a third time和the third time的区别

作者&投稿:乔眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a third time 相当与another time,再来一次,不表示第几次.
the third time表示第三次,有顺序.
the third apple指的是你直接取走了一个排位在第三个的苹果。
a third apple指的是你在第三次行动时又取走了一个位置不清的苹果,这里包含了一个暗示:你第一次取走了一个苹果,第二次又取走了一个苹果,这三个苹果在队列里的位置都是不明的,或者说是无关紧要的(不是作者说明的重点)。
This is the third bridge over Yangze River.
A third bridge will be built over Yangze River this year.

a third time又一次the third time 第三次

一、a third time和the third time在语义上的区别:

1、a third time的意思是再一次、有一次,而the third time的意思是第三次。

二、a third time和the third time在用法上的区别:

1、a third time是在原来数字、结果基础上累积的“又一、更多的一次/个”,这个结果强调包括前几次在内。

2、the third time具体指【特定这一次/个】,不强调以前对象或内容。


a third time

读音:  英[ə θɜːd taɪm],美[ə θɜːrd taɪm]。


示例:A third time and she drew out the chestnut. 


the third time

读音: 英[ðə θɜːd taɪm],美[ðə θɜːrd taɪm]。


示例:I'll bet you, even if you're reading this for the second or the third time, you were surprised again when you came to this point.



相关短语:and the third time

and the third time


示例:And so around this time,the third,fourth,and fifth century, we get different codices,different codexes,that is books.


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析a third time和the third time的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- A third time: 指的是第三次,表示次数上的顺序或频率。

- The third time: 也指的是第三次,但更强调具体的特定次数。


- A third time: He failed the test for a third time.


- The third time: The shoplifter was caught stealing for the third time.


2. 用法区别:

- A third time: 可以用来表示重复的动作或事件,没有特定的限定。

- The third time: 更具体地指代第三次,强调特定的次数。


- A third time: I had to tell her the plan a third time because she didn't understand it the first two times.


- The third time: The car broke down the third time I tried to start it.


3. 使用环境区别:

- A third time: 更常见于口语交流和非正式场合。

- The third time: 用于口语和书面语,既可以在正式场合使用,也可以在非正式场合使用。


- A third time: Can you please explain that to me a third time? I didn't quite catch it.


- The third time: This is the third time I've reminded you to clean your room.


4. 形象区别:

- A third time: 较为普通和通俗,强调次数上的顺序或频率。

- The third time: 稍显正式和强调具体次数的特殊性。


- A third time: He had to paint the fence a third time to get the color just right.


- The third time: The criminal was caught on camera stealing from the store for the third time.


5. 影响范围区别:

- A third time: 强调动作或事件在整体中的次数,可能有更多次的发生。

- The third time: 强调特定的第三次,对于整体的动作或事件具有更具体的指代。


- A third time: She had to rewrite the report a third time before it was approved.


- The third time: The doctor asked the patient to describe the symptoms he experienced the third time.


首先我们来看下a third time和the third time的大致意思:

a third time:词性为短语,a + 序数词 + time

the third time:词性为短语,the + 序数词 + time

通过下面的表格我们了解下a third time和the third time的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下a third time和the third time的用法区别:



- I have tried a third time.


- This is the third time I've been late.




- He called me a third time.


- She wrote him the third time.




- This is a third time I've told you!


- This is the third time I've told you!




- This is the third time I've seen him.


- I don't want to try a third time.


  a first/second/third +名词:
  the first/second/third +名词:
  This is the third time you have been late for class.
  This is a third time you have been late for class.
  A third bullet whistled by,but the boy still kept watching in the tree.

“a third time”和“the third time”在语义和用法上有以下区别:
语义: “a third time”的意思是“又一次”、“再一次”,而“the third time”的意思是“第三次”。
用法: 在具体的语境中,可以根据需要使用“a third time”或“the third time”。一般来说,“a third time”强调的是在原来的数字、结果基础上累积的“又一次”、“再一次”,这个结果强调包括前几次在内。例如,“This is the third time I have used your product. It has always been dependable.”(这是我第三次使用你的产品。它一直很可靠。)在这个句子中,“the third time”强调这是某人第三次使用该产品,强调前两次使用的基础。
而“the third time”则更侧重于指代一个特定的事件或情况,不强调前几次的具体内容。例如,“The third time he tried to climb the mountain, he finally made it to the top.”(这是他第三次爬山,他终于到达了山顶。)在这个句子中,“the third time”指的是某人的第三次尝试,不强调前两次的内容,而强调这次是特定的一次。
总结起来,“a third time”和“the third time”在语义和用法上的区别在于前者强调在原有基础上再次发生,后者则强调特定的一次发生。

青岛市13512122811: a third time和the third time的区别 -
勤卓银翘: a third time 指再次,又一次,不表示顺序. the third time 第三次,强调顺序. 希望可以帮到你!

青岛市13512122811: a+序数词+time与the+序数词+time有什么区别?就如a third time与 the third time. -
勤卓银翘:[答案] “The+序数词+n”表示特指“第几个”;“a+序数词+n”表示泛指“又一次”.the first man第一个男人;a second man另外一个男人或又一个男人.a third time另外一次或又一次,the third time第三次.希望对您有所帮助

青岛市13512122811: a third time 指再次,又一次,不表示顺序.the third time 第三次,强调顺序.因为 a third time 指再次,又一次,不表示顺序.the third time 第三次,强调顺序.所以... -
勤卓银翘:[答案] a third time 指“再一次”,但这个“再一次”暗含是“第三次”的意思 the third time 是特指“第三次”那一次 如果表示“又一次”,可以说a+序数词+time,但是这种表达暗含了这个“又一次”是第几次,如果不强调第几次,可以说another time

青岛市13512122811: a third time / the third time有什么区别 -
勤卓银翘: a third time 相当与another time,再来一次,不表示第几次. the third time表示第三次,有顺序.

青岛市13512122811: the third time 和 a third time的区别He threw the net a third time.He threw the net the third time.有什么区别码? -
勤卓银翘:[答案] the third time 指第三次 a third time 相当于a second time指又一次,再一次,不知道是第几次.

青岛市13512122811: athirdtime与thethirdtime - Hi,Pet
勤卓银翘: 具体而言,这两者的区别如下: a first/second/third +名词: 在原来数字、结果基础上累积的【又一、更多的一次/个】,这个结果强调包括前几次在内; the first/second/...

青岛市13512122811: the third time和a third time的区别 -
勤卓银翘: the third time 第三次

青岛市13512122811: a third time与the third time区别 -
勤卓银翘: A third time 又一次 the third time 第三次

青岛市13512122811: the third time 和 a third time的区别 -
勤卓银翘: the third time 指第三次 a third time 相当于a second time指又一次,再一次,不知道是第几次.

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