I love my mother. She is always good to me.改定语从句?

作者&投稿:都软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'd like to find a friend who can play basketball with me. 我想交一个能和我打篮球的朋友。
I can not forget the day when I graduated. 我不能忘记我毕业的那天。
Most of teachers like those students who study hard. 大部分老师都喜欢勤奋好学的学生。


题1和题3,用where+从句,修饰地点先行词my hometown,the countryside,
1. This is my hometown where I spent my childhood. 这是我度过童年的家乡。
3.I love to live in the country side where the air is fresh and the people are friendly. 我喜欢住在乡村,哪里的空气清新、人们友善。

2.I love my mother who is always good to me. 我喜欢我的妈妈,她一直对我无微不至。
4.We will have a meeting in the classroom that I can't find it. 我们将会在教室开一个会议,我还没找到那个教室。

5.The scenery of Guilin is unparalleled in the world which is known to us all. 5.众所周知,桂林的风景举世无双。

1. which 是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,而后面的定语从句并不需要有主语或宾语,因此,我们可以确定用where表示地点.
2. 定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,区别就在于:如果定语从句前没有逗号,那么就是限制性定语从句;如果定语从句前有逗号,那么,就是非限制性定语从句.在非限制性定语从句中不能用that,这句话指的是人,因此,用who;My grandmother, who will be 72 this year...这句话中的who指的是前面的my grandmother; 如果前面的先行词是物,那么,用which.
example of: …的例子,…的榜样
is a good example of this ...是这方面的典范.

定语从句一般位于先行词的后面,定语从句有关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as和关系副词when, where, why等引导.关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中担任成分.
我爱的就是 那个昨天JACK在踢球时,正在睡觉的那个Luna。这句话应译为:
I love Luna who / that was sleeping when Jack played football.
who指人,在定语从句中作主语;whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语(有时,也可用who),可以省略; whose引导定语从句,通常指人,也可指事物,在从句中作定语;which引导定语从句,指事物,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语是可以省略;that引导定语从句,即可指人,也可指物,在从句中做主语或宾语,作宾语是可以省略.
eg. The many who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. (who指人,作主语)
Mrs Smith (whom) you met yesterday is a friend of mine. (whom指人,作宾语,可以省略)
This is the scientist whose name is known all over the country. (whose作定语修饰后面的name)
Guilin is a city which has a history of 2,000 years. (which指物,作主语)
There is a film (that) i'd like to see. (that指物,在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略)
She is the only one among us that knows French. (that指人,作主语)

when引导定语从句,表示时间,其先行词往往是表示时间的名词(如:time, day, hour, year等).
eg. October 1, 1949 was the day when the People's Republic of China was founded. (when表示时间)
where引导定语从句,表示地点,其先行词往往是表示地点的名词(如:place, room, house, street, area等).
eg. This is the place where my mother was born. (where表示地点)
eg. I don't know the reason why she looks unhappy today. (why 表示原因)

I love mu mother who is always good to me.


定语从句(也称关系从句、形容词性从句),是指一类由关系词(英语:relative word)引导的从句,因为这类从句的句法功能多是做定语,所以曾被称为定语从句(英语:attributive clause),这类从句除了可以做 定语之外,还可以充当状语等其他成分,所以现代语言学多使用“关系从句”这一术语。



关系从句有限制性关系从句(英语:restrictive relative clause或defining relative clause)和非限制性关系从句(英语:non-restrictive relative clause)之分。限制性关系从句起限定作用,修饰特定的名词或名词短语;而非限制性关系从句只起补充说明某种信息的作用。 例如:

The government which promises to cut taxes will be popular.(限制性关系从句,指任何一个减税的政府)

The government, which promises to cut taxes, will be popular. (非限制性关系从句,补充说明(现任的)政府的情况)

There were very few passengers who escaped without serious injury. (限制性关系从句,指逃出来的乘客大多受了伤)

There were very few passengers, who escaped without serious injury. (非限制性关系从句,指游客人数本来就很少,这些游客都逃了出来且没有受伤)

  • 限制性关系从句

  • 从语义上看,限制性关系从句主要起限定作用,修饰特定的人或事物,如果去掉限制性定语从句,整个句子表意会不完整甚至不通顺;从结构上看,限制性关系从句常紧跟先行词,并且同先行词之间一般不加逗号分隔(但不是绝对的)。 

    限制性关系从句的关系词包括:that, which, who, whom, whose, as, than等。

  • 非限制性关系从句

  • 从语义上看,非限制性关系从句主要起补充说明的作用,有时相当于一个并列分句或状语从句,可以表达原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等意义。 例如:

    Dr Lee, who had read through the instructions carefully before doing his experiments, did not obtain satisfactory results. (非限制性关系从句表示让步的意义,相当于though Dr Lee had read through the instructions...)

