
作者&投稿:壹奋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ This winter holiday I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.
The Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture .
From the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!
My traveling plan
I hope to go on a trip to Beijing,but my mother always tells me "you can't".She thinks I am too young to go to Beijing,and I am too busy at school.This term is over,To my surprise,my mother will take me to Beijing.I am very excited!Then I have a traveing plan for this trip:firstly I will go to the tian'anmen square,I will take many pictures,then I am going to the palace museum,I can see many old builds there.secondly,I am goingto the wangfujing street,we will buy many things,for example,foods,clothes and some books.then I will go home. I think I will have a great trip to Beijing

我的暑期计划作文 篇3 在令人兴奋的暑假生活中,同学们各有各的过法,有的同学整天坐在电视机前,怀里抱着一大包零食,边吃边看;有的同学天天泡在图书馆的书海里;有的同学则和爸爸妈妈到各地去旅游,欣赏不一样的风景;而有的同学一放假就拼命地写暑期作业,假期还没过半,就把所有的作业写完了!而我,制定了一个...

作文:我的暑假计划 400字以上
每个假期,我都要制定自己的计划,什么10点起床呀,11点睡觉呀,什么什么的,总之,一套一套的,制定得相当不错,而且十分严格,你们或许会说:“你傻呀 ,干嘛制定这么严格?”嘘!反正我每次都不执行,爸爸妈妈都习惯了!今天就让我来告诉你,我是怎么悲惨地度过执行计划的一天吧!执行计划第一天...

小学我的寒假计划作文600字篇四 时间过得真快,不知不觉一个学期又悄悄地从我们身边溜走,随之而来的是同学们向往已久的寒假!在漫长的一个月里,我们可以不用上学,不用早早地起床,整天无虑的,想干什么就干什么。不过好不容易才得来的假期可不能就这样荒废了,看来,要想过好整个寒假还得好好地...


作文《我的假期》,不少于80词!!! 求解
My winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day. I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the...

我为了我的英语学习,我将努力学英语。坚持每一天听半个小时的英语。我将以最快速度最好的完成教师布置的作业。我当然也不会忘记锻炼身体,我会在每一天的时光中抽出30--1小时来锻炼身体。我当然会抽出一小段时光来玩一下电脑,或者看一会电视。当然只要1小时。这就是我的寒假计划! 假期计划英语作文(三): how i...

我的假期生活300字 我的假期生活作文示例

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是我为大家整理的我的暑假计划300字作文,欢迎大家分享。 我的暑假计划300字作文 篇1 时间过得真快,学期即将结束,漫长的暑假就要到来。虽然常听人家说:“休息,是为了走更长的...

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 时间的脚步是无声的,它在不经意间流逝,我们又将续写新的诗篇,展开新的旅程,一起对今后的学习做个计划吧。可是到底什么样的计划才是适合自己的呢?以下是我精心整理的我的寒假计划作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 我的寒假计划作文1 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

今年的夏日虽然暑气蒸人,但相信只要照着预订计划,暑假生活一定过的非常充实而且多采多姿,必定让我获益匪浅,收获满行囊。 暑假计划的作文3 是紧张的,现在放了,本想把节奏调慢,尽情享受生活。原来,每每假期伊始总有点不适应,一睡睡到自然醒,醒了吃,吃了睡,连一点生活的规律也没有了。 今年不同了!我今年的因为...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] The national day is coming soon.At that day,I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before.This year,we will have eight days off,so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip for my pleasure.Our plan is following. The first day,we ...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] I will finish doing my homework as quickly as I can. Then I will review what I have learnt and prepare for the new lesson. I will listen to English programs and read English books every day so that I can improve my English. I am going to help my parents do ...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] At the summer vacation I to intend go to Bei Jing ,because there're very beautifui .My mother to intend a belt me go to Bei Jing ,I'm very happy .Today ,I with my mother go to Bei Jing .We're go to many places ,The Great Wall ,The Palace Museum ,Tian'an...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] Plan on winter vacation 寒假计划 The winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing I have done while this vacation.For one thing ,I have my lessons reviewed,in order to improve the qulity of study. 寒假对于我们来说并不长,我需要在这个假...

叶城县18364718408: 我的假期计划 英语作文我在知道上也搜来着 但是答案全都是英语的 我想要一个英汉都有的 不介意从别的地方复制过来 只要是关于暑假、不太很离谱的 比较... -
纳卫头孢:[答案] My holidays are coming soon.I have some plans for the holidays and now I will talk about that with you.I will do some cleaning ...evening.What about your plans? 我的假期快要到了.我有一些假期计划,现在我会与你谈谈我的计划.我会与我母亲在家做些...

叶城县18364718408: 我的寒假计划 英语作文 -
纳卫头孢:[答案] The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my ... play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there. 寒假即将到来,我已经为我的假期做好了计划.我...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] My winter holidays plans My winter holidays plans me studying for my English , I will make great efforts to learn English. ... 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan! 我的寒假计划 我为了我的英语学习,我将努力学英语.坚持每天听半个小时的英语.我...

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纳卫头孢:[答案] 题目:My plan of the winter vacation 正文:My winter vacation is around the corner and I make a plan of it.First of all,I will finish my holiday tasks.Secondly,I will read some interesting books to broaden my horizon.Thirdly,I will keep on doing some sports ...

叶城县18364718408: 请以《我的假期计划》为题写一篇英语作文 -
纳卫头孢: In these days, I have many things to do. First, I mustfinish the exercises left by teachers,an Chinese, math and English. It may takeme two days to finish. I plan finish them in the first and second day. And then,I will go to see my grandparents with mom...

叶城县18364718408: 英语作文:我的假日计划 -
纳卫头孢:[答案] My holiday planI have a great holiday plan.First,I get up early,bacause it is good for our health.Then,I eat breakfast.After thirty mintons,I do sports in the park with my friends.I do my homework for...

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