求一首中文歌,节奏很快,中间有一段英文,大概是 拜拜拜拜。。。。西死西死。。。。

作者&投稿:广辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一首中文歌,好像是男生唱的。节奏很快,中间有一段英文,大概是 拜拜拜拜。。。。西死西死。。。。~

Catch My Breath (feat. Against the Current) - Alex Goot
I don't wanna be left behind

Distance was a friend of mine

Catching breath in a web of lies

I've spent most of my life

Riding waves, playing acrobat

Shadowboxing the other half

Learning how to react

I've spent most of my time

Catching my breath, letting it go,

turning my cheek for the sake of this show

Now that you know, this is my life,

I won't be told what's supposed to be right
Catch my breath,
no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath,

won't let them get me down,

it's all so simple now
Addicted to the love I found

Heavy heart, now a weightless cloud

Making time for the ones that count

I'll spend the rest of my time

Laughing hard with the windows down

Leaving footprints all over town

Keeping faith kinda comes around

I will spent the rest of my life

Catching my breath, letting it go,

turning my cheek for the sake of this show

Now that you know, this is my life,

I won't be told what's supposed to be right
Catch my breath,

no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath,

won't let them get me down,
it's all so simple now

Catching my breath, letting it go,

turning my cheek for the sake of this show

Now that you know, this is my life,

I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catching my breath, letting it go,

turning my cheek for the sake of this show

Now that you know, this is my life,

I won't be told what's supposed to be right
Catch my breath!

no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath,

won't let them get me down,
it's all so simple now
Catch my breath,

no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath,
won't let them get me down,
it's all so simple now

I'm coming round to open the blinds
You can't hide here any longer
My god you need to rinse those puffy eyes
You can't lie still any longer
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day

But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
Come on take my hand
We're going for a walk i know you can
You can wear anything as long as it's not black
Please don't mourn forever she's not coming back
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
Do you remember telling me you'd found the sweetest thing of all
You said one day of this was worth dying for
So be thankful you knew her at all
But it's no more
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you probably don't wanna hear tomorrow's another day
But i promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And i promise you you'll see the sun again

Alex Goot - The Lazy Song
Today I don't feel like doing anything

I just want to lay in my bed

don't feel like picking up my phone
so leave a message at the tone
cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the tv on throw my hands in my pants
nobody will tell me I can't

I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my snuggie
click to mtv so they can teach me how to dougie
because in the castle I'm the freckin' man

oooh yes I said it
I said it
I said it cause I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything

I just want to lay in my bed

don't feel like picking up my phone
so leave a message at the tone
cause I swear I'm not doing anything
nothing at all
Wuuuuho wuho hooo
nothing at all
Wuuuuho wuho hooo

tomorrow I'll wake up do some p90x find a real nice girl
have some really nice ***
she's gonna scream out this is great
(oh my god this is great)
yeeah I might mess around and get my college degree
I beat my old man will be so proud of me
but sorry pops you'll just have to wait

ooooh yes I said it
I said it
I said cause I can

today I don't feel like doing anything

I just want to lay in my bed

don't feel like picking up the phone
so leave a message at the tone
cause I swear I'm not doing anything

no I ain't gonna comb my hair
cause I ain't going anywhere

no no no no no noooo

I'll just strut in my birthday suit
and let everything hang loose
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaahhh

ohhh Today I swear I'm not doing anything

I just want to lay in my bed

don't feel like picking up my phone
so leave a message at the tone
today I swear I'm not doing anything
nothing at all
La la la la la la la la……

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金咽清开: 香草吧噗 骑士精神 快乐崇拜 眼镜宝贝 爱乘以无限大 爱啦啦 LIFE

峄城区13290832226: 求推荐一些节奏快而且歌词紧凑的中文歌!注意是节奏快不是节奏感强!注意歌词要紧凑! -
金咽清开: 后弦《闻鸡起舞》《踢馆》《只爱火星人》《笔墨伺候》《杜老师》飞轮海《只对你有感觉》汪苏泷《放不下》《后会无期》许嵩《我无所谓》玖月奇迹《大好河山》周杰伦《稻香》《公公偏头痛》林俊杰《曹操》 还有本兮的歌 都很快 歌词紧挨 都是中国风 还有《果汁分你一半》

