
作者&投稿:劳左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我为什么要上大学 Why I went to College

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view has been shared now by more and more people. I’m very glad to receive college education and i reached the conclusion that i have come to college not for one single reason, but for many.“这世上的成功之士,是那些奋力寻觅自己想要得到机遇的人们。倘使找不着机会,他们就自己创造机会。”这句名言是一个伟大的作家萧伯纳写的。被原来越多的人分享着。我很高兴能够接受大学教育,我总结出我想上大学不单单是为了一个原因,而是很多个。
First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friends. The youth of 21stcentury should be open-minded, instead of being a person with a tunnel vision. I’m ready to meet more challenges and make more friends during the four years.第一,大学是能开阔我眼界和结交更多朋友的理想之地。作为21世纪的年轻人,我们应该开拓思维,而不是目光狭隘。我已经做好在这四年内接受挑战和认识更多朋友的准备了。
Second, I’m unwilling to step into the society straight after high school. I’m afraid I’m not fully prepared for the working environment: complicated interpersonal problems, jockeying for position, a tremendous amount of pressure and etc. I have to face various kinds of major conflicts as well as trivial things. I seem to be over-pessimistic, but that actually accounts for part of my choice.第二,我不愿意在高中之后就直接进入社会。我害怕我没有完全做好踏入工作环境的准备:复杂的人际问题,用手段谋取职位,巨大的压力等等。我必须面对各种重大冲突还有琐碎事情。我也许是过度悲观了,但是事实上这也是我做出选择的一个原因。
Finally, thanks to the all-out support from my parents, i am able to further my study in university. I’ll spare no efforts to live up to their expectation on me to be a well-trained and well-rounded person.最后,幸好有我父母的全力支持,我才得以在大学继续我的学业。我会不留余力地满足他们的期望成为一个训练有素全面发展的人。
I will learn experience and challenge myself in my college life and be an outstanding person of future. 我会在大学生涯中学习,经历和挑战我自己,在未来成为一个佼佼者。

When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked
myself the same question so many times

Why I go to college? You may say: you go to college just because you
want to have a good job after graduation. Well, why I come to college is not for one single reason, but for many.

The major reason is that I need to further my education and know more about the outside world. In high school,
I was always feeling not enough to get knowledge from the textbooks and I didn’t have enough time to travel to
see the outside world. But in the college, I have abundant time to read the books I’m interested
in and travel to
different places to broaden my horizon.

, college is such an ideal place to make new friends who come from different places and I can learn
about the different culture. As I am a typically southerner
, I find there are many differences between north and
south after I come to college, such as the way they talk, and the food they used to eat. Before I went to college,
I admit I never pay attention to these. And I don’t want to be a p
erson with a tunnel vision; I want to make more
friends during the four years.

Last but not least, staying the university can give me enough time to prepare when I step into the society, I can
do some part-time job and get myself ready. With the working experience and degree, I can find an ideal job. I
know it is going to be harder when I graduate from college, but I’m not afraid. I’ll spare no efforts to make my
dream come true.

I really enjoy the life in college. And I will learn experience and challenge myself in this four year and be a better

我为什么要上大学 Why I went to College

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view has been shared now by more and more people. I’m very glad to receive college education and i reached the conclusion that i have come to college not for one single reason, but for many.

First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friends. The youth of 21stcentury should be open-minded, instead of being a person with a tunnel vision. I’m ready to meet more challenges and make more friends during the four years.

Second, I’m unwilling to step into the society straight after high school. I’m afraid I’m not fully prepared for the working environment: complicated interpersonal problems, jockeying for position, a tremendous amount of pressure and etc. I have to face various kinds of major conflicts as well as trivial things. I seem to be over-pessimistic, but that actually accounts for part of my choice.

Finally, thanks to the all-out support from my parents, i am able to further my study in university. I’ll spare no efforts to live up to their expectation on me to be a well-trained and well-rounded person.

I will learn experience and challenge myself in my college life and be an outstanding person of future.


When I was a little girl,I always wanted to go to college.Now I am a freshman of a key university.I have asked
myself the same question so many times

Why I go to college?You may say:you go to college just because you
want to have a good job after graduation.Well,why I come to college is not for one single reason,but for many.
The major reason is that I need to further my education and know more about the outside world.In high school,
I was always feeling not enough to get knowledge from the textbooks and I didn’t have enough time to travel to
see the outside world.But in the college,I have abundant time to read the books I’m interested
in and travel to
different places to broaden my horizon.


为什么要上大学 There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence. All of these are valuable goals to ...

