三分钟英文演讲稿,题目what we cannot afford to lose,要求 以保护环境为主题,说明不能失去清新的环境。

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求一篇三分钟英语演讲稿,题目:what we can not afford to lose要求与诚信有关,网上复制粘贴的就不必...~

What we cannot afford to lose?
In social life,we’ll play different roles,and often each of their roles is accompanied by a responsibility.Responsibility is not a sweet words,it is the only cold-like rock.A man really become a member of socirty,the responsibility as an adult gift has been quietly landed on his back.because of responsibility,we have power;also because of this drive us forward,we can enjoy many happy.
To one’s self , responsibility is an important foundation for success , Many successful people in the world , although their life environment and life experience is different , but they shar a significant common characteristic,there is a deep sense of responsibility.
Responsible for the family, enjoy the warm embrace pleasure , everybody hopes to have a warm and happy family, because the family is the harbor of love.As children, it is traditional deal for us to take care of our parents.We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up . It is right, then ,when they are getting older with each passing day we help them and see that they are well cared for. If we can do it, then we will be in this love of the harbor to enjoy unlimited warmth.
As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country . It is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world . Therefore, we should study and work hard for China’s strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. In short, to be a responsible citizen, we must put our country’s welfare above our own needs.
Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in . It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other countries of the world and to protect our environment. If we carry out these responsibilities, failure of sighs should not belong to us , the wounds of the heart should not belong to us , tears of regret should not belong to us! We pursue flower smile! So, do have to , due responsibility, to enjoy a happy life!


there are many things in the world that we cannot afford to lose, such as our health, our families and friends, wealth, lovers, and so on. but the most important one of which , i think, is the pure and fresh surroundings.

as we all know, the earth is the mum of every one of us. it provides us with all kinds of lives, with food, with air, with water, with everything that is necessary for the beings in the world. we can not live even several days or hours or minutes without some of them, for exanple, the air.
however, many of us take all the things that our mum provide with us as granted, sometimes we are even not aware of their existance. what a shame!

just look around you, it is not too difficult fo find our surroundings is getting worse and worse.
with the development of our society, more and more tall buildings appear, less and less grass disappears; more and more boats on the river , less and less fishes in the river; more and more cars on the road, less and less fresh air around us; more and more noise around us, less and less quietness inside us......certainly I am not against our development, what I want to say is : can't we really find a balance between the development and the protecting of surroundings?

I once read a saying which goes like this: if your wealth is 1,000,000,000, your health is the one, without which , your wealth will become nothing. I would change the "health" into"surroundings". for it is clear that we will have nothing if we lose our surroundings, which we really cannot afford to lose.


What we cannot afford to lose – to control environmental damage caused by human development and expansion

Progress! Progress is something that can not be stopped. Many attempts have been made to limit the amount of human progress and expansion, though development has been halted. The human spirit and instinctive tendency to create and achieve more than those who have come before has created mass environmental damage and destruction along the way. I propose that stricter laws and regulations be created that will reward those who plan and develop environmentally-conscious communities and penalties be imposed to those who choose to damage the earth we live on.

When one takes a step back to look at the impact that human development and expansion have had on the world around us, it is hard to realize the significance that one person or development has on the big picture. I would like to mention a specific example of one person with one dream to create a place that is totally environmental sensitive from start to finish. A man by the name of Stanley Stalgut has created a destination that is both luxurious with all the amenities of home, and yet environmentally sensitive. This place is called Harmony Resort in the U. S. Virgin Islands. The concept behind the resort is one that will accommodate the people without harming its surrounding . Seventy percent of materials used are recycled materials. The wood used is fused together from other scrape. The tile is comprised of assorted materials melted together. Electricity for the resort is solar and wind generated. All appliances are energy efficient to conserve the solar energy. Not a single tree was thrown down to construct the resort since it lies above the natural terrain. The waste that is created from this site is treated at the location, in a manner that is accepted by the national park services. The entire resort was built to show that there are ways to build and expand without disrupting the natural flow of nature.

With rising concerns about the long term damage that development and industrial progress is having on the environment, master planned communities and the developers creating these neighborhoods are doing their best to minimize damage and to preserve the natural habitat. In Maricopa County it is refreshing that the environment is being thought of first when it comes to development. A team led by Arizona State University professors recently planned a master planned community that is environmentally conscious. When asked about the goals of the project they responded "We define [the concept] very broadly, not just as being less cement and electricity. Our goal is to conserve the striking desert habitat around Phoenix" . This piece of property is located in north Scottsdale and set to be complete in the near future. The attitudes displayed here are an example of the innovative way of thinking of the environmentally conscious developer of today.

