急求关于Sam Houston的英文演讲!!急!!!英文!!!!

作者&投稿:段干码 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






英文:In order to pursue energy block, Weizhen days came to the Earth, in the Arctic, he was received by the strong magnetic interference, the accident was frozen under the ice. With inadvertently fall into the ice-scientists, Weizhen days of the energy block will scan the information to scientists on the glasses. Weizhen days by the U.S. military secretly transferred to the Hoover Dam in the secret underground base, this only served as Secretary of Defense secret composed of seven military team to know.

"Decepticon" Xianqianbudui cyclones and scorpion attacked the U.S. military bases in Qatar, Transformers the re-emergence has aroused the vigilance incumbent defense minister, he organized a group of young computer experts to search "Decepticon" The whereabouts. At the same time, road blocks to help his partner confusion sneak into the U.S. President's plane Air 1, the computer was informed that, in order to find Weizhen days on the need to find the family of Nafu Weiteweiji glasses, and it is now the owner of Sam became the "Decepticon" the target of attacks.

Sam is a living and unsatisfactory high school students, the school did not believe that he described on the history of this pair of glasses, while disappointing, Sam glasses to put online auctions, but never caused the buyer's interest. Then the father sent a car to the dilapidated state of his car exactly is the "vehicle" Hornet deformation. Sam carried the Hornets to help Sam hand of a beautiful girlfriend, but soon encountered a "Decepticon" attacks, Optimus Prime with other "vehicle" arrived, a robot from World War II This opened the curtain.

Optimus Prime tells Sam, the evil Megatron an attempt to block the use of energy radiation on Earth can all things have become "Decepticon" forces one, thus defeating the "car" and then rule the universe And destroy the energy is the only way to block it into two factions Transformers leader of the heart. As the universe of peace and resolutely defend the people's car chief, Optimus Prime is well prepared to sacrifice their own.

The cunning of confusion into the Sam girlfriend's cell phone, entered the Hoover Dam Below the secret base, in the days of the release of Wei Zhen at the same time, this information will be sent back to "Decepticon" headquarters. Red Spider was with other "Decepticon" members of noisy, attacks, roadblocks, cyclones and other rapidly went to the Hoover Dam, and joined Weizhen days. Critical moment, the Hornets also sent reinforcements to the Optimus Prime information, jazz, tin, led by Optimus Prime in an ambulance, prepared and "Decepticon" start a war.

In coordination with the human army, Sam Qianjunyifa juncture in the energy block will be inserted into the heart of the Weizhen days, and the Jazz are in this battle, unfortunately sacrifice, a good friend of Sam Hornet was hit. Weizhen days of mechanical body was sunk, damaged the energy block Optimus Prime also returned to the hands, but the story has not ended, the red spider Linzhentuotao Sebo Tan returned to the planet, he will and other "Decepticon "Regrouping, waiting for opportunities to Shahui Earth, and" car "a Zaizhan.

Yesterday was Sunday.Sam got up at 6 in the morning.After breakfast he went to the park by bike and had a good time there.At noon he had lunch at Mcdonald's with his dad and mom.He had a drumstick,a hamburger and a Coke.In the afternoon,Sam and his classmates played basketball at school.After dinner,he took a walk with his parents.His father bought him a popular CD.He listened to music and did some reading after arriving home.Then he went to sleep.Sam really enjoyed himself this day!