我为什么要上大学英语作文附翻译 篇1 When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked myself the same question so many times:Why I go to college? You may say: you go to college just because you want...

为什么要上大学 There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence. All of these are valuable goals to ...

I have an university dream ,I want to go to the Cambridge.Beacause I think the Cambridge is the best college in this world.I really want to go to the university school.I want to study more and more,I want to have a good future.So I must study in university school.I kno...

求写一篇以“我为什么上大学”的英语作文 120字左右………急求啊_百度...
for a college grad uate to find a satisfying job.As far as I am concerned,universities ca n provide good study opportunities and essential facilities for those who want to acquire knowledge for the construction o f our country and this is the reason why I attend universities.

Now please let me defend for myself, why I place university on such a holy state better than anything else。From the day the first university was found (Maybe Oxford), this world begins to define university as the right place where high (top) students should go. First, the ...

一篇以“我为什么上大学”的英语作文 120字左右
but for many.“这世上的成功之士,是那些奋力寻觅自己想要得到机遇的人们。倘使找不着机会,他们就自己创造机会。”这句名言是一个伟大的作家萧伯纳写的。被原来越多的人分享着。我很高兴能够接受大学教育,我总结出我想上大学不单单是为了一个原因,而是很多个。First, university is such an ideal ...

除此之外,大学是一个可以结交来自五湖四海的朋友的好地方。我还可以了解不同的背景文化。作为一个典型的 ...为什么我要上大学的英语作文 When I was a little girl,I always wanted to go to college.Now I am a freshman of a key university.I have asked myself the same question so man...

Firstly, because I was always hungry for knowledge and keen on learning. While in high school, I became more and more interested in such subjects as math, physics, and chemistry. I longed to explore much further into those areas.Secondly, because I knew a college education would ...

attention to these. And I don’t want to be a p erson with a tunnel vision; I want to make more friends during the four years.除此之外,大学是一个可以结交来自五湖四海的朋友的好地方。我还可以了解不同的背景文化。作为一个典型的 南方人,来到大 诚实发言,这地我来说很重要!

南木林县13486147236: 为什么我要上大学的英语作文 -
长饶莲胆: Why we should go to college? Differnet people have different opinions. Some believe that college is the best place for us to make our dreams come true. It is known that there are many masters in college who can lead us to fulfill our goals ...

南木林县13486147236: 一篇以“我为什么上大学”的英语作文 120字左右 -
长饶莲胆: 我的大学梦 My College Dream“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view ...

南木林县13486147236: 为什么我要上大学的英语作文 -
长饶莲胆:[答案] When I was a little girl,I always wanted to go to college.Now I am a freshman of a key university.I have asked myself the same ... 现在,我已经是一名重点大学的新生了.我曾经问过我自己同 样的问题很多遍:为什么我要上大学?你也许会说:你读大学只...

南木林县13486147236: 请以“我们为什么上大学”为题,写一篇英语议论文 (字数100--120)提示:1、不同的人对此有不同的看法2、有些同学以为上大学是最理想的地方,上大... -
长饶莲胆:[答案] Different people have different views on this.Some students think college is the ideal place, the university is to get good jobs and higher wages, but the results were university's life and graduate w...

南木林县13486147236: 写自己为什么要上大学为题的英语作文要涵盖的要点1,渴望学习更多关于世界和人类的知识 2 良好的教育意味着更好的工作 机会 未来 3 不让父母及爱我的人... -
长饶莲胆:[答案] 为什么要上大学There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, pre...

南木林县13486147236: 为什么要上大学的英语作文 -
长饶莲胆:[答案] 这得问学校. 小时候语文还要求写作文呢,学一门语言,不是学会几个单词,几个句子就行了.学会遣词用句,段落构划,行文结构等等,讲究逻辑,层次,意思分明.为了刚好地表达观点,是一种实践性课程设置.

南木林县13486147236: 英语作文 我为什么上大学 -
长饶莲胆: When we consider why we should attend universities,different people have different ideas.In some students' eyes,studying in universities means a bright future after graduation.They think they are bound to find good jobs with a good college ...

南木林县13486147236: 你为什么要上大学?英语作文! -
长饶莲胆: 为什么要上大学 There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop ...

南木林县13486147236: 求:高手帮写一篇英语作文.急..why I chose to attend college(为什么我要上大学)1,your decision to go to college2,main reasons for choosing to go to ... -
长饶莲胆:[答案] As my high school years were drawing to a close,I turned over and over again in my mind the question of whether I should go to college.After much mumbling and stumbling, I made up my mind to go to a c...

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