
作者&投稿:乐毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、 将你听到的单词序号填入题前的括号内10分
( )1 A speak B spread C read
( )2 A end B send C sand
( )3 A off B of C over
( )4 A place B space C croos
( )5 A your B yours C yes
二、 选出你听到的句子,将序号填在题前的括号内10分
( )1 A I can see twenty-one pens.
B I can see twenty-five pencils.
C I can see thirty-four pencils.
( )2 A Please count the books on the desk.
B Please count the books on the chair.
C Please take the books to the classroom.
( )3 A How many are there? Twenty-six.
B How many are there? Thirty-seven.
C How many can you see? I can see forty-two.
( )4 A Turn right,you can see it on the left.
B Turn right,you can see it at the end.
C Turn left,you can see it on the right.
( )5 A My husband is twice thirty.
B My husband is twice thirty-two.
C My father is seventy.
一、 请你按正确的格式抄写下列单词或句子11分
office Friday question breakfast Mars

How can I get there ?

二、 请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词5分
( )1 A b[u]oo[/u]k B g[u]oo[/u]d C c[u]oo[/u]l
( )2 A sp[u]ea[/u]k B br[u]ea[/u]kfast C spr[u]ea[/u]d
( )3 A doct[u]or[/u] B h[u]or[/u]se C f[u]or[/u]
( )4 A s[u]a[/u]me B b[u]a[/u]ke C h[u]a[/u]ve
( )5 A b[u]i[/u]ke B k[u]i[/u]te C g[u]i[/u]ve
三、 请你按要求写单词12分
they(名词性形式)_________ have(单三式)_________
child(复数形式)__________ two(同音词)__________
carry(现在分词)__________ right(反义词)_________
四、 请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分
( )1 How can I get there ?
( )2 Yes,there is.
( )3 Is there a shop near here ?
( )4 Excuse me.
( )5 You can see it on the right.
( )6 Go down this street , turn right.
五、 选择填空20分
( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box ?
A an B any C a D the
( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom.
A woman B womans C women D womens
( )3 Whose bird are these ? _______ are yours.
A They B Their C Those D Theirs
( )4 May I take a message _____ you ?
A to B for C from D of
( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars.
A a B an C the D ×
( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass.
A is B am C are D isn’t
( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end.
A on B in C under D at
( )8 Is this dog ___ ? Yes , it’s ____.
A your , my B yours , mine
C yours , my D your , mine
( )9 ______ I borrow your pen ?
A May B Must C Does D Am
( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now.
A mustn’t B may C can D must
1 You must cross the street .(否定句)

2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句)

3 They are [u]my[/u] desks.(对划线部分提问)

4 There are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问)

5 My name is [u]Mary.[/u](对划线部分提问)

七、 阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)10分
There is a park near our school . We can see many trees and flowers there . We can see a hill behind the park , too . At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park . Some are walking and singing . Some are dancing or playing games . Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . Their father and mother are sitting under the tree . All the family are having a good time.
( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park .
( )2 There is a hill in the park .
( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite .
( )4 Some children are singing .
( )5 All the family are very happy .

一、 听一听,选一选。选出你所听到的单词。(把序号填在括号里)10分
( )1、A、 woman B. women C. man
( )2、A、 tell B. told C. take
( )3、A、 singer B.dancer C. actor
( )4、A、 egg B.sandwich C. actor
( )5、A、 chair B.Chinese C. China
二、 写出下列单词的过去。(16分)
1、eat →( ) 2. make →( ) 3.tell →( ) 4.wear →( ) 5. ride →( ) 6.drine →( ) 7.give →( ) 8.learn →( )
( )1、A、 woman B. children C. man D . actor
( )2、A、 bed B. room C. pen D . window
( )3、A、 after B. before C. in D . ready
( )4、A、 grandchildren B. grandmother C. lady D . parent
( )5、A、 television B. radio C. telephone D . taxi
四、 把单词补充完整。(20分)
1. w__ __k (星期) 2.u__e (使用) 3.to__d (讲,告诉) 4.st__d__ (学习) 5.r__ __dy (准备好的) 6.ph__t__ (照片) 7.l__f__ (生活) 8.ha__d(努力地)9.e__ __( 鸡蛋) 10.a__o(以前)
五、 读一读,选一选。(12分)
1. We are going to the airport ______ 6:00 .
A、 in B. at C. on
2. I am going to ______ him .
A、meat B. meet C. think
3._____________ ? __ I am find .
A、How is she ? B. How are you ? C. Where are you ?
4.I am going to the park _______ two days .
A、at B. in C. on es
5.she _____ a teacher .
A、am B. is C. are 6.Let,s_____ to the library .
A、go B. to go C. goes
1.America 信息

