
作者&投稿:拔秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

insist on doing

insist作“坚持” 说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气。They insisted that he (should)be presen t at the ceremony. 他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。 He insisted that he was innocent.他坚持说自己是无辜的。应该不会考那么细吧…

insist作反复说、一定要、坚决要求解,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语
1) insist on/ upon+名词  
They insisted on a definite answer.
I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike.   
Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation.
2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构)  
She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible. 
He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them.
We insisted upon his staying with us for another week.
二、 insist 作及物动词的用法
Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school. 
2) insist作坚持说、坚持认为时,用陈述语气。如:
Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong.
3) insist that...有时与insist on / upon互换。如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为:
Her father insists on her learning music after she leaves school.
Alice insisted on her having done nothing wrong.

on\/upon my going with him.",表达出强烈的要求或坚持同行的决心。同时,"I insist on seeing it" 表达了对某事的坚决要求,不容妥协。总结来说,insist既可以作为及物动词,强调观点或要求的坚定性,也可以用作不及物动词,体现坚持的行为。它的词性变化和用法丰富,取决于具体的语境和表达需要。

每天坚持两分钟,insist two minute everyday,语法哪里有错误_百度知 ...
这句话本身汉语就不完整,每天坚持两分钟,其实是没有宾语的,每天坚持**两分钟 所以只有搞清楚宾语才能用英语完整表达 keep ***ing two minutes everyday 【英语专业八级,欢迎追问】

2 insist + that引导的从句(从句谓语动词为[should] + 动词原形) 53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide. A whatever B whomever C whichever D whoever they thought是插入语,可以不看; tourist guide 导游。 56. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflic...

坚持 .要求...2.insist that sb should do (虚拟语气)例如:He insists on travelling by train.他坚持坐火车旅游.He insisted that you should study hard.他坚持要求你要认真学习.3.insist that 陈述语气( 对事实的陈述) 坚持认为...例如:He insisted that he didn't steal the money,and...

两个bound morphere能组成一个单词么?insist是这种情况吗?
黏着语素是那些不能单独使用,而必须和其它语素-自由语素或黏着语素-结合在一起以形成一个单词的语素。从它的定义来说,两个bound morphere粘着语素是可以组成一个单词的。例如:diction(措辞)这个词就是由两个bound morphere :dic-tion组成的。insist这个单词也是由两个粘着语素in-sist构成的。

坚持 insist 命令 order command 建议 suggest advise recommend 要求 ask,demand,request,require 虚拟语气是说话者用来表示假设,或难以实现的情况,而非客观存在的事实,所陈述的是一个条件,不一定是事实,甚至完全与事实相反。此外如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时,也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气通过谓语...

推荐perseverance (n.名词)这个词,即含有“忍耐”又含有“坚持”的含义,词典中释义为“坚持不懈;不屈不挠、耐性、毅力”等,(英英词典释义:Perseverance is the quality of continuing with something even though it is difficult. 坚持不懈)”《21世纪大英汉词典》例句:Perseverance is a quality...

由8题的解析我们知道,本题中insist作"坚持说"、"坚持认为"时,用陈述语气。主句是过去时态,从句也应用过去时态,所以是was10.Bspend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time \/money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2...


在英汉词典里查都是"坚持"的意思,用汉语翻译根本看不出这两个词的区别。而这种区别如果你查询或者使用英英词典的话,一开始就会明白。请看在Longman Web Dictionary 中对insist的解释是:to say firmly and repeatedly that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true...

封开县18866565240: 关于insist的两个用法,一个是坚持说一个是坚持要求,怎么用? -
夕昂复方:[答案] 一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语\x0d1) insist on/ upon+名词\x0dThey insisted on a definite answer.\x0dI insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike.\x0dOur English teacher ins...

封开县18866565240: insist共有两个意思,一个用虚拟语气,一个不用,这两个意思的准确翻译是什么?如何准确区分两个意思 -
夕昂复方:[答案] 表“建议”“要求”“命令”等动词后面多跟虚拟语气,当insist在句子中表示“坚持要求做某事”用虚拟语气,在句子中表示“坚持说”则不用虚拟语气.

封开县18866565240: insist有几种用法? -
夕昂复方:[答案] insist【用法一】 v.坚决要求;坚持要;一定要 例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉. 例2:she insisted on seeing us home. 她坚持要送我们回家. 例3:i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time. 我坚持要他们提前赶到那. 注:1)insist on ...

封开县18866565240: 关于“insist”的用法,今天我在看语法书的时候,书上是这么写的:“insist (that) + S + (should) + V”,表“坚持非(做)……不可”,如:"I insisted he ... -
夕昂复方:[答案] S代表主语 你的例句大意为“我坚决要求他把头发剪短”,用的是传说中的“虚拟语气”(因为虽然我要求了但他剪不剪还不一定,所以是虚拟的) 没用has是因为he后面省略了should,这是重要考点呦! 1)insist 做及物动词后加从句.分两种情况. ...

封开县18866565240: insist 的用法,坚持认为,坚持要求的用法区分.insist on 和其他的有关于insist 的短语,补充一下.谢谢 -
夕昂复方:[答案] 及物动词 vt. 1.坚持;坚决认为[+(that)] She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了. 2.坚决主张;坚决要求[+(... 一定要[(+on/upon)] He insisted on/upon my going with him. 他坚持要我跟他一起去. I insist on seeing it. 我一定要见到它.

封开县18866565240: insist 的用法有哪些?在哪些情况下要用虚拟语气,哪些不用呢? -
夕昂复方:[答案] insist1、意思是“坚持要”表示命令、要求,其后之宾语从句要用虚拟式动词原形或者“should + 动词原形”例句:I insist that you (should) be present.They insisted that she (should) be invited.I insist that yo...

封开县18866565240: insist 可以接从句么?(可以insist that……么?)最好简述 insist这个单词的用法 -
夕昂复方:[答案] 可以两种用法:insist on doing sth.坚持做某事例:He insists on studying English very hard.他坚持刻苦学习英语.或:insist that 从句,从句必须用should+do的虚拟语气例:We insist that the Agreement should be sig...

封开县18866565240: insist的用法? -
夕昂复方:[答案] insist 用法与suggest 相似.insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气.如:When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday,the expression on his father'...

封开县18866565240: insist 的用法 -
夕昂复方: insist 用法与suggest 相似.insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气.如:When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday, the expression on his father's face suggested that he ...

封开县18866565240: insist怎么用? 貌似有两种用法 -
夕昂复方: 及物动词 vt. 1. 坚持;坚决认为[+(that)] She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了. 2. 坚决主张;坚决要求[+(that)] He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. 他一定要我们收下这些礼物. Jane insisted that he be present. 珍坚...

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