
作者&投稿:邸雄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. It is raining in Shanghai.
2. It's a rainy day in Shanghai.
3. There is rain in Shanghai.
4. Shanghai is very wet now.
Each of these sentences conveys the same meaning but with slightly different nuances. The first one is more straightforward and colloquial. The second one emphasizes the rainy aspect of the day. The third one is more passive, and the fourth one describes the current state of Shanghai due to the rain.

4. Parents can deeply influence their children even throughout their whole life.5. Do you know Mr. Brown who will undergo surgery today?【楼上的要不就不搭边要不就有语法错误啊,是不是翻译工具机译的啊?本人是美国留学生,精确到每个单词。另外有什么需要在英语\/日语\/西班牙语\/汉语方面...

I want to show my appreciation to IFBOYS. IFBOYS are bright and tremendous. They have belief in themselves. What's more, they are full of love and nice. Because of their unity, they are successful. I have learnt a lot from IFBOYS, a favorite shota group in China, for ...

今天有体育有测试吗?Today there are sports have test?你短跑测试通过没?You dash test through yet?你又打算减肥吗?You again going to lose weight?你认为吃什么对身体有益?Do you think what to eat beneficial?你喜欢每天都去公园锻炼吗?Do you like to go to the park exercise every ...

1 Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, is also one of the working languages of the United nations.2 Chinese written language unity, speaking in Mandarin as the standard language.3 with the development of China, more and more people in the world are starting to learn...

1. People have different ideas about this question.2. 80% of students like school uniform.3. They think the design of uniform is good.4. The others have no interest on the uniform.5. 1\/3 of students live near school.6. Half of the students need to take 50 minutes to ...

1.我因为喜欢音乐、唱歌,所以喜欢音乐课 I like English lessons because I like music and singsing.2.我参加了学校的音乐俱乐部,结交了许多朋友;俱乐部里有许多音乐小组,我们经常在放学后一起练唱,有时在学校的音乐节上演唱 I took part in the music club and made many friends;There are many...

英语 把下面的句子翻译成中文
money consist of anything which is generally acceptable in payment for goods, services and debts. Historically.many things have served as money,such as stone,skaves,cattle,and even cigarettes.Today,however in all advanced countries, money consists primarily of paper currency and demand ...

1.I did't leave there until you called me.2.It is difficult(not easy) for me to come here.3.Do not watch TV,please help me clean up the room.4.My grandpa bought a valuable flower bottle yesterday.5.She was angry at the bad news....

1.这张画是他的签名限量复制品 This picture is limited edition of copies with his signature.2.我们代理的艺术家都是中国最有名的.The artists who are agented by us is the most famous.3.丝网版画是四大版画之一,是创作版画,类似于木刻版画。Serigraphs is one of four printmakings , ...

These words deprived him of his ability of utterance.Everything is just as predicted, isn't it?He left, deciding to ask Mrs. Belinskiy to tell his fortune tomorrow.

金牛区19164107806: 将下面的句子译成英文.1.这个用英文怎么说? 2.这支铅笔是什么颜色? 3.我喜欢这辆车. 4.这是一幅画. -
弋肿复方:[答案] 您好~ 1.how to say it in English? 2.what's color of the pencil? 3.I like this car. 4.this is a picture 祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O~ 如有疑问可以追问~

金牛区19164107806: 把下面的句子译成英文.1.一直很安静.2.我会懂得珍惜. -
弋肿复方:[答案] 1、Has been very quiet. 2、I will know how to cherish. or 1、Quiet all the time. 2、I shall know and treasure it always.

金牛区19164107806: 把下面的句子翻译成英文.千万别有语法错误.谢谢.1.我爸爸明天将回到美国.2.他说让你在他回来以后给他送他的沙发.(送货)3.他想让我问你一个问题:我的... -
弋肿复方:[答案] 1.My father will go back to U.S.tomorrow.2.He asked you to delivery his sofa after he comes back.3.He wants me to ask you,is my TV bench arrived?4.Can both be delivered at same time?5.When can be deli...

金牛区19164107806: 英语翻译把下面的句子翻译成英文1如果你有麻烦,我会尽可能帮你2由于这位老人领路,我们已经没有任何困难就找到了那个地方3在英语方面,你花的时... -
弋肿复方:[答案] 1如果你有麻烦,我会尽可能帮你I will do all that I can to help you when you are in trouble.2由于这位老人领路,我们已经没有任何困难就找到了那个地方Because of the guide of the old man, we have no difficult...

金牛区19164107806: 英语翻译将下面的句子翻译成英语,不要翻译器那直接翻来的chinese english下次别忘了认真的做你的作业.你的母亲准备为你买什么生日礼物?中国是一个很... -
弋肿复方:[答案] 下次别忘了认真的做你的作业.Remember to do your homework seriously next time.你的母亲准备为你买什么生日礼物?What kind of birthday gift are you going to buy for your mother?中国是一个很大的国家China is ...

金牛区19164107806: 将下面句子译成英语.《动物世界》是他最喜欢的电视节目.____________________________. -
弋肿复方:[答案] Animal World is his favorite TV program.

金牛区19164107806: 将下面句子翻译成英语 我会帮助你做这件事的. -
弋肿复方:[答案] 参考如下: I'm help you do it. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,

金牛区19164107806: 英语翻译请将下面的句子翻译成英文:有人说在这个世界上只有这些东西才会让人真正觉得快乐:有人爱,有事做,有希望. -
弋肿复方:[答案] They say a person needs just three things to be truely Happy in this world-- "someone to love,something to do and something to hope for "——Tom Bodett

金牛区19164107806: 请将下面的句子翻译成英语,用上提示词 他醒来发现自己躺在医院里.(wake up) -
弋肿复方:[答案] He woke up and found himself lying in hospital.

金牛区19164107806: 将下面句子翻译成英语
弋肿复方: “ 1 It is time for us to take measures to deal with the problem. 2. As we had expected, he chickened out at the last minute . 3. On the way home, our car broke down and the food had been eaten up. 4. In order to keep the balance of nature, the ...

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