What...is that...是什么句型??(请分析一下句子结构,谢谢~)

作者&投稿:师柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

some coverage 主语

is not but 谓语
sensational with the sloe aim 表语
to grab the public attention for more profits. 是aim的补语

for more profits是grab的状语

第一层的结构是: 主语+谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语(记作:SVOC),图示如下:
I heard one tell the other that not only was the school ... or industry.

第二层的结构是: 在宾语补足语中,tell 前省略to,这个to tell 是中心词,说明前面
one 的动作,所以叫做“宾补”。tell 后面是双宾语(直接宾语+
tell the other that not only was the school ... or industry.
动词不定式 间接宾语 直接宾语

第一个宾语从句是:was the school established for the members of my race,
由 that 引导。
第二个宾语从句是:opportunities were provided by which ... or industry.
也是由 that 引导。
这两个宾语从句由 not only ... but also 连接,只是also被省略了。

第四层的结构是:在第一个宾语从句中,由于使用了not only ,所以句子倒装,
the school was established for the members of my race
the school was established for the members of my race
主语 谓语动词 状语
opportunities were provided
主语 谓语动词

第五层的结构是:by which poor but worthy students could work out all or a part
of the cost of board, and at the same time be taught some trade
or industry,这是一个定语从句,修饰限定前面的opportunities,
opportunities,by which = by opportunities
在这个定语从句中,and 连接了两个谓语动词,其结构是:
poor but worthy students could work out all or a part of the cost of board
主语 谓语动词(1) 宾语

and at the same time be taught some trade or industry
状语 谓语动词(2) 主语补足语



主语从句。W hat引导主语从句,that后面的句子是what的内容

清河区17017048125: What...is that...是什么句型?(请分析一下句子结构,)例如What surprises us is that she doesn't know where the difference between the two lines. -
慈虏奥贝:[答案] 主语从句.W hat引导主语从句,that后面的句子是what的内容

清河区17017048125: what is that是什么意思 -
慈虏奥贝: what is that 那是什么 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 这是什么 2. 那是什么 例句: 1.So what is that red liquid you are seeing in red meat? 那你看到的,红肉中的红色液体是什么呢? ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

清河区17017048125: what is that什么意思
慈虏奥贝: 那个是什么的意思 希望能帮到你的英语

清河区17017048125: what is 提问物品 一定要加不定冠词吗提问 What is that 是 It is milk 还是 That is an milk 或That is a milk -
慈虏奥贝:[答案] It is milk. 这不是what is的答语是否要加不定冠词的问题, 而是milk是不可数名词,不可数名词前不能加不定冠词. 【注:what+不定冠词+形容词+名词为感叹句的格式】

清河区17017048125: what is this和what is that的回答与区别 what are they和what are these/those的回答与区别. -
慈虏奥贝: What is this有“这是什么?”的意思, What is that有“那是什么?”的意思, 它们的区别在于前用来提问近距离的东西,后者是用来提问远距离的东西,它们的回答都可以用“It's ....” What are they是他们(它们)是什么(谁)的意思,可于问人和物. What are these是这些是什么的意思,也是用来问近距离的东西,是“What is this”的复数形式 What are those是那是什么的意思,也是用来问远距离的东西,是“What is that”的复数形式

清河区17017048125: what that is 和what is that 的区别 -
慈虏奥贝: what that is为陈述句句式,应用于复合句,充当名词性成分; what is that为疑问句句式,是特殊疑问句,应用于询问、了解事物.

清河区17017048125: whatisthat?的英文答句是什么 -
慈虏奥贝: That is .......

清河区17017048125: what is this 回答 与what is that 回答 -
慈虏奥贝:[答案] 我告诉你吧.绝对不能用this 和that来回答.为了避免重复,应该把this和that改为it.即:It is a/an +名词(单数).It is 可以缩略成It's. 如:What is this?It's a book. 又如:What is that?It's a pen. 跟它类似的还有What are these?What are those?答语都用...

清河区17017048125: what...is that...句型造句 -
慈虏奥贝: What you need to pay attention to is that you make a foolish mistake.

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