We live in an age ——mang things are done by computer 横线填什麽?when还是at which?

作者&投稿:沃贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
We are living in an age____many things are done on computer. A.that B.when 选哪个引导词呢?理由…~

B living in an age 住在这个年代,live 和in 是搭配的,many things are done on computer + on /in this age 很多事在这个年代用电脑做, 在这个年代,要用介词,介词+which 相当于when

D 试题分析:句意:我们生活在这样一个时代,许多事情都是在电脑上做的。这是定语从句,先行词是in an age,指的是时间,when在定语从句做时间状语,故选D。点评:本题难度适中。定语从句是英语语法中非常重要的内容,在阅读和理解过程中起着极其重要的作用。定语从句的考查关键在于定语从句的成分分析,需要考生有分析理解复杂的句子结构的能力。即学即练: I have told them all ______ I know. A. which B. that C. whose D. when解析:B。句意:我已经告诉他们我所知道的。

出错题吧~~~应该是in which吧。将句子分开,就是。We live in an age . Many things are done by computer in an age.在从句中,主谓宾都齐,而句中又缺时间状语,用in和an age 搭配

应该是at which

at which?

渠县17626604758: oscar wilde的名言We live in an age that reads too much to be wise.怎样翻译 -
倚龙恒奥:[答案] 完整原句如下: We live in an age that reads too much to be wise, and thinks too much to be beautiful. 我们在生活一个因阅读过多而缺乏智慧,因思考太多而失去优雅的时代.

渠县17626604758: ..这里填什么?where 或 in which 或者那个词更好we live in an age - ____ - more information is available whith great ease than ever before .这里填什么?where ... -
倚龙恒奥:[答案] When / in which( 是作an age 后的定语从句,指的是时代,那就是用when or in which )

渠县17626604758: 求问when与on which的区别 We live in an age - ___ - more information is available with greater ease than ever before. -
倚龙恒奥:[选项] A. why B. when C. to whom D. on which

渠县17626604758: 定语从句的题目1、I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,______we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.2、we live in an age_____more information ... -
倚龙恒奥:[答案] 第一题填where,在那里 译成:我和朋友走上山顶,在那里我们欣赏了美丽的湖光景色. 第二题填in which,相当于in this age在这个时代 译成:我们生活在这样一个时代,在这个时代我们比以往任何时代都能更轻松地获得大量的信息.

渠县17626604758: We live in an age____more information is available with greater ease than ever before.A.why B wWe live in an age____more information is available with ... -
倚龙恒奥:[答案] 你已经给出答案了哈 没错 是B 把这句话拆分下,We live in an age.At the age,more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 所以很显然了,at the age 是个固定搭配.

渠县17626604758: We live in an age - ---more information is available with greater ease than ever before. ... -
倚龙恒奥: B我们生活在一个比以前任何一个时候都能较轻松地获取更多信息的时代从句意不难看出, 定语从句缺的是时间状语(when= in which, 意为in the age)表示时间段可用inin which 等于when, 所以选B. when. 表示时段不能用on, 更不可用to...

渠县17626604758: 英文问题求解...你好Lucy 在问你个问题谢谢 -
倚龙恒奥: when 是答案,或者填写 in which,表示在....时期,在....时代,在....时候 的意思.但是不能填where,where一般在表示地点的名词后,引导定语从句, 或者在表示一些抽象事物的名词后,引导定语从句, 但是where之前的名词一般不是不是时间的词,例如age时代,时期的意思.欢迎追问和采纳!

渠县17626604758: 帮忙分析一下句中的成分we live in an age where if we are unsure of a fact ,we can just -
倚龙恒奥: 主体:we+ can + Google it 前面一堆是,时间、条件状语,表示一种情况

渠县17626604758: We live in an age of easy access to the world结构分析? -
倚龙恒奥: We是主语live是谓语动词,in an age是介词短语做时间状语,of ...介词引导做age的后置定语.

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倚龙恒奥: We live in an age of happiness, in this age, parents give us the most. First of all, the parents gave us life, and put up and raised us, for us to learn, give us warm.How we will use the actual action to return our parents?When parents tired, to a sweet ...

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