金)请给我好评吧谢谢

河津市18796499431: 帮个忙找一些描写爱情的英语诗句
御败茵栀: It is never too late to fall in love. 爱永远不会嫌晚. To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界. Where there is love, there are always wishes. 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望.

河津市18796499431: 求几句关于爱情的英语诗句,或短文,或小诗!有中文翻译最好! -
御败茵栀: 1.you smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话.而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了.2.the mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty....

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