
作者&投稿:纵叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.beside和besides的区别,前者是旁边的的意思,后者是除此之外的意思。2.注意时态变化 3.一些易错的词组,如in a hurry 4.注意词性变化 5.注意人称 6.词组,如”look forward doing“是比较常考的 7.一些易错的可数不可数名词。如”advice“是不可数的,这个单词考得比较多。暂时只能回忆起这些了。 这些都需要平时积累,适当做些错题笔记,是很有效果的。





  1. 词形变化错误。主要是名词复数构成上的错误。

  1. One of their first model was the Silver

  2. We have spent several precious weekend
        in learning in the English Club.

  3. All over the world men and woman, boys
        and girls enjoy sports.

  4. And that knowledges could change my

  5. There are advantage for students to work
        while studying at school.

  6. But one and a half year later, I now
        think English is fun to learn.

  7. We’re leaving for our hometowns to spend
        the winter vacations.
  1. 词性混用错误。主要是介词与动词、形容词与副词等的混用。

  1. It
    is a real good chance to have met you here.

  2. Football
    is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!

  3. In
    examinations and in certain kinds of written work, it is dishonest and
    foolishly to help or to ask help from others.

  4. She
    looked at me serious and said, “It’s bad to tell lies!”

  5. We’d
    throw a coin as far as possibly.

  6. It
    was complete dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold, wet

  1. 介词的漏用、多用、误用。

  1. It
    is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was regarded “the best car in the

  2. They
    would have to ask their parents for money or for permission to do things by the

  3. Usually
    I just checked the results because I thought it was dull to watch a game in
    which players kicked a ball each other.

  4. I
    found the game exciting and my dad explained for the rules.

  5. But
    for the most wonderful thing about Jack was his musical ability.

  6. I’m
    writing to thank you with your kind help.

  7. I
    didn’t have to walk far before I found a small house standing on a field with a
    light shining from the sitting room.

  8. Thank
    you so much for your party at Christmas Eve.

  9. We’re
    leaving from our hometowns to spend the winter vacation.

  10. Will
    you join in the tourist group organized by our school?


  1. 冠词的漏用、多用、误用。

  1. We
    have made a great progress.

  2. Many
    people enjoy sports by watching the others play.

  3. He
    would greet us in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we lay in bed
    in a morning.

  4. I
    hope you have had wonderful journey home.

  5. I
    was a high school student then, from low-income family.

  1. 代词方面的误用。这些错误主要是:主格、宾格的混用,物主代词、反身代词的误用,代词的多余,不定代词的错用等。

  1. This
    is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was regarded as “the best car in the

  2. Besides,
    the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities
    lively and interesting.

  3. They
    may be very hard to do and you certainly need a lot of will-power to succeed.

  4. Some
    students may also save up for our college or future use.

  5. Usually
    I just checked the results because I thought that was dull to watch a game in
    which players kicked a ball to each other.

  6. My
    first one job was to clean the tables in a small restaurant.

  7. And
    I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.

  1. 谓语动词方面的错误。这类错误主要是:时态、语态、主谓一致等方面的错误。

  1. Charles
    Rolls, a car maker, was very interested in Royce’s car, and soon Rolls and
    Royce go into business together.

  2. I
    wasn’t worried about it until I go to see the doctor.

  3. Since
    long ago, many adults and children called their friends together to spend
    hours, even days playing games.

  4. One
    of them was that they can earn money.

  5. I
    was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match.

  6. During
    the World Cup in 2002, my dad stays up late just to watch his favorite sport.

  7. We
    named him Jack and keep him for about three years.

  8. But
    the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability.

  9. I
    am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our English so much.

  10. Earning
    their own money allow them to spend on anything as they please.

  11. Having
    fun with their friends make them happy.


  1. 非谓语动词方面的错误。这类错误主要是:不定式与动名词和分词的混用,现在分词和过去分词的混用,动词与动名词和现在分词的混用以及不定式带不带to的错误。

  1. In
    1907, a Silver Ghost broke the world’s record by drive 14,371 miles without
    breaking down once.

  2. Besides,
    the foreign teachers here work hard and try their best to make the activities
    lively and interested.

  3. When
    you’re on a diet you have to stop eat too much even though you are always

  4. Since
    long ago, many adults and children have called their friends together to spend
    hours, even days play games.