The components of an environmentally friendly community consist of many different aspects. The first component of this type of community would be the materials used in the homes themselves. Steel beams would be used instead of wood beams to preserve raw materials. Steel is 66% recyclable and recent wood supply has dwindled in quality because older trees are not as readily available. Newer trees are tend to have more knots that are not as reliable. Alternative forms of insulation would be used to conserve energy and to also use materials such glass blocks to insulate that are not comprised of harmful chemicals. This form of insulation has been shown to decrease utility costs by 50 to 75 percent .

When one looks at the components of new residential communities, the environmental impact should be a top concern. Developers who create communities that are environmentally conscious should be rewarded for their effort in the form of tax breaks. This form of legislation would definitely be a motivation for development companies to take the first step in creating a cleaner environment.

The residential real estate industry is a crucial part of the nation’s economy. During the economic recession of the early nineties, the real estate market was a key contributor to restoring the economy. The industry is also a good indicator of the economy. The industry helps create numerous jobs within the economy. When looking at the importance of the real estate development industry to the economy, it is imperative that environmental constraints are not limiting the growth of this industry, but help contribute to its growth. With the incorporation of new techniques for building environmentally friendly communities, new jobs will stem from this merger of industries and help create a stronger economy.

Land Use Planning and development does not please all. Some people have the opinion that the environment should be preserved and that state and local politicians should implement land use policies to ‘stop those developers, and save our environment’. This debate is not new to the Valley and not new to the development industry as a whole. This continual debate has been said that "An environmentalist is someone who lives in the desert, and a developer is anyone who wants to live in the desert" . Others who might object to the proposed legislature that would reward those who develop in earth conscious manner, and penalize those who do not would be traditional developers. They believe that there is only one way to build a house and are not open to innovative techniques and materials that could possible help save our environment.

Development and the environment should work together hand and hand. With proper legislation has a motivating factor this goal can be achieved. Even though ever inhabitant in the world has a moral obligation to preserve the world that they were handed, it is disheartening that some do not feel this responsibility to mankind. That is why a monetary reward or penalty should be imposed to those who chose to neglect the world that we live in.

Is plastic surgery really necessary?

“I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal.”
Excerpt from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Although she is plain and small, Jane Eyre finally wins the love of her life, through her kindness and sincerity. True love is something eternal and spiritual, which cannot be gained by the shallowness of appearance. If you are loved only because of your beauty, you will be discarded when you fade with years. Love is not a matter of physical beauty. Likewise, gaining a job is not achieved through beauty alone. It is not necessary to undergo plastic surgery in order to gain a job.
It was not prudent of Wang Bei to endure cosmetic surgery for the sake of her career. Her reasons were superficial. Her expectations were too high. She was not as famous or successful as she hoped, not because she was not sufficiently beautiful, but because she was not sufficiently talented or impressive. Had she sang a song as inspiring and touching as those of Susan Boyle, she may have been more successful. Susan is a famous Scottish singer, who is far from fashionably thin, yet won the audience’s deafening applause and a standing ovation when she took part in Britain’s Got Talent, a televised talent competition. If I were Wang Bei, I would not opt for this risky and superficial approach to success. Instead, I would focus on the creation of some really meaningful works worthy of enduring appreciation.
The indispensable factor to a singer’s success is his or her capacity to impress an audience /ability, ability to impress an audience. Take Jackie Chan as another example. He is not handsome, but he is one of the few Hong Kong actors who have gained fame in Hollywood. He had been a supporting actor in films for years, but his excellence in Kung fu has made him a legend (brought him out is not quite right). He has created many classical images as a Kung fu expert and is followed by a wide audience. A really talented singer can maintain their fame even after they die. Teresa Teng, for instance, who died over fifteen years ago, remains one of the most influential female Chinese singers. It is said that sales of her CDs has surpassed 4.8 million. Because of her golden voice, she lives long in people’s minds.
It is no different with ordinary people. Some people believe that cosmetic surgery will help them get a better job. If you appear physically attractive, you may impress an interviewer, but it is no guarantee that you will get the job. To hire a person for his or her appearance is like buying a house for its new coat of paint. It is superficial. A wise employer will not judge a candidate only by their appearance. Other candidates can make up any perceived disadvantage with suitable clothes, manner and confidence. What an interviewer really cares about is your overall performance, not just appearance. Such an approach results in a more valued and successful employee and one who is likely to make more money for the company.
The key elements of competiveness in your life are your ability, your balance and harmony and how you treat others. As the old saying goes, all that glitters is not gold. So there is no need to take risks with your life and spend money on unnecessary plastic surgery.

