
作者&投稿:盖任 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Niulang and Zhinv

This is a beautiful story that has been narrated for thousands of years, and also one of Chinese four top folk love stories. For generations, many young men and women are moved too much.

It was said that there was a Zhinv Star (Vega) who was a beautiful girl on heaven and a Qianniu Star (Altair) who was a handsome young man. Both of them fell in love with each other deeply. However, on heaven, the love between gods was forbidden. And their love was finally found by Empress. Zhinv was the granddaughter of Empress. Niulang was punished to fall down to the earth, and Zhinv was penalized to do the non-stop job of weaving the brocade day and night. The job of Zhinv was weaving endless colorized clouds in a marvelous kind of silk, and the clouds changed in accordance with the change of time and seasons. Since Niulang left, Zhinv shed tears all days long and still missed Niulang too much. She worked hard every second as to wish to satisfy Empress and let Empress allow Niulang’s return.

One day, several fairies begged Empress to allow their earth trip in Bilian Pool. At that day, empress had a good mood and agreed them. These fairies also suggested going there together with Zhinv when they saw she was so sad. Empress both could not withstand seeing her granddaughter was so unhappy all the time, and also agreed their suggestions on the condition that they should go and come back as soon as they can.

After Niulang fall down to earth, he was reborn in a farmer’s family. Later, his parents passed away and he lived with his elder brother and brother’s wife. But this couple treated Niulang badly, and separated the family with Niulang. They just gave Niulang an old ox and a broken wheelbarrow. Since then, Niulang led a life with this old ox. They worked hard to assart the wild land and do the farming as well as build their house. But actually, Niulang’s life was isolated and lonely except this speechless ox. In fact he did know this ox was also a god on heaven, and it was Gold-Ox Star. One day, the old ox suddenly mouthed and said to Niulang: Niulang, go to Bilian Pool; some fairies are having bath there, and you hide the red clothes, because the fairy wearing red will be your wife. Niulang was shocked and asked Ox:”Borther Ox, you can speak! Is your word true?”. Ox nodded, and Niulang arrived and hid in the reed of Bilian Pool to wait the arrival of the fairy. In a short time, these fairies flew down and put off their clothes to have a bath in pool. Niulang quickly came out and took the red clothes away. The fairies saw him and suddenly put on their clothes and flew away like bird except the fairy without clothes, and she was Zhinv. Zhinv was worried and shy when her clothes were stolen. At this time, Niulang appeared and let Zhinv be his wife. Zhinv found carefully this young man was indeed her Qianniu star. Hence, Zhinv became Niulang’s wife. After marriage, this couple loved each other and led a happy life; also they had one son and one daughter.

However, Empress was quite angry when she knew this, and appointed the heavenly army to catch Zhinv. On this day, when Zhinv was cooking, Niulang came back and cried to Zhinv that Ox died. Before the death, ox told Niulang to denude his skin, because some day it was needed for flying. Zhinv knew that this ox was God-Ox Star who was demoted to earth just for speaking out some impartial words. They buried the ox well.

But later, the gales happened. The heavenly army suddenly appeared and caught Zhinv away. Zhinv was very sad and suddenly heard the word from Niuliang:”Zhinv, waiting me!” Zhinv in the sky turned around and saw Niulang shouldering two baskets where their son and daughter sat. Niulang wore the ox skin and flew behind her and her infants were crying aloud. When they almost came together, Empress appeared by clouds. She pulled out hairpin from her hairs and took a draw amid them. A large heavenly river (Milky Way) appeared between this couple. They could not go across any more. This family was separated unconditionally and unreasonably. Zhinv crazily cried on one side, and Niulang together with his infants cried on the other side. They can not meet any more. All the fairies and gods at present were touched deeply, even Empress was also a little bit moved by their love and then agreed that Niulang and his infants can stay on heaven, also they can meet once a year. The meeting day is lunar 7, July.

Since then, both of them lived on both sides of the Milky Way, and they looked at each other from afar. In autumn’s evening, people can easily find tow brighter stars lying in the both sides of Milky River. They are Niulang and Zhinv. And beside Niulang, there are two little stars, which are their son and daughter. On the evening of lunar 7 July, a large number of pied magpies built a temporary bridge with their bodies for this couple’s meeting. It is said that on July 7 every year, people under the grape shelf can hear the heavenly music latently and also hear this couple is affectionately talking.

So Lunar 7 July, or Qixi(七夕,Evening of July 7) in folk society becomes Chinese Saint Valentine's Day. It is also one of important Chinese traditional festivals in folk communities. On the evening of this day, the girls would peer at the sky and pray that they could be as smart and skillful as Zhinv, and the young men would hope for a satisfactory marriage and beautiful love like Niulang. This is a story but also the origin of Chinese important traditional folk festival.

