
作者&投稿:乌常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

8:05用英语表示为:eight five或者five past ten.
8:05顺读表示:eight five
8:05的表达:five past ten.

上午八点eight AM (a.m.)  
下午九点nine PM (p.m.)
八点四十五a quarter to nine  
七点零五分five past seven
正午12点at noon
午夜12点at midnight
12点22分可读作:twelve twenty-two: twenty-two past twelve(英式说法);twenty-two after twelve(美式说法)
1点15可读作:one fifteen; a quarter past one(英式说法):a quarter after one(美英说法)
8点50分可读作:eight fifty; ten to nine(英式说法);ten before nine(美式说法)
1点40分可读作:one forty; twenty to two(英式说法);twenty before two(美式说法)

8:05用英文读为eight five。
固定搭配:Eight Below 零下八度。
例句:Achcha! We'll meet at eight. 好吧!我们八点钟见。

固定搭配:five continents 五大洲 ; 五洲。
例句:Britain won five gold medals. 英国夺取了五块金牌。

eight five/five past ten.

所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读:
6:10 six ten、8:30 eight thirty、2:40 two forty
如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”:
6:10 ten past six、4:20 twenty past four、10:25 twenty-five past ten
如果所表述的时间在半小时之外,可以用“(相差的)分钟 + to + (下一)小时”: 10:35 twenty-five to eleven、5:50 ten to six、9:49 eleven to ten
如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“half + past + 小时”:
11:30 half past eleven、2:30 half past two
(15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)
9:15 - nine fifteen fifteen past nine a quarter past nine
3:45 - three forty-five fifteen to four a quarter to four
It's two.、It's two o'clock.、It's two o'clock sharp.、It's two o'clock on the dot.、It's two o'clock on the nose.、It's exactly two o'clock.
另外英语中的 noon 和 midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的12点:
It's (twelve) noon. 现在是中午十二点。 It's (twelve) midnight. 现在是半夜零点。
It's almost two. 马上到两点了。、It's not quite two. 还不到两点。、It's just after two. 刚过两点。
thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分)。
four o'clock p.m.(下午四点)。
1. It's nine forty-five. (It's a quarter to ten.)
2. It's two seventeen. (It's seventeen past two.)
3. It's three. (It's three o'clock.)
4. It's nine thirty. (It's half past nine.)
5. It's six fifteen. (It's a quarter past six.)
6. It's three fifty. (It's ten to four.)


两种说法:eight five较口语话five past eight较正式


eight past five

...1:25 1:30 1:35 1:40 1:45 1:50 1:55 用英语怎么说
1. one o'clock 2. 1:05 one or five = five past one 3. 1:10 one ten = ten past one 4. 1:15 one fifteen = a quarter past one 5. 1:20 one twenty = twenty past one 6. 1:25 one twenty- five = twenty five past one 7. 1:30 one thirty = ...

怎样用英语表示下列点钟[1:00 2:05 3:15 4:29 5:30 6:31 7:40 8:45...
1:00 one o'clock 2:05 two five 3:15 a quarter past three 4:29 twenty-nine past four 5:30 half past five 6:31 six thirty-one(twenty-nine to seven)7:40 twenty to eight(Seven forty)8:45 a quarter to nine 9:59 one to ten ...

一、直接表示法(先时后分)9 ∶25 读作: nine twenty-five 12 ∶30 读作: twelve thirty; twelve-thirty 二、添加介词表示法(先分后时)表示“几点过几分”(在 30 分钟之内),用介词 past ,其结构是“分钟 +past+ 钟点”。5 ∶20 读作: twenty past five 11∶05 读作: five...

作业帮 手机版 我的知道 4:05在英语中两种写法  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览2 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 英语 写法 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中 你的回答被采纳后将获得: 系统奖励1...

英语时间表达法 10:30 5:05 7:45 8:50
1 直接读数字 ten thirty five o five eight fifty 2 半点钟 half past 后面加几 就是几点半 half past ten 3 半点之前 用past 过的意思 five past five 4 半点过后用to ten to nine 8 45 5 差十五分中到几点 用 a quarter to a quarter to nine 845 过十五分钟用 a quarter past a ...

