
作者&投稿:巩饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Was she in Grade 1 last year.
2. 今天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。
3. I was very tired last night.
4. Hewasverytiredlastnight.
5. Did you call me just now ?
6. He was busy yesterday.
7. Themoviehadn'tbeenonforhalfanhourwhenwegottothecinema.
8. 我昨日看电视了。IwatchedTVyesterday。
9. 不能强迫别人来爱自己,只能努力让自己成为值得爱的人,其余的事情则靠缘分。
10. 我达电影院电影没始半
11. When were you together?
12. 肯定形式主语+动词过去式+其他例句:Sheoftencametohelpusinthosedays.在那些日子里,她经常来帮助我们。
13. 第三类,含有实意动词,比如Didhegobackyesterday?肯定答语:Yes,hedid.否定答语:No,hedidn't.
14. They played soccer just now.
15. 你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事。Youdidn’tdoyourbesttodoit。
16. Ihadawordwithjuliathismorning.
17. I washed my face yesterday.
18. We were together yesterday.
19. I cried at home last night.
20. 人成熟的标志是,该动脑的时候,不再动情。

在哈利波特里找十个一般过去时句子和十个一般现在时句子在线等 急...
。一般过去时的句子往往和表示过去时间的副词或短语连用。常见的这类副词和短语有昨天yesterday,前天the day before,yesterday上一周,last week去年last year,很久很久以前long,long time ago,从前once upon a time。英语语法规定,一般过去时句子的谓语动词必须使用动词的过去式,动词过去式分为规则...

求20个一般过去时被动语态的句子,有的赶紧发下,谢谢了!1个一分! 急...
1) I was not visited by him yesterday.2) A computer was not bought last month.3) The house was repaired yesterday 4) Some trees was planted last week.5) Some books was bought last Friday.6) A book was given to us last term.7) some trees was planted in the garden.8)...

I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜。I was very tired last night.我昨晚很疲劳。He was busy yesterday.他昨天很忙 You were absent from school two days ago.你两天前没来学校.He was...

用本be going to句型一般过去时造句;现在进行时be+动词原形ing造句...
2. 现在进行时be+动词原形ing:1)I am waiting for you.我正在等你。2)Are you watching TV?你正在看电视吗?3)He is reading a book.他正在看书。4)She is drawing a picture.她正在画画。5)They are playing soccer on the playground.他们正在操场上踢足球。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,对应的是过去的时间 I was eleven years old last year. 我去年11岁 She went to Shanghai last week. 她上周去了上海 He visited his grandparents last weekend. 他上个周末看望了他的祖父母 一般将来时,句子结构be going to 或者 will +动词原形,对应的未来的...

I often went to work by bus last year. When he was a child, he often listened to music. 3.一般过去时句子结构中常用的时间状语; just now yesterday yesterday morning ( afternoon, evening ) last night ( week, month, year ) a long time ago, two hours ago, three days ago, ...

一般过去时的句子中谓语动词必须使用动词的过去式形式,而动词的过去式有两种: 一种是以后缀–ed结尾的规则动词过去式,一种是不规则动词的过去式。不规则动词的过去式,往往可以在英语课本或者词典附录部分找到,英语初学者必须熟记并且正确使用。一般过去时的句子在进行语法变形时,比如肯定句、否定句、...

一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时。 句型:1. When is your birthday, Kangkang?康康,你的生日是什么时候?May the eighteenth.五月十八日。①“when”可以就年、月、日和钟点进行提问,而“what time”只能就钟点进行提问。②英语中日期有几种表示方法:a.把...

3 She can drive a car.4 He's name is Jack.5 I aways go home with an empty bag.6 You are clever.7 They like watching TV.8 The flowers are very beautiful.9 Do you wash your hand every day?10 You are my favourite(或者favorite) friend.一般过去时:1 Last week, I went...

太多了。。。如:He didn't go to school yesterday.She won the competition last night.I missed the bus this morning.一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时。

千阳县17549408147: 英语一般过去时的句子 -
郅祝今君: I was interested in jogging before. 一般来说:主语+动词过去式+宾语+时间状语. Did you go to park yesterday?\Was her father a teacher? 一般疑问:有助动词,助动词提前;无助动词,加did提前.

千阳县17549408147: 一般过去时的英文句子有哪些? -
郅祝今君:[答案] 太多了. 如:He didn't go to school yesterday. She won the competition last night. I missed the bus this morning. 一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时.

千阳县17549408147: 英语一般过去时的句子30 个, -
郅祝今君:[答案] I watched TV yesterday. She danced before. He visited relatives before. Ann sang this morning. Amy surfed the net before. Bill played before. Ben had lunch before. Bingbing ate sonmething before. Gogo drank cola. Tony saw a movie before. (自己想...

千阳县17549408147: 英语一般过去时列举句子五个不同句子 -
郅祝今君: I saw him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上看见他. Li Mei always went to school on foot last year. 去年李梅总是步行上学. He went to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天去玩具店了.-Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didn't.)What did you do last night? -I did my homework.英语语法类的资料普特英语听力网上很多

千阳县17549408147: 英语:5组一般过去时句子. -
郅祝今君: 1)She was here / She wasn't here / Was she here? / Yes, she was here.2)The cat jumped up / The cat didn't jump up / Did the cat jump up? / Yes, the cat jumped up.3)He bought candy / He didn't buy candy / Did he buy candy? / Yes, he ...

千阳县17549408147: 一般过去时的英文句子有哪些? -
郅祝今君: 太多了.... 如:He didn't go to school yesterday. She won the competition last night. I missed the bus this morning. 一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时.

千阳县17549408147: 英语一般过去式句子 -
郅祝今君:[答案] I had a busy weekend./What a busy weekend I had!

千阳县17549408147: 我想要10个一般过去时的英语句子 -
郅祝今君: 你好, He didn't go to school yesterday. I went home eary yesterday. She worked hard when she was young. They studied abroad 5 years ago. We did some reading in the holiday. Did he go to the park last weekend? He came to the city last year. ...

千阳县17549408147: 怎么造英语一般过去时的句子,我要10个句子,还要有意思!拜托各位了 3Q -
郅祝今君: 一般现在时I do my homework everyday. 一般将来时I will do my homework tomorrow. 现在进行时I am doing my homework now. 一般过去时I did my homework yesterday. 过去完成时I have done my homework.

千阳县17549408147: 关于一般过去时的句子[英文】 -
郅祝今君: I went out yesterday night .

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