  5. In
    other words, they help to keep people strong and feel good.

  6. I
    found the game excited and my dad explained the rules.

  7. I
    still remember going there early and felt anxious about the new world.

  8. He
    would also catch the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and
    sing happily.

  9. I
    didn’t have to walk far before I found a small house standing in a field with a
    light shine from the sitting room.

  10. I
    knocked at the door and was delighting when a pleasant man opened the door and
    listened to my story carefully.

  11. We
    are busy prepare for our trips.

  1. 行文逻辑方面的错误。这类错误主要是转折、因果、并列关系等的混用。

  1. We
    liked the dishes you had cooked but we were happy to learn the English songs
    you taught us.

  2. Charles
    Rolls, a car maker, was very interested in Royce’s car, but soon Rolls and
    Royce went into business together.

  3. I
    knocked at the door and was delighted when a pleasant man opened the door but
    listened to my story carefully.

  4. He
    told me that I’d probably have a heart attack while I started eating less.

  5. Not
    all people like to work and everyone likes to play.





    一、1.models      2.
    weekends    3. women    4. knowledge   5. advantages

    6. years      7. vacation

    二、1. really    2. badly     3. foolish    4. seriously    5. possible   6. completely

    三、1. regarded as    2. with the money    3. to each other   4. explained the rules    5. But the most     6. for your kind help    7. in a filed    8. on Christmas Eve   9. leaving for    10. join the tourist group

    great progress    2. watching others    3. in the morning   4. had a wonderful journey    5. from a low-income family

    五、1. It is not  2. try their best   3. It may
    be   4. for their college    5. I thought it was dull  6. My first job   7. it was not easy

    六、1. went into business    2. went to see    3. children have called    4. one of them is that   5. watch    6. stayed    7. kept    8. was     9. all of us have greatly   10.
    allows    11. makes  

    七、1. driving   2. interesting    3. eating    4. playing     5. feeling   6. exciting    7. feeling     8. thrown       9. shining    10. delighted     11. preparing

    八、1. and we were happy   2. and soon    3. and listened to   4. unless I started   5. but everyone


二、名词数 指名词单复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (subjects)三、区分形和副 即区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如:I’m sure we’l have a wonderfully time together.(...

每一种题型都有对应的答题步骤及规则,当然每一种题型也有相关的解题技巧,下面我们就来看看高中英语短文改错题答题步骤及规则,里面有答题的步骤、改错题万能答题公式、改错题的出题规律等等,帮助大家尽快提升短文改错题的答题水平,进而提升英语成绩。 高中英语改错题答题步骤 第一步:考生必须熟悉设错方式 1. 考生必须...

下表为近两年高考短文改错词法设置的主要考点: 二、解题思路(一)注意英语词汇的曲折变化从历年高考短文改错的命题看,考查英语的曲折附加成份占有相当大的比例。所谓曲折变化即是各种词形的变化,它是拼音文字特有的表现形式,如:动词的曲折变化,名词的曲折变化,代词的曲折变化,形容词副词的曲折变化等,而汉语则无这种变化...

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 句子成分残缺是SAT语法改错题中的常见错误类型。以下是句子成分残缺的三种常见形式:1. 句子缺少谓语一般情况下,英语句子都是由主语和谓语这两部分组成,相比之下,谓语显得更为重要,因为谓语...

语法项目表 1.词类 1)名词 2)形容词 3)副词 4)动词 5)代词 6)冠词 7)数词 8)介词 9)连词 10)感叹词 2.名词 1)可数和不可数名词 2)名词的复数形式 3)专有名词 4)所有格 3.代词 1)人称代词 2)物主代词 3)反身代词 4)指示代词 5)不定代词 6)疑问代词 4.数词 1)基数词 2)序...


高中短文改错常考点 一、多一介词或副词 ① 有些动词在汉语中是不及物动词,在英语中是及物动词,可能多一个介词。如:serve for the people, follow after him, play with her in a match, marry with her, engage withher ② 有些动词可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,但搭配不同,可能...

