
作者&投稿:冶呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语中 it 的用法~



—Who is knocking at the door?—It's me
The ant is not gathering this food for itself alone. Ithas two stomachs in its body.蚂蚁不 只是为自己采食。 它的身体里有两个胃。
When service is interrupted, as it was by last night'sstorm, John has to inform the pu blic what the company isdoing about the problem.每当供电中断时,就像昨夜因暴风雨而造成的那样 ,约翰就必须通知大家,公司为解决这个问题正在做些什么。

It is tea time. Mrs Tuner goes into the kitchen.It was winter. it was ten degree below zero.
It is only half an hour walk to the tall tower.
It will be lovely in the park today.
1.作形式主语。英语中不定式、动名词、主语从句在作主语时主语往往显得很长,使整个句子看上去有点 头重脚轻,这样就借助“it”来作形式上的主语,而把真正的主语移到句子后边去,使全句看上去平稳一些。 “it”没有实际的意义。
It is fun for her to study, but it is difficult to studyand work at the same time.对于她来 说学习是有趣的,可是要边工作边学习对她来说是困难的。
It is necessary for them to get an electrician to do thework for them.对他们来说请一位电工 来为他们做这项工作是必要的。
It will be no good learning without practice.
It is no use talking to him about it.
It is possible that they're finished the bridge.。
It is important that we should learn from each other andhelp each other.
In the 1870's, when Marx was already in his fifties, hefound it important to study the si tuation in Russia, so hebegan to learn Russian.在19世纪70年代,马克思已经五十几岁了,他觉得研 究俄国的形势很重要,便开始学习俄语。
This has made it necessary for agriculture and industryto develop very quickly.这就使得工 农业必须飞速发展。
四、构成强调句型。为了强调句子的某一成分,把引导词“it”用在句首,这种强调句的结构是“It is (was )+所强调的成分(主语、宾语、状语)+that…”,表达的意思为“是…,正是…,就是…”。“it ”在这种句型中本身没什么实际意义。
My temperature! It's my back that hurts.
It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. 这里需要说明的是:如被强调的是人,则后面用who或that, 如被强调的是物或其他情况,则用that。
It was yesterday that I met Bob in your room.
It was in your room that I met Bob yesterday.
It was Bob that I met in your room yesterday.

在中学英语中,常用 it 替代句子。现对此作一分析和归纳,供同学们学习时参考。

一 . it 充当形式主语时,可将真正的主语从句置于句末。

A. 谓语动词是被动形式时,常用 it 替代主语从句。例如:

It hasn't been decided whether the meeting will be held.


B. 主句是疑问句或感叹句时,则必须用形式主语 it 替代主语从句。例如:

Is it necessary that she'll come?


How strange it is that the children are so quiet!


C. it 作为形式主语,常出现在下列结构中:

1. It +be+ 形容词+主语从句。例如:

It's possible that we'll be a little late.


It was most likely that one third of them lost their lives.


2. It +be +分词+主语从句。例如:

It's surprising that there are so many unhappy marriages.


It is suggested that the task ( should ) be finished in a week's time.


3. It +be+ 名词(短语)+主语从句。例如:

It's a pity that he isn't here.


It's a question where we can find this material.


4. It + 不及物动词+主语从句。例如:

It doesn't matter when they'll be back.


It happened ( so happened ) that he met his teacher in the street.


It seems / appears that someone is knocking at the door.


二 . it 充当形式宾语时,真正的宾语要后置。

A. 在 think, make, find, believe, feel, consider, hear 等动词后面跟复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)时,要用 it 作其中的形式宾语。例如:

We think it necessary that you will help him.


I felt it a surprise that they were all unfriendly to me.


注意:若此类动词后面没有形容词或名词作宾语补足语,则一般不用 it 作形式宾语。如不可说: We consider it that you will go there.

B. like, enjoy, love, hate 等表示“喜怒哀乐”的动词后面跟宾语从句时,可用 it 作形式宾语,而宾语从句要紧跟在 it 之后。例如:

I love it when you sing.


