如何做一名合格的大学生英语作文 要的是一篇120字的作文,不是演讲稿,

作者&投稿:长孙江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ In my opinion, a qualified college student should be one who is not only physically but also mentally healthy, who can deal with his studies successfully, who has the enthusiasm of growth, and who is ready and fully prepared to devote himself to his motherland.
Then, what should we do to become a qualified college student?
First, we should keep in good health physically and mentally. Good health is the foundation for us to perform our learning tasks and fulfil our dreams. Making a regular schedule of daily life and doing regular physical exercises can keep us fit. Be sure not to demand too much of life. Take an optimistic attitude, look on the bright side of things and face life with bravery and confidence.
Secondly, we should make study our prime task in every day life. We should observe college regulations, attend every class attentively and visit library frequently. It's of vital importance to make the most of our time at college to expand our knowledge and interest in our majors.
Thirdly, we also ought to take every opportunity to enrich our experiences broaden our view in life. We should take an active part in social work, build up our own social connections and get to know people and make friends with them.
It can't be denied that a college student should possess many other abilities and qualities, for example, being responsible, independent and creative. Therefore, as college students, we should improve ourselves all the time during our precious college years.

如何做一个合格的大学生作文如下:一、当代大学生的使命 当代大学生将是本世纪的主人,本世纪的振兴和发展的使命,自然地落到当代大学生的身上。1、我们必须把自己的命运和国家民族的命运密切联系在一起。我们要关心时事,了解当今世界发展趋势,尤其是中国所处的国际环境方面的信息。不是纸上谈兵,而是在...

1. 学业成绩:一个合格的大学生应当认真学习,努力追求知识和学术成就。他们应当在各门课程中取得良好的成绩,并不断提升自己的学术能力。2. 综合素质:大学生应当具备全面的综合素质,包括语言表达能力、人际交往能力、团队合作能力、创新思维能力等。他们应当积极参与各类社交活动,提升自己的综合素质。3. ...

1、努力学习、工作 如果是学生,就好好学习文化知识,努力提高自身各项素质,为将来在工作岗位作出一番事业而积蓄力量。2、保持身体健康 身体是革命的本钱,无论何时何地都应保持身体健康。摒弃熬夜、酗酒、抽烟等不良习惯。注意饮食平衡,充分休息,多运动,增强体质。身体好才能担当民族复兴大任,持续不断...

4.树立远大的理想,作为一个合格的大学生要有远大的理想,不能浑浑噩噩,度过生活,因此同学们追求远大理想,坚定崇高信念,是自身成才的现实需要,是国家和人民的殷切期盼。要做一个合格的大学生就要努力追求自己的理想,树立起崇高的理想信念,这对我们的成长具有重要意义 5.具有一定的社交能力,不能整...

6.就锻炼身体,做一个合格的大学生就要一个身体健康的积累,身体才是最基本的,大学生要检查锻炼身体,身体才是本金,只有有一个好身体才能做事,做什么事情都会有精神。7、就做一个阳光,向上,热血,气质少年,远离吸毒和烟品等。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 小何不太聪明 高能答主 202...

1、正确地给自己定位 当大学生刚刚踏入一个新的生活环境时,对外界还不明确,这时要正确的自我定位,明白自己的价值点,才能很好的在顺逆境中处理各种问题。 不要遇到困难就退缩,俗话说,雨后的彩虹才美!2、树立坚定的理想和信念 树立坚定的理想,并为了自己的理想而做出努力,写一个目标小清单,并一...


如何遵纪守法 做一名合格的大学ǔ
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