
作者&投稿:詹软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When I was five years old, I was not a happy kid. At that time, I was short and had long hair. Everyday, I stayed at home and watched TV. I cried a lot so my parents were unpatient with me. But now, I am eleven years old. I grow taller. I have short hair now. I smile a lot and my friends find me easy to play with. I like watch cartoons. But I like reading books the most. Ihave changed a lot.

Now, realize that English is, began to like English and is willing to communicate in English with your classmates, often reading English articles, check English information, more and more interested in English, and progress.

  1. It was an egg. Now it is a hen.

  2. It was rainy. Now it is sunny.

  3. In summer, the tree was green, Now it is yellow.

  4. There was a building before. Now there is a park.

  5. The cat was on the chai. Now it is under the chair.




我是一个堂堂正正的人。曾经的我茕茕孑立,布衣粝食,整日里独自叹息,黯然销魂,慨叹自己空有青云高志,却始终不得实现……郁郁寡欢,肝肠寸断……始终沉寂在自己的苦悲里……看着身边那些腰缠万贯的人,耳濡目染着他们的成功事迹,我暗暗发誓,只要我一息尚存,总有一天,我一定会成功 苦不煞的...

见多识广 左顾右盼 七上八下

当语文课没人上时 500字作文 求帮忙 学霸们帮忙啊 我很急

请各位英语学习好的学霸们帮忙写一篇 “我最好的朋友”的作文,里面朋友...

求10个成语,带有动物的! 学霸学霸帮帮忙好吗?
猪卑狗险 猪突豨勇 爱礼存羊 羝羊触藩 多歧亡羊 饿虎扑羊 告朔饩羊 挂羊头,卖狗肉 虎入羊群 羚羊挂角 歧路亡羊 牵羊担酒 驱羊攻虎


回答:鲜为人知 络绎不绝 D C 其他的应该可以翻书吧。。。。

五年级题目表示我八年级不会 语文年级段我前十哼唧 【充分体现了五壮士都祖国的热爱、对抗日战争做出的无私奉献与对日本帝国主义的憎恶】你看我小学毕业都两年了还会( •̀ ω •́ )y

学霸们,帮忙填一下成语!( )谷( )登( )收( )藏
1、五谷丰登 wǔ gǔ fēng dēng 【解释】登:成熟。指年成好,粮食丰收。【出处】《六韬·龙韬·立将》:“是故风雨时节,五谷丰登,社稷安宁。”【结构】主谓式。【用法】用作褒义。多用于农业生产方面。一般作谓语、分句。【辨形】登;不能写作“灯”。【近义词】年谷顺成 【反义词】颗粒无收...

庆云县18362023422: 英语好的学霸们帮忙啊!一定要正确 -
仲孙性庆大: It was an egg. Now it is a hen.It was rainy. Now it is sunny.In summer, the tree was green, Now it is yellow.There was a building before. Now there is a park.The cat was on the chai. Now it is under the chair.保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问

庆云县18362023422: 英语学霸帮忙 -
仲孙性庆大: 1, did my homework 2, helped3, went to the library4, played football 5, watched TV

庆云县18362023422: 英语学霸们,赶紧帮帮忙吧!很急的!! -
仲孙性庆大: 1There are different kinds of shoes in this shoe shop2My favorite place in our school is library3Simon often uses pocket money to buy football cards4Large shopping...

庆云县18362023422: 急!请英语好的好心人帮一帮!等下要用,一定要准确啊!假如你是Lisa,你的好朋友 Lily邀请你下周和她一起去书店.请你根据你下周活动的日程表,给她回... -
仲孙性庆大:[答案] Dear Lily,I am very happy that you invited me to go to the book store next week .But I will be very busy .I will have class during the days from Monday to Friday.And in Monday evening I have to do my ...

庆云县18362023422: 求英语学霸们帮忙! 1.Who is good at - (play)the violin in yo -
仲孙性庆大: 1. playing2. careful3. listening to4. travelling

庆云县18362023422: 英语作文,学霸们帮帮忙啊! -
仲孙性庆大: Dear Mary,Next Sunday is my birthday. I'd like to hold a birthday part at home. Would you like to come to my birthday party? I invite you to come to my birthday warm-hartedly. If you can come to my party, please come here earlier and help me...

庆云县18362023422: 英语学霸帮帮忙啊! -
仲孙性庆大: give me some informationoutgoing asfunny make laughboth the same

庆云县18362023422: 英语学霸们赶紧帮帮忙吧!很急的!! -
仲孙性庆大: 5.D6.B2.1.We need to keep healthy.2.Bob likes eating fruits and vegetables.3.I hardly eat cakes and candies. They have many sugar, and they are not good for my teeth.4.Healthy food is important to me.望采纳

庆云县18362023422: 英语学霸们是你们帮忙的时候啦 -
仲孙性庆大: 解答如下1. They are playing in the park.2. Tom is playing football3. They are skipping the rope.4. No, she isn't, she is singing and dancing

庆云县18362023422: 1、在教室 2、一些棒球 3、给我打电话 这些用英语怎么写?英语学霸们帮帮忙 -
仲孙性庆大: in the classroom

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