you donot entertain in anything approaching the middle-class sense.这句话什么意思?

作者&投稿:舌嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小的愉快继续进行那里或在前面的房间中, 是否在那里碰巧是一;你在任何事里面不 娱乐正在接近中产阶级感觉

Unit One
Looking back on years of living in a working-class home in the North of England, I should say that a good living room must 11 three principal things: homeliness, warmth and plenty of good food. The living-room is the warm heart of the family and 12 often slightly stuffy to a middle-class visitor. It is not a social centre but a family center; little entertaining goes on there or in the front room, if there 13 to be one; you do not entertain in anything approaching the middle-class 14 . The wife's social life outside her 15 family is found over the washing-line, at the little shop on the corner, visiting relatives at a moderate 16 occasionally, and perhaps now and again a visit with her husband to his pub or club. Apart from these two places, he has just his work and his football matches. They will have, each of them, friends at all these places, who may well not know what the inside of their house is like, having never "stepped across the threshold," as the old 17 phrase has it. The family hearth is 18 for the family itself, and those who are "something to us"(another favorite formula) and who look in for a talk or just to sit. Much of the free time of a man and his wife will 19 be passed at that hearth. Just staying in is still one of the most common leisure-time 20
A. happens
E. fashioned
I. occupations
M. therefore

Looking back on years of living in a working-class home in the north of England, I should say that a good living room must provide three principal things: gregariousness(群集),warmth and plenty of good food. The living-room is the warm heart of the family and therefore often slightly stuffy to a middle-class visitor. It is not a social centre but a family centre; little entertaining goes on there or in the front room, if there happens to be one; you do not entertain in anything approaching the middle-class sense. The wife's social life outside her immediate family is found over the washing-line, at the little shop on the corner, visiting relatives at a moderate distance occasionally, and perhaps now and again a visit with her husband to his pub or club. Apart from these two places, he has just his work and his football matches. They will have, each of them, friends at all these places, who may well not know what the inside of their house is like, having never “stepped across the threshold,” as the old fashioned phrase has it. The family hearth(炉旁) is reserved for the family itself, and those who are “something to us” (another favorite formula) and who look in for a talk or just to sit. Much of the free time of a man and his wife will usually be passed at that hearth. Just staying in is still one of the most common leisure-time occupations.

you do not entertain in anything approaching the middle-class sense.
谓语:do not entertain
状语:in anything
定语:approaching the middle-class sense
/9entE5teIn; 9ZntL`ten/ v
1 [I, Tn,]
~ sb (to sth) receive sb as a guest; provide food and drink for sb, esp in one's home 宴客; 招待, 款待某人(尤指在自己家中)
I don't entertain very often. 我不常在家请客.
They do a lot of entertaining, ie often give dinner parties, etc. 他们时常设宴待客.
Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night. 昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们.

所以这里的entertain in sth. 就是用。。。来招待客人 的意思。


老城区15576888383: win10家庭版 vm10注册中出现You do not have permission to enter a license key. Try again to求大神 -
陶剂皮肤: 你没有输入许可密钥的权限.请再次尝试. 我只会翻译,具体代表啥意思不明白

老城区15576888383: do not enter的图标什么意思 -
陶剂皮肤: 单行道,.禁止通行

老城区15576888383: Do not enter什么意思 -
陶剂皮肤: 不得进入

老城区15576888383: You did not enter the captcha correctly, please refresh it and try again 什么意思? -
陶剂皮肤: 你没有正确输入验证码,请刷新后再试.

老城区15576888383: An employee may express their different understanding and... - 上学吧
陶剂皮肤: 体育领域里可翻译为”一球未进“,日常生活可译为“无法进入,不能进去” 例句:Those bullets look like mushrooms, and do not enter the body. 之后那些子弹看上去像蘑菇,无法进入人体.The British team hasn't entered till now.英国队到现在一球未进.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!

老城区15576888383: 你不能进入这里.的英文翻译 -
陶剂皮肤: You can't enter here.

老城区15576888383: 请问exit only、one way和do not enter在英语交通里面怎么解释合适?
陶剂皮肤: exit only 只是出口 one way 单向道 do not enter 禁止进入

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