求翻译英语作文 字数200字左右, 语法正确不复杂 不要翻译器 要纯手工 英语好的同学来帮下忙

作者&投稿:闾颖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

完整的句子:elaborate products through complete handiwork

1. 把上面句子中的products换成相应的产品名称
2. 方案二,直接就说elaborate handiwork,简洁明了

就用Elaborate Handwork


Tomorrow I will be to rural sketched, so today, I'm very busy. My baggage didn't arrange, and still owe very many things need to purchase, such as disposable toothbrush toothpaste, the bath milk and collection kleenex. I don't believe there is I need rural commodities, so I must woke early, made a budget went to the supermarket purchases. But put women into supermarket is very frightening thing, my toothbrush became the one-time toothpaste imports of travel, I buy with suit the bath milk is only small and a high price, volume: well, only in budget kleenex. I also bought a bottle of sunscreen, the body USES, although the budget but should be very useful. From the supermarket after buying back, I also have to choose trunk size, arranging luggage etc, is really busy day.

I am a student from Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, which was a comprehensive state university approved by the Ministry of Education, found in 1978. Locating in Loudi in Xiangzhong New Town of Hunan, the campus is 1050 acres with beautiful environment and pleasant weather.

It is the only university that provide undergraduate courses in Loudi with powerful teacher resources and nice studying environment. Here you can have access to a library with a rich collection of printed references and buildings including a large classroom building, fully-equipped English laboratories and a fancy art building.

Again, the campus is full of green and flower with bird singing all the time. There is also a spacious Haiyuan Square and a garden.

The mission statement of our university is that to seek the nearest for further development and to stand still through building a strong base. Moreover, the spirit of our university is that supreme brilliance, loving and caring. It is them that make our university a firm road to drive on.

I love my university. I hope it can achieve more in the future.


I am currently a student in Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology. The university is set up in 1978. It is a public provincial university approved by the Ministry of Education. The whole 700,000 square meters of it is located in the Loudi New City in mid-Hunan. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and the mild climate here.
HUHST is the only university in Loudi, with competitive faculty and comfortable campus environment. The library have a large collection of books in it, the Zhiyuan teaching building has many classrooms, the lab in the English building is fully-equipped, and the Arts building is uniquely designed.
The beautiful environment is provided by the Yushi Garden, with trees and flowers and the Haiyuan Square.
Our motto is "Focused for Diversified, Reserved for Flourished", and the ethos is " Emphasize Talents, Spread Philanthropy". This helps our school further the journey of education.
I love my school, and wish it a better future.

I am a student in hunan humanity institute of science and technology, it is founded in 1978, was approved by the ministry of education of the comprehensive public approval of the provincial normal university undergraduate course, is located the base of the new city loudi, covering an area of 1050 mu, beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.
Humanity institute of science and technology is the only a bachelor loudi university, it has strong teachers strength as well as good learning environment. Here, you can see a rich collection of the library, the classroom teaching building of numerous vision of complete facilities, English floor laboratory and modelling an unusual.
Humanity institute of science and technology have a beautiful environment, green everywhere, niaoyuhuaxiang, broad sea park plaza, lush yu t garden...
Our motto is "plans that far and near a root of application," the university spirit is "people first love garden", making our schools in teaching in the path of the go further and more stable.
I like my school, in the hope that it can do better in the future.

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