
作者&投稿:澹服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



36:I said:"there is not any trouble,I am waiting for my change."
37:They said:"we won't go by air only because we haven't enough money."
38:The driver said:"I didn't see the signal,so I didn't stopped."
39:My brother told me:"I am surely to be able to master English."
40:He said:"I didn't quite understand that sentence.Can you translate it into Chinese?"
41:His father told mike:"Orght to work ever harder."
42:He told his assistants:"I won't give up the experiment."



36.I said," there is not any trouble, and I am waiting for my change."
37.They said, " they won't go by air only because they have not enough money."
38.The driver said," he have not see the signal, so he have not stop."
39.My brother told," he is surely to be able to master English. "
40.He said," he have not quite understand that sentence, and asked me if I could translate it into Chinese. "

41.His father told Mike," he ought to work even harder."
42.He told his assistants," he will not give up the experiment"



引用别人的话有两种方式,一种是直接引用别人原句,这叫直接引语。另一种是用自己的话来转述别人话,且不能用引号,这是间接引语。“引述句”改“转述句”的方法 1、×××说:“我……。”如:鲁迅说:“我的信如果要发表,且有发表的地方,我可以同意。”这种类型的句子,在转述时,只要把句...

1.把下面的直接引语改成间接引语。 (1)老师对小红说:“请你去帮我叫小...

一位台湾同胞说,他是中国人,他爱祖国. 改为第一人称直述的句子

1.She said,“I have to say goodbye now.”She said that she had to say goodbye then.2.“I will come to see you next Sunday.”He said to her.He told her that he would go to see her the next Sunday.3.“Tom was here a few minutes ago.”He told the policeman.He ...

2、按要求改写句子。(8分)(1)、孙雅说她叔叔是位优秀教师。(换成直接引用)___ ___(2)、看到那数不尽的枫树,谁能不向四面八方望一望呢?(用上关联词语“不管……都……”,句子意思不能变。)___(3)、墙壁上,一只虫子在艰难的往上爬,爬到一大半,忽然滚落下来。这是它又一次失败的记...

a birthday party for her mother.4.He told his mother (that) he would fly to New York next day.(也可用 the day after tomorrow)5.Mise Gao said (that) she found English interesting.陈述句引导词全部用that,可省略,然后时态向前推一个时态,再把人称和时间相应的改过来就好了!

4.把下面的句子改成反问句。(2分) 哈尔滨是丁香永久的家园。 ___ 5.读②~⑥段,按要求在文中画出下列句子。(6分) (1)用“——”画出描写丁香花形状的句子; (2)用“~~~”画出描写丁香花颜色的句子; (3)用“___”画出描写丁香花香气的句子。 6.“那花紫中带白,白中映粉,远远望...

转述句转换成直述句方法:1、要加上冒号和引号。2、说话内容涉及第三人称“他”或“她”应改为第一人称“我”;第一人称“我”应改为第二人称“你”。例如:转述句:姐姐说,他说得对,她就这样做。直述句:姐姐说:“你说得对,我就这样做。”一、直述句 直述句就是一个人直接叙述的话...

池州市19410867706: 把下列句改为直接引语1、She said that he could go there again that night,''2、They said that they liked diong sports.'' -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 保证准确! 1.She said,"He can come here again tonight." 2.They said,"We like doing sports." 如果你满意我的答案,这是对我们答题者劳动的尊重,多谢!

池州市19410867706: 把下面这句话改成直接引语如题 王小方叫小丽把书还给他 -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 王小方说:“小丽把书还给我”.

池州市19410867706: 怎么把下面的句子变成直接引语? -
管兴熊胆: 1.原句:哥哥对我说,明天他约我去打篮球.(改为直接引语) 2.改句:哥哥对我说:“你明天和我一起去打篮球,好吗?” [小提示]注意“两个变化”:一、标点符号的变化;二、人称代词的变化.只要掌握了方法,“万变不离其宗”.

池州市19410867706: 把句子改为直接引语的句子老战士焦急地看看天,又看看我,说:“我背你去.”改为直接引语句 -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 老战士焦急地看看天,又看看我,说他背我去.

池州市19410867706: 把下列句子变为直接引语 The teaher said that the children were doing well in English.Maggie asked me if I am interested in that book -
管兴熊胆:[答案] The teacher said,"The children are doing well in English." Maggie said to me,"Are you interested in this book?"

池州市19410867706: 把 下列句子 改写成 直接引语 或间接引语1.“I'm very pleased to meet you again,said Wilson to his old friend,Mary.2.The visitor told us that he did not like the ... -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 1.Wildon said to his old friend Mary that he is pleased to meet her again. 2.The visitor told us:"I doen't like the food you offered to me." 3.My class mates asked when should us go for a picnic together again. 4.Karen asked his friend John :"Have you ...

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池州市19410867706: 把下面的间接引语改成直接引语 1 爸爸在电话里告诉小明,让他记得收衣服. -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 爸爸在电话里告诉小明:“ 记得收衣服.” 如果帮到您的话,(右上角采纳)

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管兴熊胆:[答案] 36,I said,"there isn't any trouble,and I am waiting for my change "37,they said,"We will not go by air only because we havn't enough money."38.The driver said,"I didn't see the signal,so I didn't stop...

池州市19410867706: 照样子把下面的句子改为直接引用.小林请我把水彩笔借给他用一下.我说:"小林请我把水彩笔借给他用一下."好像直接引用应该是小林对我说的哦~大家帮... -
管兴熊胆:[答案] 小林说:“你把水彩笔借给我用一下.”

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