My father very tall. He has a pair of bright eyes, a pointed nose, a big mouth. Dad is a man wider than others. Once he put his beloved pen on the table. Because someone told him, dad in a hurry, so it did not take a pen. I saw my father took the pen on paper up graffiti. Painting to painting to go, do not know how it is, I did the little ball on the father's pen to drop out. This is what I think I can be miserable, my father came back were less severely scolded me out, in serious cases will beat me. How to do? How to do? I can not do anything, no escape, he had resigned, despite my father's pleasure. However, the results surprised me, and my father came back, not only did not call me, but is patiently taught me: "Son, you can not touch adult stuff, you want to touch the consent of adults definitely not ruin other people's. stuff! "Dad was a helpful person. On one occasion, he did chores at home. Suddenly heard "rumbling" thunder, up to the balcony was on the verge of his own home in the sun on the balcony clothes come close, but also see the opposite neighbor clothes drying outside, and that no one family home. They all went to work. He said nothing, and immediately ran across to first help them collect the clothes into the house. Then he returned to his home, pick up their clothes. At this time, the rain has fallen down. Own family's clothes was wet. Later, my mother criticized him. Instead, he criticized selfish mother. Later, the rain stopped, the neighbors back. Dad put clothes to get past them. They said: "It's so thank you!" Dad said: "!. Nothing better than distant neighbors Well bluntly," You mean my dad how? He is really a wider than others, helpful good man


Wen and Zhe are pigs. They have known each other and been in love since they were little.


They love each other so much, as if there were no others in the world.


Zhe takes very good care of Wen.


When they have dinner, Zhe always reserves the best for Wen.

Wen grows fat happily under Zhe's good care.


But on a dark windy night, their master decides to sell the fatter one to the butcher's house.


Watching Wen in her sleep, Zhe stays wide awake that night. He knows that Wen will be the one if things go on like this.


Zhe decides to sacrifice himself. For the first time in his life, Zhe starts a fight with Wen, which breaks his heart so bad.


However Wen tries, Zhe never talks to her anymore.


After that, Zhe always has fat meals without waiting up for Wen. Wen starts to slim down because of the heartbreak. But Zhe gets bigger and bigger everyday.


Zhe writes down " I Love You" on the wall the night before death.


Zhe is taken away from Wen forever. "If words can't speak themselves, my death will say it all."


Wen finally sees what Zhe has done for her. She doesn't even have a chance to say " I Love You" to Zhe now.


Wen decides to leave the place that has the sad memory and live her own life, also Zhe's.

lou shang de,dou di diao dian,hao ba!zuo ren yao hou dao ! BIE SHANG WANG SUI BIAN XIA DIAN DODNG DONG JIU QU HU NONG LOU ZHU! 这个社会骗子太多!

It's atof life was to me: “ You the arrogant woman, please be afraid that one day I can’t easily forgive her is good for myself. But as a sensitive woman, I
For a year, I always doubt this kind of just coming from the Internet who he knew little about can take place of the girl who truth. Howevercan’t tell, who will know?
I just made clear that he inclined to her between she and me. As my two intimate friends, they both chose each other, and chose to ignore my feeling. Whatever it is friendship or love, it’s what I can’t accept.
More satirically, she said to me: “ Forgive me, I think I should drop out now. I hope you get along with him well.” Actually, it’s me but not her who drop out. I admit that I take initiative to drop out of this love arena, before I took part in it. Because I will never suffer myself to take part in any love arena. I always choose to escape quietly and lick my own wound and then pull myself together again. I don’t need anyone’s understanding and comfor
No matter how attached and regretful I am, I will never try my best to gain a relationship, although maybe it’s in my touch. But I, a girl with nothing left, only leave a little of power to protect myself. Without it, I can’t go on survival.

In another a year ago, I gave up in the same way.

Therefore, I, who believes foreordination, believe I will be alone forever.

However, the time finally proves that whatever it’s she or her, neither are victors at last. A year ago, I was hurt by two persons at the same time. A year later, they hurt each other. The heartbroken grief is the obligation everyone should take.

Therefore, gods please forgive me. I look on it for a year with persevere and long-suffering power, with the belief that the time will let the nature of matter out. I can’t don’t cheer for this consequence.

For a year, many things have changed at all. I lose him and her forever, on the other hand, he and she he will feel losing me for the ,

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Niulang and Zhinv This is a beautiful story that has been narrated for thousands of years, and also one of Chinese four top folk love stories. For generations, many young men and women are moved too much.It was said that there was a Zhinv Star (Vega) who was a beautiful ...

(爱情总是想象比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别亦如是。我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅。最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。)With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed.However, this two similar ...


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