
作者&投稿:夙狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

感觉你给的信息不太完整,格林打电话给谁(范文仲假定为A), 谁接的电话 To A, This morning,your colleague Green from London Company called you at 9:50am. Hesaid that he couldn't meet you today, because he didn't buy the ticket to catch the train.He will arrive on Beijing by air on the morning the day after tomorrow and meet you in his office. Your B

Texas A&M Galveston professor Irwin Horwitzwould like to fail his entire class -- close to threedozen students in total -- but the school is blockinghim from doing so.

Horwitz announced in emails last week to universityadministrators at the Galveston campus and to hisstrategic management class that he would no longerteach the course and would fail the entire classbecause "None of you ... deserve to pass, or graduate to become an Aggie," according toInside Higher Ed.

The professor said the class was being so disruptive that he couldn't last teaching the coursefor the rest of the semester, and now a department head will take over.

Horwitz told KPRC the class was so bad he needed security guards in the room.

"Since teaching this course, I have caught and seen cheating, been told to 'chill out,' 'get out ofmy space,' 'go back and teach,' [been] called a 'fucking moron' to my face, [had] one studentcheat by signing in for another, one student not showing up but claiming they did, listened tomany hurtful and untrue rumors about myself and others, been caught between fights betweenstudents," Horwitz wrote in an email to students, published by Inside Higher Ed.

Texas A&M Vice President of Academic Affairs Patrick Louchouarn told KPRC none of thestudents have failed the class though, because the "only reason a student would fail because heor she has not performed the expectations for that particular class." The university will,however, investigate Horwitz' allegations about student misbehavior.

"I have nothing left," Horwitz told the Houston Chronicle, blaming the school for not enforcingthe university's honor code against his allegedly unruly students. "I put my neck on the linefor what I thought was the right thing to do."

Dear mom,
I will get home late. I will play football with my classmates. i will be back at 6:00. you aren't at home ,you i leave a message to you.
Xiao Ming
June 12th

June 16th, 2012
Dear mom,
I am home now, but you are not in. I am going to play soccer with my classmates. And I will come back with Xiao Ming. We will be home at about 6:00 P.M. Please don't worry about me.

Xiao Ming

Dear mom,
I will go to play football with my classmates after sxhool.And i am going to return home around six o'clock.Don't worry about me.
love yours

律师说:“一个诚实的人和一个律师长眠于此。”石匠说:“对不起,本州法律禁止双人合墓,我们可以改为‘一位诚实的律师长眠于此。”“但是,谁知道这是谁呢?”律师说。“没关系,”石匠说,“当人们念到这句碑铭的时候,一定会异口同声地叫喊:‘这可奇怪了!!”四、休想付款 一个律师的妻子得了急病,在诊治前爱...

小丈夫擦了一把脸上的雨水:“不就是两个碗没洗吗,至于吗……” 一道明亮的闪电闪过,紧接着是一个巨大的雷声响起。 小丈夫恐惧地看了看天,声音有些颤抖:“老婆,我不是为我自己,是为了你啊,——要是我有个三长两短,以后谁给你洗衣服洗碗啊?” 二楼的一扇窗子打开,一个男人探出头,向小丈夫:“老兄,我...


本人原创剧---《音乐剧展演》第一幕 两小女孩登场,手牵手 B女孩;啊,你看,那边有本书。(他们对视一眼,走了过去)A;音乐剧展演!!(往后看了看),一定是某个人丢的吧。B抢过书,打开,:灰姑娘,那不就是我以前最喜欢的故事嘛。B灰姑娘原本是一个幸福的女孩,但是,自从她的母亲去世后...

The Ass and the Grasshopper 驴子与蚱蜢 AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew." The Ass resolved...

求一个英文短句或词组 开头依次是S,X,Q。寓意要美好急!!!求大神!!
Smile like Xmas everyday, Quality life in future!



急急急,求一个催人泪下的故事,3分钟的,语文课上说的,最好真的催人泪下,哭过的,100金币 做好要哭过的... 做好要哭过的 展开 6个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了? naonaofz 2011-10-13 · TA获得超过6135个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:266 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:177万 我...

小郭:真是的,人家就休息了那么一小会儿嘛! 小郭走至桌边,见大嘴正用电脑,好奇过去(张望状)。 小郭:咦?大嘴,你在玩什么啊? 大嘴:武林外传。 小郭:我往外转?(转出去) 大嘴:你啥听力啊?给我急的一脑门子汗!是武—林—外—传! 小郭(委屈地):往外转就往外转呗!吼什么吼嘛!(走开) 第三场:中午...

庆云县19256533800: 求几篇英语短篇作文 -
左丘禄抗骨: 1.In fact, Chinese is in itself an international language Think about the Chinese population Chinese think about the distribution of It can be said that It was there where Chinese people Such language is not an international language right Of course, ...

庆云县19256533800: 求一篇英语作文 急急急!!!! -
左丘禄抗骨: Jinhua in Zhejiang Province is located in the central and western regions.金华位于浙江中西部地区 North-South span of 129 kilometers, 151 kilometers east-west span, the land area of 10,918 square kilometers南北跨度129公里,东西跨度151公...

庆云县19256533800: 急求英语小短文
左丘禄抗骨: Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins." The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After ...

庆云县19256533800: 求英语作文,短一点的,12篇 -
左丘禄抗骨:[答案] You know that I want to do a thing is what? I told you to fly! I want to fly to Taiwan and little friends hug. I want to fly to Grandpa ... 我的卧室 我的卧室很整洁漂亮. 卧室里摆放着一个大大的书柜和一个个高高的衣柜,还有一张床.我把看过的书整齐地放在书...

庆云县19256533800: 急急急啊 跪求一英语作文
左丘禄抗骨: I have a classmate. His name is Xiao Wang. He likes studying. And he likes helping classmates. He often helps me with my English. He also likes playing football. He is the team leader of the school football team. He is very kind to old people because he often helps them to do housework. What a good boy he is!

庆云县19256533800: 急急急求英语作文,急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 -
左丘禄抗骨: picture 1 shows a woman followed by her dog, maybe she is rich, but she didn't realise the importance of public feeling.In picture 2 , a college student was climbing over the fence. so I think ,we should not only improve our living conditions and studying results but also improve our quality.

庆云县19256533800: 求一篇英语作文!急~!!!!!! -
左丘禄抗骨: My Favorite Newspaper 21st Century is my favorite newspaper. It is an English language newspaper which is published in Beijing each week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, the World Today, Language Class, Sports ...

庆云县19256533800: 急求一篇英语小短文!
左丘禄抗骨: My family I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Zhang Ming. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What's my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you're right! My mother is very kind ...

庆云县19256533800: 急需一篇英语短文!急急急!
左丘禄抗骨: Dear Tom, Bati here. Long time no Mail.What's new? The spring is coming in England.How nice it is!I like it very much! Last month, Yi ruo and Lifei , Jim have come to Cambridge University and we enjoy together. I have 16 classes every week, ...

庆云县19256533800: 求一篇英语作文 急急急
左丘禄抗骨: 校园文化入侵 Nowadays, there is no doubt that campus is a melted pot of different kinds of culture. In the campus, you can see the English Corner, hip-pop and so on. Everyone have common sense will be wonder that how does the English Corner ...

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