sb spend some time in doing sth是什么意思

作者&投稿:亓郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
非谓语句型sb.spend some time in doing什么意思~

sb.spend some time in doing sth某人花费一些时间做某事

They'll spend some time floating boats in the creek.

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简单的记住两个句型就行: It take sb. sometime to do sth. spend on /spend doing 详细解释:
Spend: spend作动词用,意思是“花费(钱、时间);度过”。常与介词on连用,短语spend…on…表示“在某事/物上花费钱或时间”。如: He spent a lot of money on books. spend…on后面通常跟名词,若为动词,要用spend, in doing sth花费财力或时间做某事。 如:I spent half an hour in copying the text. My mother spends an hour on the housework every clay.
take当“花费”讲时,常用在句型It takes sb. some time to do sth中,它表示“花费某人一段时间做某事”。句型中的it是形式主语,不定式知语to do sth是真正的主语,take的形式随时间状语而变。如: It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. It took them ten years to finish the invention.It will take her three hours to get there by bike next time. 要表达“花钱买东西”可以用lost, pay和spend;要表达“花时间做某”可以用spend和take。 如:The jacket cost him 98 yuan. He paid 98 yuan for the jacket. He spent 98 yuan on the jacket. She spends half an hour on English in the morning. It takes her half an hour to learn English in the morning.

I had to spend some time doing last-minute rewrites.我不得不花一些时间作最後的改写。

sb spend some time in doing sth

To avoid making another mistake, spend time doing some research on other majors.

Instead of dwelling on the misery of childhood and digging for childhood sexual traumaas its cause, why not spend some time doing something completely different.

故城县17082786497: 关于spend的用法当用来表示花时间的时候sb.spend some time - _ - sth.介词用in还是on?当用来表示花钱的时候sb.spend money - _ - sth.介词用in还是on? -
左丘戚福德:[答案] 都是on sth. 如果要用in 后面+doing sth.其中in 可以省略

故城县17082786497: sb spend some time doing stn的some time 后面为什么加doing -
左丘戚福德: 是固定搭配的 就像finish doing enjoy doing 都是规定要这样的还有一个用法是spend time on sth.

故城县17082786497: 有没有 sb spend some time to do sth 这个句型?那 sb spend some time doing sth -
左丘戚福德:[答案] 没有sb spend some time to do sth,有sb spend some time (in) doing sth.这个.

故城县17082786497: sb spend sometime (in) doing 与sb spend sometime on doing 的区别 -
左丘戚福德: 完整的是这样吧 sb spend sometime/some money(in)doing sth spend是花费的意思 所以连起来意思就是某人花费了某些时间(或是某些金钱)做了某事 其中in

故城县17082786497: sb spend some time in doing sth还是sb spends some time in doing sth -
左丘戚福德: 第三复数,且为一般现在时,用spend. 第一第二单复数看主语是第几人称.应该是你们老师把sb当做somebody这个单词来看待了.词组的变化取决于搭配的主语及时态. 题外话,死背词组效果是有限的. 第三人称单数,且为一般现在时,用spends.这个只是词组

故城县17082786497: it takes (sb.) some time to do sth. = sb. spend some time (in) doing sth -
左丘戚福德: 固定句型.而且in是介词要接动词ing形式.做某事花费某人都少时间.某人花费多少时间做某事.

故城县17082786497: sb spend some money on后可不可以加动词ing形式,还是只能加名词 -
左丘戚福德: 不能 sb spend some money(time) on sth sb spend some money(time) in doing sth 只有这两种

故城县17082786497: sb spend sometime in doing和sb spend sometime on sth各造两个句子,一共四个 -
左丘戚福德: I spend one hour in taking exercise every day. He spends two hours in playing with his children every weekend .I spent ten yuan on the book . She often spends most of her money on clothes .****************************************************************...

故城县17082786497: It takes sb some time to do sth与Sb spend some time in doing sth的区别 -
左丘戚福德: 个人感觉前一个强调时间是被动的被花费在某件事情说自己不愿意做的事情花费了多少时间之类的就用第一个 第二个是自己主动地、喜欢干某事. 如果说自己喜欢的某件事情花费了多少时间 然后客观的告诉别人时倾向于用第二个 别的就没有了 个人觉得啊 希望对你有所帮助.

故城县17082786497: 某人花费(时间/金钱)做某事 sb. spend 时/钱 ( )doing sth. -
左丘戚福德: sb spend sometime/somemoney in doing sthsb spend sometime/somemoney on sth

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