
作者&投稿:甫祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Social environment complex, with higher school of socialization more and more high, the school security department should be aimed at the characteristics of all kinds of fraud, in blow and further strengthen investigation dynamics at the same time, strengthen the education management and safety. On the one hand, to control society are workers into the campus, maintain public order, not the campus to swindlers an advantage; On the other hand, we should carry out special education, widely in the situation of the students was fraud be informed, enable the students to understand promptly fraud molecules trick, learn to self-protection fraud.
1: in the daily life don't covet profit
College students go out to do... and work-study programs, through the proper way, will indeed situation to clear up to each other, in society of college students to objective recruitment advertisement calmly analysis and investigation, especially to those generous treatment, allure extremely strong advertising to ask a few why, to prevent recruitment trap.
2: avoid to mind feelings instead of reason
In advocate help others, love at the same time, to really make clear each other's true identity and intention, more alert, couldn't trust his rhetoric, not by hot heads, blind compassion; Making friends, take heed, and emotional communication to sense, and the mere sentiment, constantly "follow feeling", often gullible.
3: personal and family of material to notice to keep secret
In the university in collective life, avoid and others, but interact with people to make friends to have measured, principle, in not fully understand each other, do not easily and his family's personal data in detail.
4: keep highly vigilance, and learn to fight with fraud molecules
The school shall increase security education of strength, make more college students enhance safety awareness and self-protection ability, positive with crime fighting.

  With the development and popularization of network technology, the network has become a part of people's life, work, learning indispensable, the number of Internet users in China has been ranked first in the world, the Internet brings convenience to people at the same time, also brought some problems. At present, network fraud is a practical problem that people pay great attention to, and the use of the Internet to implement network fraud is also increasing.
  For example, online shopping fraud cheated by emerge in an endless stream, the Internet phone, collective illegal operations, the recruitment website fraud, online dating fraud, credit card fraud and so on, so, what is the cause of Internet fraud incidents occur frequently?
  First, the crime method is simple, workable
  The network makes the face to face contact between people the opportunity to greatly reduce, make the fact that the fiction of the fraud is more close to the facts, concealing the truth of the facts, so that the victim is easy to be deceived.
  Two, technical problems remain, procedures loopholes, low security, fraud with an opportunity to
  Procedures for the existence of loopholes, not only have the tendency of people to provide an opportunity for fraud, not fraud may also induce some people tend to produce fraud intention, especially in the virtual world of moral environment is not very ideal.
  Three, there is no perfect management system
  For example, in the online shopping is so popular, the shopping site and other related vendors to get much benefit from today, only emphasizes the transaction process, and the responsibility to clean, once the transaction occurred, the interests of consumers will have different degree damage.
  Four, users lack the ability to identify true and false information, the blind trust the information on the Internet
  Some recruitment website is for novice, such as university graduates, this kind of people eager to apply for a job, most gullible, even involved in MLM organizations.
  Also some shopping sites, the use of consumers' desire for cheap psychology, the so-called "one dollar spike", basically fool consumers, it is bound to result in the blind payment of customers, resulting in serious losses.
  Thus, the social harm of network fraud is quite large, it on the one hand, the normal management of the network information system caused serious damage, so that people feel the news on the Internet are suspicious. On the other hand, it will also directly harm the interests of other societies, so that investors do not know what to do! For an endless stream of network fraud problem, I make a few suggestions:
  1, strengthen the legal and technical supervision.
  The harm to the public interests and the interests of the state, the illegal acts against the legitimate rights of Internet users, through technical means and legal norms, both resolutely curb the occurrence of fraud, the fraud should be punished, as a warning to future generations.
  2, accelerate the construction of real name system.
  The implementation of the network real name system can regulate the network space, maintain the order of the network, protect the rights and interests of Internet users, fight against cyber crime, and strive to create a harmonious, civilized, healthy and orderly network environment.
  3, strengthen the legal consciousness, enhance the level of awareness of Internet users.
  Internet users in the process of the Internet, to determine the authenticity of the site to accumulate experience, always remain sober minded, beware of all kinds of Internet fraud winning information, although secretive, but as long as I do not covet cheap, do not have luck, you can expose the essence of crime, from the bad. When shopping on the Internet, as far as possible to choose a large online shopping mall, in the payment, it is best to find those who support the payment platform for the seller, to avoid only through bank transfer payment.
  4, to enhance the binding force of network ethics.
  At present in the network technology more developed countries, through the combination of morality and law, the content of network ethics in the form of law and ethics, the network of people to comply with the requirements of the network specification. We should draw on the successful experience of the developed countries, clear network ethics, increase moral binding.
  In short, the network fraud related departments should increase of every hue, the network of legal norms, network moral propaganda, strengthen technical supervision, the users themselves have to be vigilant, it needs the whole society to pay attention to and solve, in socialist development today, striving to create a harmonious, healthy and civilized network environment.

Social environment complex, with higher school of socialization more and more high, the school security department should be aimed at the characteristics of all kinds of fraud, in blow and further strengthen investigation dynamics at the same time, strengthen the education management and safety. On the one hand, to control society are workers into the campus, maintain public order, not the campus to swindlers an advantage; On the other hand, we should carry out special education, widely in the situation of the students was fraud be informed, enable the students to understand promptly fraud molecules trick, learn to self-protection fraud.
1: in the daily life don't covet profit
College students go out to do... and work-study programs, through the proper way, will indeed situation to clear up to each other, in society of college students to objective recruitment advertisement calmly analysis and investigation, especially to those generous treatment, allure extremely strong advertising to ask a few why, to prevent recruitment trap.
2: avoid to mind feelings instead of reason
In advocate help others, love at the same time, to really make clear each other's true identity and intention, more alert, couldn't trust his rhetoric, not by hot heads, blind compassion; Making friends, take heed, and emotional communication to sense, and the mere sentiment, constantly "follow feeling", often gullible.
3: personal and family of material to notice to keep secret
In the university in collective life, avoid and others, but interact with people to make friends to have measured, principle, in not fully understand each other, do not easily and his family's personal data in detail.
4: keep highly vigilance, and learn to fight with fraud molecules
The school shall increase security education of strength, make more college students enhance safety awareness and self-protection ability, positive with crime fighting.

2. 以“+86”或“00”开头的中国电话:这类电话很可能是诈骗电话,骗子使用特殊方式隐藏真实号码。老年人接到这类电话时应保持警惕,避免接听。3. 以“95”开头的长号码:虽然有些人误以为这是银行客服电话,但实际上银行客服的电话号码是五位数。如果老年人接到以“95”开头且位数超过五位的电话,...

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以下是一些家庭防范电信诈骗的建议:1. 关注身边人员是否存在不寻常行为。例如,接收到来自陌生人的电话,网络聊天等;因遭遇不寻常情况心态烦躁、本就不理性的时候或在决策、支付时被佣金使唤等。2. 不要随意泄露个人信息。例如,银行卡号、身份证号码或其他敏感信息等。不应将此类信息告诉陌生人,也不应...






对于防范电信诈骗要做到“三不一要”:不轻信: 不要轻信来历不明的电话和手机短信,不管不法分子使用什么甜言蜜语、花言巧语,都不要轻易相信,要及时挂掉电话,不回复手机短信,不给不法分子进一步布设圈套的机会。不透露:巩固自己的心理防线,不要因贪小利而受不法分子或违法短信的诱惑。 无论什么...


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