I hate it when she speaks of me.


C. 由动词和介词(除 except, but 外)构成的 think of, answer for, depend on, rely on, see to 等短语动词后面,常用 it 作形式宾语,然后再接 that 引导的宾语从句。例如:

I will answer for it that he is honest.


You may depend on it that he will come in time.


三 . it 作形式主语时指主句所表示的内容。例如:

1. If it is possible, hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.[!--empirenews.page--]


句中的 it 是指主句 hold up the part of the body which is bleeding . if 后面的 it is 常可省略。

2. I would like to see him as soon as it is possible.


此句中只能用形容词 possible ,而不能用副词 possibly .因为 as soon as possible 是 as soon as it is possible 的省略形式。

3. I can discuss the matter with you now, if it is necessary.


此句中的 if necessary = if it is necessary.

四 . 用 it 指代一个分句乃至整个句子。例如:

1. Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn't help.


2. He is over seventy, but doesn't look like it.


3. John is trying to finish writing his book this month, but he won't find it easy.


4. I've broken the mirror. It can't be helped.


5. They won the match after three hours' struggle. It wasn't easy, though.


注意:代替整个句子的 it ,不能用在 know , remember, try, tell, forget 等动词之后。例如:

1. - The meeting has been put off.

- Yes, I know. (不说: Yes, I know it. )

2. - Remember what he told you.

- I'll remember. (不说: Yes, I'll remember it. )

3. - Be sure to tell him the news.

- I won't forget. (不说: I won't forget it. )


'it 'is normaly used when discribing a animal or thing

英语句子中什么时候用it什么时候写it is
it和it is用法:1、做代词,代替刚提到的过的一件事情.a.可以指一个具体的东西.b.可以指前面所谈的事情或情况.例句:1、It’s a nice room.2、You promised to write the article,and you must do it.2、做代词代替指示代词 this,that 例句:What’s this?——It’s a flag.3、起指示...

7、It was Xiaomingwhom(that)I met in the street last night.8、It was in the streetthat I met Xiaoming last night.9、It ws last nightthat I met Xiaoming in the street.10、It was I who metXiaoming in the street last night.1、it的基本用法 (1)用作人称代词,代替前文提到...

pron. 在不分性别或情况不详时指代。pron. 作无人称动词的主语,表示天气、时日、距离、状态、温度等等。abbr. 信息技术information technology。it造句如下:1、We must finish it by tomorrow.我们必须在明天之前完成它。2、Without it, the results of this experiment will face failure again.没有...

it用作形式宾语的用法一、基本用法当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语it,而将真正的宾语移至句末,其基本结构为“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式(动名词或从句)”:I find it difficult to do the job well. 我发现做好这件事不容易...

注意it与one和that 的区别
one,that 和it的区别: one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it 与所指名词为同一个。例如:I can't find my hat. I think I must buy one.(不定) 我找不到我的帽子了。我想我该去买一顶。The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought.(...

感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy)同学您好:It的用法:a.某样东西:where’s my map?I left it on the table.b.抽象事物: you’ve savedmy life. I shall never forget it.c.不知性别的孩子: her new babyis tiny. It only weighs 2 kilos.d.某种感觉或情况: does it itchmuch? Where does...

哪些公司会衰败的地位中。第二种情况是非指代性it。非指代性it是相对于作人称代词的it而言的。它们往往没有具体意义上的主语,它用于表示气候、温度、时间、地点、距离等。非指代性it常作seem, appear, look, happen, occur, follow等动词的主语,构成特定的句型。

在英语中,"one"、"it" 和 "that" 是常用的代词。尽管它们都可以用来代替名词,但是它们的用法和含义有所不同。下面我们将详细解释它们的用法和区别,并提供具体的例子。 一、"one" "one" 是指代一个不特定的人或物,类似于汉语的“一个”、“某个”。例如: - I need a pen. Do you have one? - One...