这些短语都是在考试过程中高频出现的短语。以上就是常见SAT语法句子改错题错误的总结。总之,IE题型是writing部分中最为简单的一种题型,考生只需认真看清楚我上边列出的题型分类,就可以轻松面对IE题型。 广州环球雅思英语培训电话400-001-9911转分机17019;51Talk无忧英语培训电话400-001-9911转分机16819。;

英语改错题 说明理由
1.去掉the 这一类的时间名词前面不加冠词。2.while后面要接进行时 也就是doing的形式 此处while换为when就对了。这个考点在改错题中很常见。3.去掉to pay是及物动词 直接加宾语 pay something~不用to 4.去掉the What's wrong with……是一个固定句型 5.so换为such 你可以具体比较一下这...


肥城市17193355253: 高中英语改错题最常见的考点英语改错有十个,这十个一般有哪些考点 -
宗峰河车:[答案] 1.beside和besides的区别,前者是旁边的的意思,后者是除此之外的意思.2.注意时态变化 3.一些易错的词组,如in a hurry 4.注意词性变化 5.注意人称 6.词组,如”look forward doing“是比较常考的 7.一些易错的可数不可...

肥城市17193355253: 全国卷高考英语短文改错容易错的地方有哪些 -
宗峰河车: 一、考点规律分析 短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的单复数问题,即在该用复数的地方误用其单数,或在该用单数的地方误用其复数,关键是记住常用的不可数名词和集体名词以及复数形式表达不同意义的名词(见核按钮) 二、真题单句...

肥城市17193355253: 高考改错一般重点考察哪些知识点? -
宗峰河车: 1 冠词(冠词误用)2 词性误用(例如副词修饰形容词,形容词修饰名词,名词作宾语等词性误用)3 句子结构(定语从句,宾语从句,虚拟语气,状语从句)4 时态语态6 连接词误用(but/and/though/so/because等)7 代词(不定代词something/anything/everything等,指示性代词it/them/he/she/they)

肥城市17193355253: 短文改错考查的知识点有哪些 -
宗峰河车: 短文改错考查的知识点有:字、词、句,标点.字——错别字 词——用词不当 句——病句(包括关联词语使用) 标点——可以标点改错或考查点标点.

肥城市17193355253: 高中英语改错题:常改单词 -
宗峰河车: 这样的话太笼统了,说几个改错常见的考点吧~~ 10个题,有九个是错的,一般情况下这9道题会分为5种或者6种错误类型,7种、八种的属于偏难的题了.另外,我们高中英语老师交给我们一个妙招,就是把改错当成你自己的写作,那样就会容易发现错误.真的很灵!!!他还教我们个方法,分享给你~~动词形(动词的时态),名词数(单复数变形),注意形和副(形容词和副词) 非谓语,细辨别,词组要牢记; 句子成分多分析,逻辑错误需关注; 缩小范围把握句意,逐句判断,通篇检查.什么题型都有规律可循,祝顺利~~

肥城市17193355253: 高中英语短文改错有哪六步?
宗峰河车: 第一步 必须熟悉设错方式1. 必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词.⑴ 多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面.⑵ 少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等.⑶ 错词现象主...

肥城市17193355253: 求 英语改错 中 常出的 错误 最好 有例子 …… 谢谢. -
宗峰河车: 1.谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点 常见动词错误类型有 ① 一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ② and 前后动词时态不一致; ③ 主谓不一致; ④ 缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤ 第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥ 主动语态和被动语态错用.1)They...

肥城市17193355253: 英语短文改错一般错误类型有哪些? -
宗峰河车: 1. 名词单复数; 2.动词时态语态单复数形式(主谓一致); 3.形容词与副词(形容词修饰名词代词,副词修饰动词形容词); 4.非谓语动词(过去分词、现在分词和不定式,一个重要语法点,这里不便详细解释) 5.冠词(a,an,the;有时会缺失...

肥城市17193355253: 高中英语改错题有什么解题技巧?
宗峰河车: 高中的英语改错题一般会在以下几个方面设错误点: 1 动词时态.看看题中的动词时态是否符合语境;2 主谓一致.看看谓语动词的形式是否与主语相符;3 逻辑错误.例如本来该用Her的地方用了His,这种问题结合全文语境便知;4 常见固定...

肥城市17193355253: 英语短文敢错中常见的固定短语 -
宗峰河车:[答案] 高考英语短文改错 常见错误类型 高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一.笔者对近几年的高考英语改错题作了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误类型主要集中在以下方面.(例题保留原题号) 1. 动词时态 每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基...

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