1.How legs cat's long the are ? 2.square 600 school meters O ur is .

作者&投稿:宰父削 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
we have long legs 画线部分long legs | the cat has big eyes 划线部分 big eyes 对画线部分提问~

What do you have ?
What does the cat have ?



1. How long are the cat's legs?猫的腿有多长?
2. Our school is 600 square meters.我们学校600平方米。
3. John failed his Chinese test.约翰汉语考试没过。
4. You should see the doctor now.你应该现在去看医生。

how long are the cat`s legs
our school is 600 square meters
john failed his chinese test
you should see the doctor now

How long the cat's legs are?

四子王旗18280018502: 1.what a shy cat 2.what a shy cat it is 3. how a shy cat it is 4.how shy the cat is -
禾发希尔: what a shy cat = what a shy cat it is(因为it is 可以省略) how a shy cat it is 是错误的(how 开头的感叹句后面不用it is,所有正确的应该是how shy the cat is

四子王旗18280018502: 求用C++解决 定义一个cat类,拥有数据成员weight(重量)和静态数据成员howmanycats(记录cat的个体数目) -
禾发希尔: #include<iostream.h>class cat{ private:float weight;static unsigned int howmanycats;public:cat(float,unsigned int);~cat();void print(); }; cat::cat(float w,unsigned int nums) {weight=w;howmanycats=nums; } cat::~cat() {weight=0.0;...

四子王旗18280018502: 判断对错并改正:1 What a pretty cat it is! 2 What a clean dress is it! 3 How clean the dress is! -
禾发希尔: 第二句是错误的,应该是: What a clean dress it is! How + 形容词 (+ 主谓)!What + a/an +形容词 + 名词单数 (+ 主谓)!What + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词( + 主谓)!希望能帮助到你,祝学习愉快!

四子王旗18280018502: 定义一个Cat类,拥有静态数据成员边变量HowManyCats,记录Cat的个体数目;静态成员函数GetHowMany(),存取HowManyCats.设计程序测试这个类,体会静态数据成员 -
禾发希尔: public class Cat{ private static int HOWMANYCATS=20; public int getHowMany(){ return HOWMANYCATS; } } public class Test(){ public static void main(String[] args){ Cat cat=new Cat(); System.out.println(cat.getHowMany()); } }

四子王旗18280018502: 编写一个程序:声明一个类Cat,拥有静态数据成员HowManyCats,用以记录Cat的个体数目,拥有静态成员函数GetHowMany(),用以存取HowManyCats.设计程序并测试这个类. -
禾发希尔: 最简单的源程序如下: #include "iostream.h" class cat { static int HowManyCats; public: cat(){}; cat(int x){HowManyCats=x;} static void GetHowMany(int x) {HowManyCats=x;} static int GetHowMany() {return HowManyCats;} }; int cat::HowManyCats=0; void main() { cat cat1; cout<<

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四子王旗18280018502: 英语中怎么改感叹句啊?! -
禾发希尔: What a nice cat. How nice the cat is.(看看名词和be动词的位置)

四子王旗18280018502: 将以下句子转换成同义句..急用...将以下句子转换成同义句:1.How cute the little cat is!2.I'd like a bootle of glue.3.It's November the nineteenth.4.Helen is good ... -
禾发希尔:[答案] The little cat is very cute I want a bootle of glue Today is November the nineteenth Helen does well in Computer Stuidies

四子王旗18280018502: 友元函数的设计 -
禾发希尔: 1、分别用成员函数和友元函数来求圆的面积和周长. #include <iostream>using namespace std;class Circle{public: Circle(double r=0):radius(r){} double Area(){ return 3.14 * radius * radius; } friend double Perimeter(const Circle &c);private: double ...

四子王旗18280018502: 连词成句. 1.are Mike is these apples 2.table four the legs has 3.horses many you how do have 4.your on put jumper
禾发希尔: 1. Are these apples Mike's? 2. the talbe has four legs. 3. How many morses do you have? 4. Put on your jumper.更正: 2. The table has four legs. 3. How many horses do you have?

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