absent from 中from

作者&投稿:恭牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be absent from和be absent for的区别~

be absent from 后面往往跟地点名词,表示在某地点缺勤或缺席。
如:be absent from school
而be absent for 后面往往跟事物名词,表示缺席某个事件。
如:be absent for the meeting

absent from


absent英 [ˈæbsənt] 美 [ˈæbsənt]
adj. 缺席的,不在场的;缺少的,缺乏的;不在意的,茫然的
英 [æbˈsent] vt. 缺席,不参加;不在
缺席; 不在意的; 不在; 心不在焉的

【1】不在的;缺席的 If someone or something is absent from a place or situation where they should be or where they usually are, they are not there.

【be absent from +名词:意思不在某个地方/缺席某个地方】

He has been absent from his desk for two weeks.

The pictures, too, were absent from the walls.

Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly. 士兵若未报到将被视为擅离职守而受处分

【2】出神的;心不在焉的 If someone appears absent, they are not paying attention because they are thinking about something else.

'Nothing,' Rosie said in an absent way.

He nodded absently. 他漫不经心地点了点头。

【3】(父或母)不与子女一起住的 An absent parent does not live with his or her children. ..absent fathers who fail to pay towards the costs of looking after their children.

【4】使不在,使离开(本应在或通常在的地方) If someone absents themselves from a place where they should be or where they usually are, they do not go there or they do not stay there.

【5】She was old enough to absent herself from the lunch table if she chose.

He pleaded guilty before a court martial to absenting himself without leave.


【6】若没有;假设没有 If you say that absent one thing, another thing will happen, you mean that if the first thing does not happen, the second thing will happen.

Absent a solution, people like Sue Godfrey will just keep on fighting.


1.What the teacher said went for nothing because the student was absent - minded.
老师说什么都没用,因为那位学生根本就 心不在焉 .

2. George has got ( himself ) into a fix by doing so absent - mindedly .
乔治因为 心不在焉 地做了这事而使自己陷入困境.

3. The actress was so absent - minded that she fluffed her lines.
那位女演员 心不在焉 竟然忘了台词.

4. No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.

5. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.

安源区17064068680: absent from 中from这里的from作何解释 为什么要用from这个介词 纠结了两天了原句是absent from the meeting -
愈习秦归:[答案] absent英 [ˈæbsənt] 美 [ˈæbsənt] adj.缺席的,不在场的;缺少的,缺乏的;不在意的,茫然的 英 [æbˈsent] vt.缺席,不参加;不在 缺席; 不在意的; 不在; 心不在焉的 过去式:absented 过去分词:absented 现在分词:absenting 第三人称...

安源区17064068680: from的用法是什么? -
愈习秦归: 介词from的用法 1.表示时间“从...开始”“始于” from ... to ..... 从...到.... from morning to evening 从早到晚 from 1:00 to 5:00 从一点到五点 2.表示地点“从...”from Beijing to Guangzhou 从北京到广州 choose sth from... 从...中选择某物 3.表示“...

安源区17064068680: Was he absent from school last week?这句话里的from是什么意思 -
愈习秦归: 固定搭配 be absent from

安源区17064068680: Was he absent from school last week?这句话里的from是什么意思为什么这个地方要用from呢?为什么不用in or at? -
愈习秦归:[答案] 固定搭配 be absent from

安源区17064068680: ACT英语中From常见的固定搭配有哪些?
愈习秦归: From absent from缺席…… defend (or: against) from 防着…… differ from 与……不同 distinguish...from... 把……和……分开 distant from离……远 divorce from脱离…… emerge from 源于…… isolated from隔离于…… prevent from 避免…… protect from 保护不受…… remote from远离…… suffer from 生……(病) separate from 把……分开.

安源区17064068680: He is absent from the meeting.上句中”from the meeting" 是表语的补足语吗 -
愈习秦归:[答案] 不是.from the meeting 是作状语修饰absent 的,和absent 一起构成形容词词组,在句中作表语 be absent from...是个固定搭配

安源区17064068680: from怎么用 -
愈习秦归: 1.动词+froma)动词+ from come from来自,date from追溯, depart from违背, die from死于, escape from逃出,fall from自…跌落, hang from垂挂, hear from收到来信,learn from向某人学习, return from自某地返回,rise from自…冒出, ...

安源区17064068680: absent用法 -
愈习秦归: 不是非得用反身代词,还可以用被动语态,反身代词都有这样的特点,而且被动语态更常用,反身代词用的反倒不多.例如,hide.还有seat做动词时也是这样. 所以,可以说,He absented himself from the meeting. or He is absented from the meetig.而后一种用法更常见,也更地道一些.

安源区17064068680: 英语from有什么用法? -
愈习秦归: far away from 是远离某地 stay away from指保持距离,一般处于某人口中用于因对某人不满而想他离开,与自己保持距离:Stay away from me! be away from 指某物品或人不在指定的地方 另外有far from的,指远非这样,完全不是这样:far from this

安源区17064068680: why - _____ - you absent yesterday?a.did b.were c.was 为什么要选B,而不是A? -
愈习秦归:[答案] 题中absent应该是形容词,因为如果他是动词就缺宾语.做动词时应该为: why did you absent youself yesteday? 所以原句缺动词,所以选择B absent的用法 1.用作形容词,表示“做某事缺席”,其后常接介词 from:He was absent from school.他没有...

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