9:05用英语怎么说? 8:15用英语怎么说? 7:55用英语怎么说?
9:05:nine five 8:15:eight fifteen 7:55:seven fifty-five 6:35:six thirty-five 4:25:four twenty-five 5:15:five fifteen 8:00:eight 2:30:two thirty 1:20:one twenty 3:40:three forty 4:50:four fifty 6:30:six thirty 本人初一学生一枚,望采纳,谢谢!

用英语表示时间,要两种表达方式(我现在上初一)有:1:20 2:30 3:45...
1:20 one twenty、twenty past one 2:30 two thirty 、thirt past two 3:45 three forty-five 、fifteen to four 5:10 five ten、ten past five 6:58 six fifty-eight、two to seven 7:05 seven five、five past seven 4:44four forty-four、sixteen to five ...

例如: 3: 05 正式用法(书写,written English)是: It's five(minutes) past three.不那么正式(口语,oral English)是:It's three O five.以下列出三点XX分的用法,左边是比较正式,注意用past和to的时候;括弧中的用法虽然不那么正式,但是我们在和人讲话时,比较会用这种简单明了的说法。

8:05用英语表示为:eight five或者five past ten.1、所有的时间可以用小时+分钟顺读表示。8:05顺读表示:eight five 2、添加介词表示法:如果分数小于或等于30,就用past来表示,结构是“分钟+past+该点钟“8:05的表达:five past ten.

用两种英语表达法写出下列时间 5:35 3:35 6:50 7:05 1:58 11:32 12...
to six 3:35 twenty-five to four 6:50 ten to seven 7:05 five past seven 1:58 two to two 11:32 twenty-eight to twelve 12:05 five past twelve 8:45 a quarter nine或fifteen to nine 10:30 half past ten 不知道对不对,错了的话别介意。

朝阳市19494355277: 8:05用英文怎么读 -
汤苗仙逢: 8:05 有两种英文表达方式: 1、eight five 读作:[eɪt faɪv]中文谐音:诶特 夫嗳无 中间的“0”不需要读出 双语例句: The time on the watch stops at eight five. 表上的时间停止在八点零五分. 2、Five minutes past eight 读作:[faɪv 'minits pɑ:st eight] 中文谐音:夫嗳无 玫内特 帕斯特 诶特 双语例句: It's five minutes past eight 现在是八点零五分.

朝阳市19494355277: 8点05的英语怎么写 -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] 两种说法: eight five (较口语化) five past eight (较正式)

朝阳市19494355277: 8:05用英语的另外一种形式怎么写 -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] five past eight. (=eight five)

朝阳市19494355277: 8:05用英语怎么写
汤苗仙逢: five minutes past eight or eight five

朝阳市19494355277: 8:05用英语表示 11:30用英语表示 (各用两种) -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] eight five five past eight eleven thirty half past eleven

朝阳市19494355277: 帮帮忙啊.8:05用英语的两种说法 -
汤苗仙逢: eight fivefive past eight 亲,要采纳或好评哦,采纳在手机右上角

朝阳市19494355277: 8:05和8:45和8:50用英语怎么说? -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] 8:05 Five past eight 8:45 A quarter to nine 8:50 Ten to nine

朝阳市19494355277: 请把8:05,8:25,8:30,8:40,8:45,用英语翻译!有几种形式就写几种! -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] 8:05,eight point five 8:25,eight twenty-five 8:30,Half past eight 8:40,eight fourty 8:45 Three quater past eight,a quater to nine

朝阳市19494355277: 用两种方法写出英语8:05,11:45,10:00,2:20,3:50,4:30,6:35,12:15,7:40,8:55 -
汤苗仙逢:[答案] 楼主你好!因为数据比较多,我就不一一列举了,告诉你方法:英语中表示时间有两种方法一种是*** past ***(*** to ***)例如8点05分,就是five past eight当后面的分钟数大于30的时候就用to 例如11:45 a quarter to twe...

朝阳市19494355277: 请把8:05,8:25,8:30,8:40,8:45,用英语翻译!有几种形式就写几种! -
汤苗仙逢: 8:05, 5 PASS 8 8:25, 8 twenty five 8:30, half pass eight 8:40, 20 to 9 8:45 a quarter to 9说法很多 但是推荐你学最标准的! 你的例子不错 涵盖了所有的例子了 呵呵! 大家一起努力吧!

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