1793年生于弗吉尼亚州,他的父亲塞缪尔·休斯顿(Samuel Houston)是一名陆军少校,母亲为伊丽莎白。他是家中的第五个男孩,其祖先可以追溯至来自于苏格兰-爱尔兰地区的移民。童年时他在家乡当地一所学校学得一些简单的知识,13岁时父亲去世,母亲随后带着他们5个兄弟和3个妹妹前往了田纳西州。他们一家在马里兰小镇(Maryville)附近的一条溪流边经营着一家农场,然而休斯顿似乎并不喜欢农场生活。1809年时休斯顿离开农场,同田纳西河附近的切罗基人居住在一起,这一呆就是三年,期间也曾偶尔回家探望过几次。收养他的切罗基酋长还给他起了个切罗基语名字叫“乌鸦”,这段经历使得休斯顿对印第安人充满了感情。[1]
1812年5月离开切罗基人后,休斯顿回到马里兰开设了一家学校,这所学校盈利颇丰。美英第二次战争爆发后,他参加了美国军队并立功,4个月后被升为中尉负责指挥第39步兵团。1814年3月,休斯顿在对抗同英国人结盟的克里克人的马掌弯(Horseshoe Bend)战役中负伤 ,不过他的英勇表现也受到了安德鲁·杰克逊将军的注意。1817年他任命了一个印第安人作为切罗基人的贸易代理,然而1818年2月当他率领一个切罗基人代表团前往华盛顿时,却因为穿着印第安服装受到了总统詹姆斯·门罗及战争部长约翰·卡德威尔·卡尔霍恩的责备。[2]
1818年,他辞去军职向詹姆斯·特林布尔(James Trimble)法官学习了半年法律,然后开始从事律师行业。1819年休斯顿获选为纳什维尔地区的公诉律师,4年后经由安德鲁·杰克逊推选成为了一名民主党议员,1825年时再次获选。[3]1827年,他当选田纳西州州长,2年后他迎娶了一位18岁少女埃莉萨·艾伦(Eliza Allen)为妻。这场婚姻是由艾伦的父亲约翰·艾伦上校强行安排的,夫妻两的关系并不好,结婚后没几个就分居了。4月16日休斯顿辞去了州长的职务,本来他是有指望成为杰克逊的继承人参选总统的。[1]7月份他回到了切罗基的部落并认识了一位后来成为他妻子的印第安女子蒂纳·罗杰斯(Tiana Rogers)。10月时他获得了印第安人的承认,成为了他们的一员。因为经常饮酒,他又获得了醉鬼的外号。12月中旬他作为切罗基人的代表前往华盛顿谈论贸易事项。之后又游览了美国东部多个地区,还在1830年1月遇见了安德鲁·杰克逊,31年8月母亲去后世休斯顿再度回到了家乡,后来在一条汽船上休斯顿还遇见了法国作家亚历西斯·托克维尔。[4]1832他接受了杰克逊总统的派遣来到了得克萨斯。


Houston ran twice for governor of Texas as a Unionist, unsuccessfully in 1857, and successfully against Hardin R. Runnels in 1859. Upon election, he became the only person elected to serve as governor of two U.S. states by popular vote. (Whereas Thomas McKean and John Dickinson had each served as chief executives of Delaware and then of Pennsylvania in the late 18th century, and other state governors had also served as governors of American territory, they achieved at least one of their positions by indirect election or appointment.)
Although Houston was a slave owner and opposed abolition, he opposed the secession of Texas from the Union. An elected convention voted to secede from the United States on February 1, 1861, and Texas joined the Confederate States of America on March 2, 1861. Houston refused to recognize its legality, but the Texas legislature upheld the legitimacy of secession. The political forces that brought about Texas's secession were powerful enough to replace the state's Unionist governor. Houston chose not to resist, stating, "I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her. To avert this calamity, I shall make no endeavor to maintain my authority as Chief Executive of this State, except by the peaceful exercise of my functions ... " He was evicted from his office on March 16, 1861, for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, writing,
"Fellow-Citizens, in the name of your rights and liberties, which I believe have been trampled upon, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the nationality of Texas, which has been betrayed by the Convention, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the Constitution of Texas, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of my own conscience and manhood, which this Convention would degrade by dragging me before it, to pander to the malice of my enemies, I refuse to take this oath. I deny the power of this Convention to speak for Texas....I protest....against all the acts and doings of this convention and I declare them null and void.[30] "
He was replaced by Lieutenant Governor Edward Clark. To avoid more bloodshed in Texas, Houston turned down U.S. Col. Frederick W. Lander's offer from President Lincoln of 50,000 troops to prevent Texas's secession. He said, "Allow me to most respectfully decline any such assistance of the United States Government."
After leaving the Governor's mansion, Houston traveled to Galveston. Along the way, many people demanded an explanation for his refusal to support the Confederacy. On April 19, 1861 from a hotel window he told a crowd:
Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South.[31]