    非限制性定语从句的关系词包括:which, who, whom, whose, as等,另外that在非限制性关系从句中并非绝对不可使用。


    关系词包括关系代词(英语:relative pronoun)、关系副词(英语:relative adverb)和关系限定词(英语:relative determiner)。关系词的选择主要涉及以下因素:

  • 先行词是人还是事物;

  • 关系词在关系从句中的句法功能;

  • 关系从句是限制性的还是非限制性的;

  • 是口语还是书面语。

  • 关系代词的选择

  • 在英语中,常见的关系代词及其用法如下表所示: 






    He always remembered the day when(=on which) his father returned from America.

    有些词如case, condition, point等也可以看做是表示(抽象的)地点的词,因此其关系从句的关系词也可以选择where。例如:

    This is the job where you can learn something.

    that有时也可以做关系副词,相当于when, where或why,表示时间、地点或原因。有时还可以省去。例如:

    Do you still remember the day (that/when) he arrived?

  • 关系限定词的选择

  • 关系限定词在关系从句中起定语的作用,最常见的是whose(相当于of which),which间或也可以做关系限定词。例如:

    This is the building whose windows(=the windows of the building) were all painted green.

    A teacher is a person whose duty(=the duty of a teacher) is to teach.

    I called him by the wrong name, for which mistake I should apologise.


  • 名词性关系从句

  • 名词性关系从句(英语:nominal relative clause)又叫自由关系从句(英语:free relative clause),名词性关系从句在结构上不含有先行词,它的关系词同时扮演了关系词和先行词的角色,因此名词性关系从句的关系词又叫缩合连接代词 。例如:

    I like what I see.(“what I see”是名词性关系从句,它没有先行词,与此同时缩合连接代词“what”又直接充当了“like”的宾语。)

    缩合连接代词“what”可以根据语义解释为“the thing(s) that”或“the person(s) that”。 

  • 嵌入式关系从句

  • 嵌入式关系从句(英语:embedded relative clause)是一种较复杂的关系从句,它既是先行词的后置定语,又是另一结构的宾语。例如:

  • She has an adopted child who she says was an orphan. (关系从句修饰“an adopted child",同时又是“she says”的宾语)

  • 双重关系从句

  • 双重关系从句(英语:double relative clause)是指两个关系从句修饰同一个先行词的语法现象。例如:

  • You can easily find us;just look for a house whose windows need washing and whose fence needs repairing!

I love my monther who is always good to me.
在这句话中who在定语从句作主语,指的是my monther.

I love my mother "who always good to me".

I love my mother who is always good to me.

I love my mother who is always good to me.

永川市19689006343: 关于I LOVE MY MOTHER的英语作文,70字左右 -
罗左亿尔: I love my motherPeople always say that living is like acting and everyone has their own stories. But who actually gave me the chance to started my first page of life? My mother, a wonderful woman who gave me life and showed me kindness. She did...

永川市19689006343: 关于I love my mother的英语作文 -
罗左亿尔: I Love My motherIn my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes. Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and ...

永川市19689006343: 作文 I love my mother -
罗左亿尔:[答案] [作文 I love my mother]WhenIwastenyearsold ,Imissedmotheralot. BecauseIhadneverseenmymother sinceIGREWUPLITTLE BY LITTLE.reallly didn\'tknowhowbeautifulmymotheris.Andnow ,I ...

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罗左亿尔: “我爱妈妈”英语:I love my mother. 例句: 1、I love my mother and I feel proud of her. 我爱我的妈妈,并为她自豪. 2、So I love her as fanaticism as I love my mother. 所以我爱它爱得狂热,就像爱我的妈妈. 词汇解析: 1、love 英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌ...

永川市19689006343: 英语作文:I LOVE MY MOTHER -
罗左亿尔: My mother, a wonderful woman who gave me life and showed me kindness. She did blame me when I wasn't on the right track, she tried to urged me to do my homework properly and study harder. I love her

永川市19689006343: I love my mother作文 -
罗左亿尔: I love my motherMy mother is beautiful , she has a long curly black hair . She is busy . She gets up at around six thirty , then she makes breakfast . Next she goes to work by bus , one day work begins . Later , she goes back to home . She looks very ...

永川市19689006343: 英语作文I Love my mother80字左右 -
罗左亿尔: People always say that living is like acting and everyone has their own stories. But who actually gave me the chance to started my first page of life? My mother, a wonderful woman who gave me life and showed me kindness. She did blame me when ...

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罗左亿尔:[答案] 我爱我的妈妈

永川市19689006343: I love my mother 注意:网上的我都看过了! -
罗左亿尔:[答案] I love my motherMy mother has taken care of me since I just was born.she washes my clothes , cooks each meal for me by heart . when i am ill , she is the most worry and take medicine to me. she taugh...

永川市19689006343: 英语作文I Love My Mother -
罗左亿尔: My mother is beautiful , she has a long curly black hair . She is busy . She gets up at around six thirty , then she makes breakfast . Next she goes to work by bus , one day work begins . Later , she goes back to home . She looks very tired , but still cook...

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