英语 翻译:1 夫妻俩就喜欢靠慈善来秀深情,以为捐一点钱既能扩大名声和影响,还能证明人品善良,就是要面

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3.moral standing
4.moral quality

1. The couple loves to show their so called sincerity by doing charity work. They donate little money to prove their kindness, hoping to acquire a better reputation and wider influence. But they're only doing this to make others jealous.
2. Pretending to enjoy a simple lifestyle while owning a private plane, it served them right when the football player Keown from Arsenal beat them up.

1husband and wife love live on charity to show affection, thought to donate a little money can expand the fame and influence, but also proved good character, is the face, want to let others envy
2private aircraft, with likes the simple life, deserve to03 year in September by A Senna Keown, the player.

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译:看看某些照片就知道了,这对夫妻真的只是为了做慈善?只是想扩大影响、乐于告诉别人:他们有多 -
佼轰槟榔: you can see from some pictures,what the couple really wanted to do is not charity.they are just try to arise an sensation,and show how deep they love each other and how even they are.what they really care is to play happy and draw your envy

张家港市19785445011: 向慈善机构捐钱是乐于助人的英语翻译两种 -
佼轰槟榔: To donate money to charity is obliging .It is helpful to donate money to charity organizations.

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译请将下面这短中文翻译成英文:我最喜欢的明星是成龙.他是一名非常成功的明星,也是一个很善良的人.他忠于慈善事业,经常帮助贫穷、弱小的人.... -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] My favorite stars is Jackie chan.He is a very successful star,also is a very kind person.He is faithful in the charity,often to help poor,weak person.He also sees the Chinese culture is widely spread ...

张家港市19785445011: 公益慈善 英文翻译 -
佼轰槟榔: charity 英 ['tʃærɪtɪ] 美 ['tʃærəti] n. 慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物 短语 charity work 慈善工作 out of charity 出于仁慈 charity event 慈善活动;慈善赛;慈善事件 charity begins at home 慈善要从家庭做起;仁爱始于家 例句:I asked ...

张家港市19785445011: 求翻译成英文!不要机器翻译!谢谢~~1、他们一直热衷于慈善公益事业.近年来,新生代的力量也不容小觑,年轻的偶像们不仅在事业方面表现得很出色,而... -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] They consist of pursuing the public welfare.In the latest few years,young models are not only doing well in their own jobs,but also contributing a lot to the the public welfare.No matter who you are,w...

张家港市19785445011: 用英文翻译下列句子:1他们当时正在进行慈善募捐 2自我们最后见面以来,有一年时间了 -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] 1.They were making some donations. 2.Since the last time we have met, one year has passed.

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译1、去年Tom被选为班长.2、每天打扫教室是我们的职责.3、我们为什么不组织一次慈善义演呢?4、我们应该发传单要求人们捐款给希望工程.5、我... -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] Tom was elected for the monitor last year.Cleanning classrooms every day is our responsiblity.Wny don't we orgazie a charity show?We should send flyers to ask people to donate for Hope Project.I am so...

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译(1)赠送礼物在不同国家是不同的.(2)在美国,人们有时会要求朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不要去买礼物.(3)你不必在礼物上花太多的钱. -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] 你好! 1 In different countries, people send differnt gifts.2 In the USA, people may ask their friends to donate money to charities instead of buying gifts.3 You needn't spend much on gifts. 地道的翻译...

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译1,你帮助那些需要帮助的人,你真是个大好人2,你应该有足够的信心把这项工作做好3,因为人太多,所以你买票有困难.4,他宁愿把钱捐给慈善... -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] 1.It's very kind of you to help those in need. 2.You should have enough confidence in handling this work. 3.You will have ... 6.He was reading an English magazine while I was cooking yesterday afternoon. 7.This documentary showcases that tigers are ...

张家港市19785445011: 英语翻译1:这个人是个慈善家,他购买了大量椰子,然后以穷人们都能够支付得起的价格卖给他们.2:他一开始是个亿万富翁,但是他的慈善行为使它丧失... -
佼轰槟榔:[答案] 1:This man is a philanthropist,he buys a lot of coconuts,then sells to them at the price that poor people can afford . 2:At first he was a billionaire,but his practise of charity caused him to lose a lot of money,therefore resulted in a millionaire.

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