商务英语对话 打电话询问超市是否还有我们公司的存货 AB双方最少六句 谢谢各位英语达人帮我回答一下吧

作者&投稿:微具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语打电话情景对话英语情景对话 有关超市的 中文英文都要,,谢谢帮忙~

前面是超市的,下面是电话 A: 我是玛丽·米勒。史密斯先生的秘书,我能帮您什么吗? A: Marry Miller, Mr. Smith’s secretary speaking, can I help you? B: 我是汤姆·波特。我能和史密斯先生上讲话吗?。 B: This is Tom Port. May I speak to Mr. Smith? A: 史密斯先生现在不在办公室,恐怕他3点钟以前不会回来。 不过,您愿意与布朗先生讲话吗?当史密斯先生不在时由他来接电话。 A: Mr. Smith is not in his office. I’m afraid he will not be back before 3 o’clock. Would you care to speak to Mr. Brown? He’s taking all Mr. Smith’s calls in his absence. B: 谢谢,请帮我转吧! B: Thank you, Please! 您是哪位? Who’s calling, please? Who’s speaking, please? Who is this, please? May I ask who’s calling? Who should I say is calling? 您想找哪位接电话? Who in particular would you like to talk to? 请稍等一下。 Hold on, please. One moment, please. Just a moment, please. Hold the line, please. Just a second, please. 我让他接电话。 I’ll put him on. 我把电话转接给你。 I’ll connect you. 我把电话给您接过去。 I’ll transfer your call. I’ll put you through. 我把电话转给负责人。 I’ll get your party for you. I’m transferring your call to the person in charge. A: 我是汤姆·波特。我能和史密斯先生上讲话吗?。 A: This is Tom Port. May I speak to Mr. Smith? B: 史密斯先生现在不在办公室,恐怕他3点钟以前不会回来。 不过,您愿意与布朗先生讲话吗?当史密斯先生不在时由他来接电话。 B: Mr. Smith is not in his office. I’m afraid he will not be back before 3 o’clock. Would you care to speak to Mr. Brown? He’s taking all Mr. Smith’s calls in his absence. A: 不了,谢谢,我能给史密斯先生留个口信吗? A: No, Thank you, Can I leave Mr. Smith a message? B: 好的,我转告他您来电话了。 B: OK. I’ll tell him that you called. 挂电话 谢谢您打来电话。 Thanks for calling. Thank you for your call. 能跟您通上话,我非常高兴,再见。 Nice talking to you. Bye. 谢谢你给我回电话。 Thank you for returning my call. Thank you for calling me back. 请挂电话吧。 Please hang up the phone. 我得挂电话了。 I’d better get off the phone. I have to go now. I have to get going. 表示对方打错电话的常用句: 您好像打错电话了。 I’m afraid you have the wrong number. 您拨的电话号码是多少? What number are you calling? What number are you trying to reach? 这儿没有您说的这个人。 There’s no one here by that name. There’s nobody here by that name. 表示自己打错电话的常用句: 对不起,我好像打错了。 I’m sorry. I must have misdialed. I’m afraid I have the wrong number. 哦,对不起,打扰您了。 Oh, sorry for troubling you.

How do you do?或者How's going?

A: Hello, XXX Super Market.
B: Hello, this is XXX from XX Company. 1
A: Hi, what can I do for you?
B: I am calling to check with you on the number of stock of our product in your super market. 2
A: OK, hold on for a second. Let me check real quick.
B: Thanks a lot. 3
A: Hi, thanks for waiting.
B: No problem. 4
A: So far, our stock has been entirely cleared out.
B: Thanks for checking. Right now I am wondering if you are planning on placing new orders? 5
A: I am afraid that we will not make the decision by the end of this month.
B: OK, I will call you again then. Bye! 6
A: Byebye.



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