
作者&投稿:诺哑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Pack up the items you'd like __along and leave behind those you dislike __ with you on your journey.
A.to take;to take B.taking;taking C.to take;taking D.taking;to take
解释: the items which you'd like _to take_along

先行词是items; 应理解成take along the items
= you'd like _to take_along the items
leave behind those you dislike _taking_ with you
先行词是those: 理解为:you dislike taking those with you
= leave behind those which you dislike _taking_ with you
=leave those behind 不要那些 和 you dislike taking those with you.

Many great men have risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison ___.
A.instead B.for example C.and so on D.such as
B举例说明, 例如的意思。A代替;C等等;D列举同类,应该放在前面呢:such as Lincoln and Edison.

Christmas is __special holiday when __whole family are supposed to get together.
A.the;the B.a;a C.the;a D.a;the
a special holiday特殊假期,泛指
the whole family全部家人聚在一起,强调是家人,所以用the;如果用a, 可能是一个家庭呢,是整体的。

1.A that=so "那么",选D的话“不是太聪明”语意不太通顺。
2.A 刚才没看清楚。因为是2个分句且没有and连接所以不用is;这里是考查非谓语动词,用being表示原因,“因为今天是周日,所以我们不用工作。”
3.A idea后可+that从句或of短语。of是介词,后跟v-ing形式,his wife做being involved的逻辑主语。而且是“被卷入”,所以用被动语态。

2.遇到强调句去掉It is和that 整句话变成
not you but I () to blame for not having completed the work
首先辨析worth是介词 worhty和worthwhile都是形容词 ,排除AC
4.70 percent并非关键,关键在于population。分数+名词的结构后方谓语与该名词一致,population在解释为人口数时(相当于number)动词用单数,而解释为某一区域里的所有人时(相当于all the people)动词用复数
suggest doing (中间没有sb)或 suggest that sb should do(有时会省略成suggest sb do)
决无“suggest sb to do”之类的用法

[2] 强调句型 A
not you but I am to blame for not having completed the work
去掉 it is ...that...句子还是完整的
not ...but ...就近原则 就是 am了
[1 ] 固定搭配 B
1.看到,注意到(+that)(+wh-) 2.观察,观测;监视 3.遵守,奉行 4.说;评述,评论 5.庆祝(节日等)
所以celebrate 也对 。


1. 根据句意,一般你们国家怎么庆祝感恩节的? 只能选A,庆贺 B 观察 C 荣誉 D 提醒
2. 根据就近原则 I后面用am, 这里其实省略that也可以的
3. 选项米有出来哦~

A 我想要了解你们的节日,你能告诉我你们通常怎么庆祝感恩节么?
Athat引导的句型,可以省略,就近原则 am

①thanksgiving是感恩节的意思,节日当然是庆祝啦,B是观察,C是以....为荣或纪念 D是使...想起,remind...of搭配

高中英语单选~ 求详细解答~
1 suggest 在这里是暗示的意思,不是建议的意思,所以不用should do 2 should 本应该,3 needn't have done 没必要 翻译:我们没必要证明这是伟大的冒险经历,但是我们完成了十年来最伟大的长征。4 couldn't have done :不可能做过,表示对过去的推测 翻译:他之前不可能参加过这个会议,因为他...

1.Mr. Baker suggested a good way ___ prices from ___ .A.to stop;rising B.of stopping;being risen C.to stop;raising D.stopping;being raised 正解:A (C为什么不行?)rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词 这句话里其实正过来讲是price rise,后面没宾语了,所以用不及物动词 2...

3.本题答案应为A。实际就来自短语 be faced with "面对、面临”。商务印书馆出版的《英语习语大辞典》及“牛津词典”中都可见例句。如:Faced with the threat of losing their jobs, the workers refused to go back to work. 面对着失业的威胁,工人们拒绝复工。 第三题中若把题干中 with ...

1. Everyone except Tom and John 是指除了Tom和John的所有每个人,这是单数,因此are 和were先排除。另外要注意,这句话的主语是everyone,而不是Tom和John,except Tom and John只是修饰everyone的,当然是单数。由于讲的过去时when the meeting began,因此只能要B:was 2. 首先news的报道是被(人...

1Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.B.in which空格处应填入定语从句的引导词,其句意义为:People were eaten by the tiger in the scene.所以先行词scene应该与介词in搭配.命题立意:...

做形式宾语的只能是it,别的不可以的。指代的是一整句话。别的只能指代一个名词。建议百度输入:it的用法,就会出来几张it的用法,讲的很详细。6 –Don’t tell him about his mother’s illness until the competition ___.-No, I won’t.A. has finished B. was finished C. will fini...

英语单选 要求解析和翻译 越详细越好!!!
大致意思是,昨晚的席卷整个东部英格兰的暴风造成了上百万英镑的损失。答案选B,时间点是“last night"是一个具体的时间点,事件发生在昨天晚上,所以用一般过去时就好了。A是过去完成时,强调过去的事对过去的影响。C是现在完成时,强调过去的事对现在的影响,D是过去将来时···不用我说你也应该知道...

[1]、首先读懂句意:“我们应该[正如]老师告诉我们的那样做。”有此可以排除A[因为],和D[自从]。然后是C的like(像),"do like"据我能力之内,我是从来没见过这种表达法。最后是as(正如,像),"do as"的表达法非常常见,以后表示“像……做”一般都是用“do as”。故选C。[2]、首先是句...

这是表示一个城市面积的一般情况的叙述,所以不存在什么语态的说法,不会有过去,正在和未来的情形。所以 主语 第三人称 单数 covers

1.先要分析清楚句子结构:In the school (where I study )_English__ 括号里面的是个修饰school的定语从句,主语只是English, 所以只关注一下选项和主语的结构和意义的匹配程度就可以了。A :English is there.意义费解,什么叫英语在那儿?B:主语要是school 的话还通一点,不能说英语没有好老师,...

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智码肝太:[选项] A. introduce to B. be introducing to C. be introduced to D. have been introduced to

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智码肝太: 1.D,正常语序为:The police said a criminal was somewhere out there,and they would catch him. 属于完全倒装,即位于动词至于助于之前,例如:Here comes the bus. In the forest lives a tiger. Out flew the bird.In the front of the classroom stands a teacher, who is talking.2.B 在某种程度上,他是一位成功者.success 在这里抽象名词具体化

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