This is a hot topic of an oral competition , if you want to have model article . Please contact james, cherish , louis or june . And do remember to give me the score .

As we all know that, nowadays people are paying more and more attention to the environment surrounding us. For due to the rapid development of the modern world, people have been damaging our live planet for centuries. Many forests have been chopped down, in order to find more needed resource and space for their ever increasing population to live. Earth is getting less and less green. A lot of animals' natural habitat had been destroyed. Many have already extinct and many others are now under serious threat. They might extinct too if steps are not taken to save them. Also, modern industries are polluting the air and the water with their discharges. Soon our world will not be quite so blue, and later still might become like all other lifeless ones in the universe. And even human will be extinct together with all of the other animals.
Then what steps are urgently needed to be taken? Who should be taking part in saving our precious living world? Of course governments are the most effective force in doing so and the most responsible to save our environment. In order to find a solution for the cure, we must first need to know what causes it and how it all started. Just I like mentioned above, greedy developers and enterprises were not regulated well in the old days. They exploited the land for more riches and profits without paying any attention to their damages, then damages after damages, which culminated to now a near disaster situation in some cases. Most notable serious consequence is the creation of greenhouse effects, which is damaging to the Ozone, tipping the balance of the Earth’s natural ecosystems.
To reverse the situation after centuries of damages would be a really tall order for every government in this world. On top of that, some of the less developed countries either fail to recognise the importance of the issue or simply cannot afford to do anything about it (In fact most of these countries are turning a blind eye on the issue) and carry on doing their damages. Therefore this would be such a hard nut to crack and a gigantic task facing the rest of the world’s governments. In truth, some of their small successful actions are in vain, because they are being cancelled out by the opposite acts of the underdeveloped countries. But most of the developed countries are not taking environmental issues very serious now. New laws and regulations have been in force and actions are taken to help preventing our fragile world from further damages.
How about insignificant ordinary individuals like you and me then? Should you think we better leave the job to the government? Well, you can't be more wrong, although the effectiveness from just one of us is extremely limited, but if all of us act together than we are more powerful than any organisation or any government. Besides, a lot government's environment protection acts and procedure requires every individual's co-ordination in order to stand any chance of success. Therefore individuals are actually the ones to carry out all environmental rescue jobs. The most important part which we cannot afford to lose in fighting to keep our world healthy is us——ourselves! Now, with such an important mission on our shoulders, what should we do or where do we start?
To complete a job big or small, we start with small portion of the job. So to carry out our job to save the environment we must think small. Things like doing things thinking of consume less energy:
1. Don't take your car going to next door: The “next door” here we refer to the neighbourhood—— places within the walking distant, such as walk or cycle to your nearby shop instead of driving. Walk or cycle to visit your parents or your children living close by. Walk or cycle to work if places you work are not too far away.
2. Energy savings: make an arrangement with your colleagues who live near to you by going to work using one car. When travel long distance within the country by coaches or trains instead of flying.
3. Energy savings at home: turn off TV when no one is watching it. Switch off light(s) when a room is empty. Use energy saving light bulbs. Take showers instead of bath.
4. Family green awareness: teach your children or family to follow you and do the same thing, otherwise your effort will be in vain, a waste, and would be cancelled out by the opposite acts of your family. Only everyone in the family are doing it at the same time will be effective.
So here is the conclusion of our going green options, which include energy efficiency, alternative transportation, renewable energy, resource reduction, food, and other consumer choices, both singular and on-going, presented in effective, yet uncomplicated ways. Once everyone follows the steps then a lot of energy will be saved. When there are less energy demands so there is no need to produce excessive energy, which leads to less resource requirement and the environment will be less damaged from less resource productions. Finally, our world will be a better place for everyone to live.
To save our world is everyone’s job. For the sake of our health, for this living world’s health and give a chance to our future generations please do your part in the fight to save our precious world. Be kind to yourself, your family and the whole world. Think green. Think energy savings!!
Thank you everyone for listening.



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