
作者&投稿:称娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

问题哪里有人教版小学英语3-6年级的录音,我要下载到MP4上听的,复习用 去书店问问吧!我的就是在书店买的,但是很贵啊~ 书店可以



一、 选择你听到的单词,把序号填在括号内。(5分)

( )1.A.moon B. soon C. noon D. spoon

( )2.A.tall B. tell C. till D. tool

( ) 3. A. hers B. hear C. hair D. her

( ) 4.A.letter B.late C. litter D. later

( )5.A. fall B.phoning C. phone D. fell

二、 选择你听到的句子,把序号填写在括号内。(5分)

( )1.A.I go home at 5:00in the morning .

B.I go home at 5:00 in the evening .

( )2.A .Winter is too cold for me .

B.Summer is too hot for me .

( )3.A.My birthday is on June 13 th .

B. My birthday is on June 30th .

( )4.A.He’s writing an e_mail to Tom .

B.He’s sending an e_mail to Tom .

( )5.A.The tiger are running and eating .

B.The tiger are eating and running .


( )1.A.I play sports and do my homework on the weekend .

B.I like sports .

( )2.A.My birthday is on September 24th.

B.Your birthday is on September 24th .

( )3.A.I think spring is very beautiful .

B.My favourite season is spring .

( )4.A.The kangaroo is playing happily .

B.The kangaroo is big and old .

( )5.A.I like to go fishing on the weekend .

B.I want to go fishing on the weekend .

四.Listen and choose the right questions:

( ) 1 A .Why do you like spring ?

B .Why do you like fall ?

C . Why do you like winter ?

( ) 2 .A .Is her birthday in June ?

B .What’s the date ?

C .When is the date ?

( ) 3 .A .What’s it doing ?

B .What’s she doing ?

C .What’s he doing ?

五.Listen and number :

( ) Because I can plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

( ) Spring .

( ) What’s your favourite season ,Sarah ?

( ) Why do you like winter ?

( ) Winter .

( ) Because I can skate .

( ) Why do you like spring ?

六.Listen and match :


1 .When do you get up ? Spring .

2 .What’s the panda doing ? I get up at 6:40 .

3 .Which season do you like best ? It’s sleeping .

4 .Why do you like winter ? He’s cleaning the room .

5 .What’s he doing ? Because Ican make a snowmen.



( )1.A fly B jump C walk D climber

( )2.A cat B monkey C zoo D panda

( )3.A head B nose C ear D mom

( )4.A march B spring C summer D winter

( )5.A tofu B cabbage C trunk D eggplant

( )6.A cool B cold C skate D hot

( )7.A season B summer C fall D winter

( )8.A cloud B snow C rain D spring

( )9.A always B swim C skate D sleep

( )10.A evening B work C noon D morning

二、 从方框中选择适当的词填空(5分)

What why which who where when

1.________ do you get up? At 6:00

2.________is zip’s favorite season?

3.________is your art teacher?

4.________are you from? I’m from china.

5.________do you like winter? Because Ican skate.


( )1.what are the elephants doing ?________ drinking

A. we’re B. They’re C .It’s

( )2.Can tigers swim?--- ________.

A. Yes , they can’t . B. No,they can’t.

C. No, they can .

( )3.Can I speak to your mom,Please? ________ ________

A .Sure. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome.

( )4.What is your father doing? _____walking.

A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s

( )5.--What’s he like !----_____________

A. He likes tea . B. He is short. C. Mr Carter.


1.see I elephants two(.)

2.What park big a nature(!)


3.you is for a there call(.)


4.an in study the writing e-mail he’s(.)


5.in evening eat dinner I 7:00 the at(.)



eg: sleep sleeping

swim __________ play the piano ____________________

run __________ write a letter __________

take picture __________ skate __________


( )1. 当对方在电话时Hello, 你应该这样回答:_____________。

A. Hello, I’m Nina. B. Hello, this is Nina.

( )2. 当对方问你:“what do you do?”你应该回答:_________。

A. I’m working. B. I’m a worker.

( )3. 当你问别人“你正在干什么?”,应该说:_____________。

A. What is he doing? B. What are you doing?

( )4. 当你问别人“你喜欢的季节是什么?”应该说:_______。

A. What’s your like season? B. What’s your favourite season?

( )5. 当别人问你“What’s the dog doing?”,你应该回答:_____。

A. He’s play football. B. He’s playing football.


1. often, 8:00, English, class, at, we, have (连词成句)


2. best, do, season, which, like, you (连词成句)


3. Is he playing chess?(写出肯定回答)


4. They are reading. (变为一般疑问句)


5.Are you eating lunch?(写出肯定回答形式)。


八、 阅读理解(共10分)


I love summer! In summer, the weather is usually very hot, and I can swim in the river.,

Spring is beautiful, I like to plant flowers in the garden. It’s so nice to watch the flowers grow.

In autumn, I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn fall?

It usually snows in winter here. When it snows, I like to make a snowman.

I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do.

( ) 1. The weather is warm in summer.

( ) 2. I like to plant flowers in the park.

( ) 3. I like to watch the leaves fall in summer.

