
作者&投稿:彤颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He is taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study because he can manage studies very weill.We learn from each other and help each other.He usually helps me out if I get myself in trouble and so do I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever.

When I was young, I’m looking forward to going to the college. College is the heaven. College can make our life different.Frankly speaking, I have always cherished my college life. When I was a freshman, I was an active student that would always take part in all kinds of league activities. And I worked hard in my basic courses, so I got high marks in the first semester. What an only pity that I spent too much money on the league activities that didn’t always take my interesting. As some people have said, there are two things the most important in the college, one is study, and the other is company. Yes, some things I still feel hard to talk about are my company with other people. Maybe it is the appearance reason that although I spared no effort on the company, I feel passive in getting along with my classmates. I was rather confused by it. So I began to take care of the philosophy, especially the Chinese traditional philosophy, such as si shu wu jing. I read in the library, I listened to the teacher in elective course, and then I got strength and courage to face my life.
Things have been always changing. What I have learnt helped me getting well with my friends. Things are always easy, but people like to make them complex. The God creates people, so people have privacy and dignity of themselves. It’s like that the nature creates all kind of flowers and grasses, and some may get beauty, at the same way some may get ugly, but the flowers and grasses themselves didn’t have any fault as the nature has given them the same bodies, what is different is that the different sight under the sunshine. Actually, maybe it will be more possible for people to look down upon the ‘ugly’ man in the first sight. But take notice of that, it’s only on the face. Not everyone will become a music star, or film star. What’s more important to a person is that the spirit he has which can really make a person healthier. What is it we have all pursued all the life? Very easy a question, our life. So people should know what he will be like. People live in today, not in the future. We should thank to what we have got, but not beg helpless. Just like this, I had many things known. I didn’t care what people said again, I made effort to keep my character nice. I tried to help everybody around me. I spoke to people with smiling, I tried to find common with people. I feel that I’m the most fortunate man that I have got so much from the God. And now, you see, I live very healthy and happy.
I don’t tell many stories about my college life as I think the most important thing in your college life is the consideration of your life. The most perfect thing I think is the fact that I can change myself.
Now everything is getting well,I can look after myself,so please don't worry about me. The only problem is that I miss you very much.Oh, the Spring Festival is coming.I wish you all will have a happy new year!

Dear XX,
It has been a long time since we met last year. I have been working in a trading company since we departed last time. My main duties are on clerical work using computer applications. It is quite boring. Hence I plan to have a vacation this summer for two weeks. I intend to visit Beijing and Shanghai during these two weeks. I am working on the places to visit and where to stay.
It will be my pleasure to have your accompany during the vacation. We can chat again and see beautiful scenery together. Please let me know if you will be available during the first two weeks of July for the trip?
I look forward to your reply soon.

Yours sincerely

Dear friends:
Long time no see.Are you OK? I miss you very much. Holiday is coming, what are your plans? Now I am studying hard, for I want get an A and I want to have a better vacation. My holiday plan is to go to Sanya tourism, then eat times where food. If you have time, I hope you can come. When we play together, how happy it is. I'm looking forward to your reply.Now I think you must be very busy. I will wait for you online and contact me when you see my message.I can't wait. I hope everything goes well.

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