该句型中的形容词是 (un )important, necessary 等时,从句应为 (should )+ 动词原 形。It is important that we (should) learn English well.It is necessary that he (should) remember these words.2.It + be + 名词 + that- 从句 适用该句型的名词 (词组)有 : a pity ,an ...

1. 指代对象不同:that主要指代离说话人较远的事物或概念,而it则指代离说话人较近的事物或概念。例句:- That book on the shelf is mine.那上架子的书是我的。- There's a car downstairs at my house It's mine.我家楼下有一辆车,是我的。2. 搭配用法不同:that经常作为引用在句子中...

应城市13719776223: 英语中 it 的用法 -
支贱冠心: “It” 用法及其句型和固定搭配,是英语语法的重点、难点,又是近几年考试的热点,因此在复习中应给予足够的重视.现将it用法归纳如下: 一、It用作实词 表达以下概念:指代前文提到的事物,前文中的this, that;替代前文中的内容;指代一...

应城市13719776223: it在英语语法中有几种用法 -
支贱冠心: it用法完全归纳 一、it 作人称代词的用法 1. 指事物 作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物.如: I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了. It's hard work, but I enjoy it. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干. “Where is the ...

应城市13719776223: 英语中it有哪些用法? -
支贱冠心: 在中学英语中,常用 it 替代句子.现对此作一分析和归纳,供同学们学习时参考. 一 . it 充当形式主语时,可将真正的主语从句置于句末. A. 谓语动词是被动形式时,常用 it 替代主语从句.例如: It hasn't been decided whether the meeting ...

应城市13719776223: it在英语中所有的语法功能例如形式宾语(最好有用法与例句了) -
支贱冠心:[答案] 1.要点提示 it可以用作人称代词,它还可以指时间、天气、距离、上下文等,另外,it还可以作先行词,作形式主语和形式宾语. 2.用法指南 (1)作为人称代词,it可以用来指东西、动物、婴儿和未确定身份的人. Where's my book?Have you seen it? ...

应城市13719776223: it在高中英语中的几种最重要的用法? -
支贱冠心: it 代词 pron. 1.(指已提及或心目中的人或事物)这,那,它 This is our new car. I bought it yesterday. 这是我们的新车.我昨天买的. 2.(指无生命物、动植物、性别不详的幼孩等)它 What a beautiful baby -- is it a boy? 多漂亮的孩子啊--它是男...

应城市13719776223: 在英文中、求It的多种用法
支贱冠心: 形式主语 1 It+ adj + for sb to do sthedn 2 It seems / appears that 3 It happened that 4 It +表感情的动词,surprises, worried, sb thatIt worried me that my hair turned gray. 形式宾语 1 make / find / think it + adj ./ n for sb to do sth make it possible for ...

应城市13719776223: 5年中考3年模拟英语中关于it的用法 -
支贱冠心: It 用法大全 一、指无生命、动物、植物和在性别不计或不详时指人和婴儿.There is a person knocking at the door. Who can it be?二、指心目中的人或上文中提到的人或事物,这那它 He is fifty-two, but doesn't look it.Jim is ill. Have you heard of it...

应城市13719776223: 英语语法代词it应该怎么用?是什么意思? -
支贱冠心: 人称代词it可以用来代替一个名词、一个短语、一个从句或一个句子,以避免它们在句中的重复.这时它可以指提到过的,也可以指未提到过的,在句中作主语或宾语.(1) 替代刚提到过的同一事物 This is our new car. I bought it yesterday. 这是我...

应城市13719776223: 英语中it和one用法 -
支贱冠心: (一) “It” 的用法 ①. 常用于感叹句中指人,表示轻蔑,假亲热或其他感情. ②. 常指小孩,特指婴儿. ③. 表示是谁做某动作或前面说的人,或说话的人对所谈及的人在心目中不清楚,或看不清楚,不了解,或只闻其声不见其人,如在打电话...

应城市13719776223: 嗯,谁知道英语语法中有关it的句型? -
支贱冠心: It'is

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