( ) 4. I don’t like snow in winter.

( ) 5. I like spring.


I like my village .There are many mountains near my village.There is a river in front of my village.The village is very beautiful in spring. The mountains come green. There are many trees and flowers.The flowers are colourful .There are many ducks in the clean river. Many fish swim happyily in the river. But I like summer. it’s not hot .It’s very cool .Do you like my village? Welcome to my village.

1.Is there a river in the village?


2.Are there many fish in the river?


3.Which season does she like best?


4.Which season is beautiful?


5.Do you like the village?



一.Listen and tick:

1. January 2. play the piano 3. skate

4 . drinking water

二. Listen and choose the right questions :

1 .Summer is good ,but fall is my favourite season .

2. It’s March 12th .

3. Tom is running .

三. Listen and number :

A : What’s your favourite season , Sarah ?

B : Spring .

A : Why do you like spring ?

B : Because Ican plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

A : Winter .

B : Why do you like winter ?

A : Because I can skate .

四.Listen and match:

1.When do you get up ?I get up at 6:40 .

2. What’s the panda doing ? It’s sleeping .

3. Which season do you like best ? Spring .

4 . Why do you like winter ? Because I can make a snowmen.

5 . What’s he doing ? He’s cleaning the room .


Listening part 听力部分(40分)

一、 Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的答案。(5分)

( )1. --- Which season do you like best?
--- .
A.spring B. winter C. summer
( )2. When do you ____?
A. get up B. eat breakfast C. eat dinner
( )3. I like winter. Because I can .
A. make a snow man B. play sports C. have a picnic
( )4. --- What's the date?
--- It's____.
A. February 29th B. August 19th C. July 9th
( )5. He is an e-mail in the study.
A. reading B. writing C. playing

二、 Listen and choose. 听音选图。(5分)

三、 Listen and choose the right answers. 听句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)

( )1. A.Yes, I get up. B. I go to bed at 9:30. C.I get up at 6:00.
( )2. A.I like swimming. B. I like spring best. C.I am reading.
( )3. A.It's Sunday. B. It's June the 4th. C.It's my birthday.
( )4. A.I'm writing. B.I can skate. C.I often go shopping.
( )5. A.It's swinging. B.He is climbing. C.They're flighting.

四、Listen and write down the missing words. 听录音,写出所缺单词。(10分)

1. --- Do you like winter, Mike?
--- Well, winter is good, but _____is my favourite senson.
2. --- Hello.
--- Hello. This is Mike. Can I speak to John, please?
--- Hold on, please. He is __________.
3. --- Can you see any monkeys?
--- Yes. Look, They are __________.
4. --- When is your birthday?
--- It's _____1st .Children's Day.
5. --- When do you ______?
--- At 9:30 in the evening.

Writing Part 笔试部分(60分)

一、Look at the pictures, then write down the missing words or phrases. 看图,写出相应的单词或短语。(10分)

二、Choose the right answers. 选择填空。(5分)

1.What do you do ____the weekend?
A.on B. in C.at
2._____season do you like best?
A.Which B.What C.How
3.Kate ____ playing chess.
A.am B.is C.are
4.Can I speak ___John?
A.for B to C.on
5.--- ___ they taking a picture?
--- Yes, they are.
A.Am B.Is C.Are

三、Read and match. 将问题与相应的答案连起来。(5分)

1. What are you doing? A. Yes, they are.
2. Is her birthday in June? B. It's may the 5th.
3. What's the date? C. I'm answering the phone.
4. What do you do on the weekend? D. Yes, it is.
5. Are they doing an experiment? E. I often going hiking.

四、Rearrange the words. 根据提供的标点符号,把单词组合成完整的句子。(10分)

1. they, cathing butterflies, are(?)

2. when, get, do, up, you(?)

3. play sports, I, at, 3:00, usually(.)

4. do, why, winter, you, like(?)

5. mountains, I, sometimetimes, climb(.)

五、Fill in the blanks with the following words. 用所给的词语或短语填空。(8分)

John: What you see?
Mike: I see two .
John: What are they ?
Mike: They water.
John: Can you see the ?
Mike: Yes, it .

六、Put the following sentences in order. 把下列句子按顺序排列,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(6分)

( ) A.He is in the woods.
( ) B.Where is Zhang Peng?
( ) C. Yes, he is. They are play toghter.
( ) D. Is he taking picture?
( ) E. No, he isn't. He is playing chess.
( ) F. Is John playing chess, too?

七、Read and answer the questions. 阅读短文,然后回答问题。(6分)

My name is Tim. I'm eleven years old. My birthday is October 2nd. It's in golden fall. The weather is cool and sunny. It's my favourite season. My father's birthday is in October, too. Can you imagine (想到)it's on the same(同一) day! We can enjoy ourselves on that day together! Usually we go hiking or fly kites. Sometimes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day!

1. When is Tim's birthday? What's the date?

2. What do Tim and his father do on their birthdays?

3. Which season does Tim like best?


八、Look and write. 看图写话。(10分)

Look at the picture. There are many children in the park. Mike is picking up apples.

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