2.library 建筑物
3.hamburger 美国
4.building 汉堡
5.message 图书馆
1.当别人帮了我们很大的忙时,我们应说:( )
A.Les,s have a big dinner at my home .
B. Thank you very much .
2.当你向别人借钢笔时,比较礼貌的说法是: ( )
A.Can I have your pen , please ? B.Do you have a pen ? I want to use it .
3.当你建议对方买风筝时,应说: ( )
A. You can buy a kite for him .
B. Why don,t buy a kite ?
Hello , I,m Tom . I,m 12 years old . I,am from the USA 。I have a twin brother . He is Tim . He like sports very much .He is not happy today . Because his leg hurts .He can,t have P.E .class .He can,t has play football with his classmates . Foot-ball is favorite sport .He has to stay in the classroom . The doctor said he can have the P.E .class . next week .
( ) 1. Tom and Tim are ________ years old .
A、12 B. 13 C. 14 ( )
2. Tim is an___________ boy .
A、Chinese B. American C. English
( )3. Tim is_________ today .
A、happy B.unhappy C. tired
( )4. Tim,s favorite sport is________________ .
A、football B.ping-pong C. jump
( )5. Tim can have P.E .class ________________
. A、this week B.next week C. tomorry









) 1.yellow

) 2.bag

) 3.mouth

) 4.school

) 5.ruler

) 6.finger

) 7.pencil

) 8.eye

) 9.purple

) 10.eraser



)1. A. epn
B. pen
C. nep
)2. A. face
B. afce
C. fece
)3. A. inpk
B. pink
C. pnik
)4. A. yellow B. yollew C.yellew
)5. A. ereser B. eraser C.erasar


) 1. Goodafternoon. A. Good morning!
) 2. What’s your name?

B. I’m Mike.
) 3. Hello!
C. Fine, thank you.
) 4. Goodbye!

D. Great!
) 5. Let’s go to

E. Nice to meet you, too.
) 6. Good morning!
F. My name’s John.
) 7. How are you?
G. See you!
) 8. Nice to meet you.
H. Good afternoon.
) 9. Let’s paint!
I. Hi!
)10.Who are you?
J. OK!



A. Who are you?
B. How are you?
C. Here you are.


A. Me too.
B. Nice to meet you.
C. Good afternoon.

)3、John说:“I like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

A. Great!
B. My name’s Bai Ling.
C. Me too.


A.Clap your hands.
B. Clap my hands.
C. Snap your fingers.


Sit down.
B. Good morning.
C. Stand up.


)1、Touch the ground.A.交*你的脚。

)2、I like blue.

)3、Cross your legs. C.摸地板。

)4、Look at me.

)5、Let’s talk.


A. red
B. yellow
C. blue
E. purple
F. orange
H. green
I. brown
J. pink

1、A + D = (

2、A + (
)= E
) + B = F

)+ (
)= H
5、A + G = (


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越追赖氨: PEP五年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) have english class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(...

莱芜市19771974159: 急寻外研版小学英语三年级起点的教案,从三年级到六年级 -
越追赖氨: PEP英语三年级(上册)三会单词 Unit 1 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 Unit 2 head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手...

莱芜市19771974159: 新外研版英语五年级下册需要掌握多少个单词 -
越追赖氨: 10个. 最好的;最好地;最 best 组;群 group 一半;半数 half 晚于;过(时间)过去的 past 一刻钟;四分之一 quarter 家庭作业 homework 做作业 do(one's)homework 跑;奔 run 打扫;弄干净;干净的 clean 行走;步行 walk

莱芜市19771974159: 急求外研社小学英语教材(三起),2013年版的电子课本,谢谢 -
越追赖氨: 外研社小学英语教材(三起),2013年版的电子课本: 外研社小学英语电子课本或者电子书(三年级起点) https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dF7q5ot 密码: mxdg 福建省专用和普通版本的有区别吗?答:没有任何区别.如果说实在有区别,就是在封面上有福建专用字样.

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越追赖氨: 外研版2013年义务教育教科书英语三年级起点五年级上册录音 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hrwiWg0 密码: 7km5

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越追赖氨: 2009-2010学年度第一学期综合练习卷(二) 一、 中译英(20%) 吃 看出 唱 演奏 修理 书 湖 商店 宠物 男人 和 什么 有趣的 树 公共汽车 困难的 生病的 全部的 湿的 狗 二、 英译中(20%) lovely these her late sad listen train nurse he now do ...

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越追赖氨: http://www.jiaoku.com/soft/List.aspx?ClassID=156&Left=117 全在这里

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