Samuel "Sam" Houston (March 2, 1793 – July 26, 1863) was a nineteenth-century American statesman, politician, and soldier. He is best known for his leading role in bringing Texas into the United States.
He was born at Timber Ridge Plantation in Rockbridge County of Virginia, of Scots-Irish descent. Houston became a key figure in the history of Texas and was elected as the first and third President of the Republic of Texas, U.S. Senator for Texas after it joined the United States, and finally as a governor of the state. He refused to swear loyalty to the Confederacy when Texas seceded from the Union in 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War, and was removed from office.[2] To avoid bloodshed, he refused an offer of a Union army to put down the Confederate rebellion. Instead, he retired to Huntsville, Texas, where he died before the end of the Civil War.
His earlier life included migration to Tennessee from Virginia, time spent with the Cherokee Nation (into which he later was adopted as a citizen and into which he married), military service in the War of 1812, and successful participation in Tennessee politics. In 1827, Houston was elected Governor of Tennessee as a Jacksonian.[3] In 1829, Houston resigned as governor and relocated to Arkansas Territory.[4] In 1832, Houston was involved in an altercation with a U.S. Congressman, followed by a high-profile trial.[5]
Shortly afterwards, he relocated to Coahuila y Tejas, then a Mexican state, and became a leader of the Texas Revolution.[6] Sam Houston supported annexation by the United States.[7] When he assumed the governorship of Texas in 1859, Houston became the only person to have become the governor of two different U.S. states through direct, popular election, as well as the only state governor to have been a foreign head of state.
Namesake of the fourth largest city in the U.S., Houston's reputation was sufficiently large that he was honored in numerous ways after his death, among them: a memorial museum, four U.S. warships named USS Houston (AK-1, CA-80, CL81 and SSN-713), a U.S. Army base, a national forest, a historical park, a university, and a prominent roadside statue outside of Huntsville.

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空璐盐酸: houston的读音:[ˈhju:stən]. Houston英 [ˈhju:stən] 美 [ˈhjustən] n.休斯顿. Houston用法示例如下: 1.Houston's eyes roved restlessly about the room 休斯敦知不安地扫视着这个房间. 2.Houston was chosen as the site for the convention...

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空璐盐酸: 一、休斯敦 二、是美国得克萨斯州的第一大城,全美国第四大城市,墨西哥湾沿岸最大的经济中心.面积达1,440平方公里,市名是以当年德克萨斯共和国总统山姆·休斯敦(Sam Houston)命名的. 三、休斯敦是哈里斯县(全国第三大县)的...

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空璐盐酸: 1、休斯敦 休斯敦(Houston),是美国德克萨斯州的第一大城,全美国第四大城市,墨西哥湾沿岸最大的经济中心.面积为1,440平方公里,市名是以当年德克萨斯共和国总统山姆·休斯敦(Sam Houston)命名的.休斯敦是哈里斯县(全国第...

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空璐盐酸:[答案] E.指east. PKWY 是Parkway的缩写. SAM HOUSTON PARKWAY是休斯顿一条路的名字,来源于一个人的名字,就叫Sam Houston.所以这个地址就是:休斯顿市SAM HOUSTON北公园大道东段6161号. 楼主可以用这个地址的英文google一下,是有...

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空璐盐酸: 事实上,顾客能够解雇我们公司的每一个人.他们只需到其他地方去花钱,就可做到这一点. 山姆沃尔顿

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