峄城区13290832226: 请推荐10首 很快节奏的中文歌曲 -
金咽清开: 女歌手 郑秀文《眉飞色舞》《独一无二》 陈慧琳《不如跳舞》《自由》 温岚 《热浪》《塞尔维亚舞曲》 蔡依林《睁一只眼闭一只眼》《野蛮游戏》 何洁 《十分爱》《明明不是angle》 容祖儿《飙汗》 萧亚轩《速配程度》《代言人》《L.O.V.E》《free》《爱的主打歌》《一个人的精彩》 男歌手 黄立行 《音浪》 林俊杰 《不潮不用花钱》 《编号89757》罗志祥《真命天子》 《精武门》 《个中强手》 《shou time》 潘玮柏《壁虎漫步》 《快乐崇拜》《反转地球》

峄城区13290832226: 找一首中文歌,女生唱的,节奏很快,中间有什么就在一瞬间...什么刹那..你的脸..算了...帮帮忙 -
金咽清开: 孙燕姿的神奇 就在一瞬间我们两人眼前 一道光出现到了另个世界 眉中间有个红点 头纱遮住脸 好像每个人都有特别气味 闻了才发现那是咖哩作祟 恒河水菩提树叶古老的情节 时间在倒回 我们俩 穿著布纱 听着梵乐碎碎念啊念 嗳………… 时空换换换 分割的画面 轮回转转转 有一样的信念 我的爱从古代和你回来 时空换换换 你回到过去 轮回转转转 我经历了悲喜好神奇 时间在倒回 我们俩 穿著布纱 听着梵乐 还想著是幻觉 奇怪的语言 催著我快快起舞 碎碎念啊念 嗳………… 时空换换换 轮回转转转 嗳… 时空换换换 你回到过去 轮回转转转 又回到了这里 好神奇

峄城区13290832226: 一首中文歌,是一个女的唱的,我只记得歌词 '我的世界' 中间还有一段节奏很快的 -
金咽清开: 《把握你的美》江映容唱的

峄城区13290832226: 一首女生唱的中文歌曲 记得有一句是 寂寞推翻了… 中间还有一段音特别小的唱 节奏挺快的 大家帮忙 -
金咽清开: 辛晓琪 - 空窗 怪不得 这几段2113 滋味尝过了就算5261 等不到 话说完 晚餐结束就买单4102 好风光 坏时光 差别只是精神1653上 对不上 好磁场 宁愿空着这扇窗 还有什么 值得遗憾 如果爱情已在二十七岁那年绝了版 还有什么 可以试探 偶尔还会想起谁的时候突然哭一场 总会等到下一个人将我的寂寞推翻 其实我也明白相爱过程大致上都一样 我却依然伤感不是因为无期的空窗 转个弯 回头看 暂借过谁的温暖 精彩的 都短暂 带一点心有不甘 没打算 要绝望 只是也不想勉强 看不见 好风光 宁愿空着这扇窗 偶尔还会想起谁 痛苦一场 总会等到下一个人 将我的寂寞推翻 其实我也明白 大致上都一样望采纳

峄城区13290832226: 求一首中文歌,好像是男生唱的.节奏很快,中间有一段英文,大概是 拜拜拜拜....西死西死.... -
金咽清开: Catch My Breath (feat. Against the Current) - Alex Goot I don't wanna be left behind Distance was a friend of mine Catching breath in a web of lies I've spent most of my life Riding waves, playing acrobat Shadowboxing the other half Learning how to ...

峄城区13290832226: 有一首歌一男一女唱的有一段节奏特别快,国语的 -
金咽清开: 《天下有情人》魏晨&郁可唯

峄城区13290832226: 跪求....适合表演的 快节奏的中文歌 ! 节奏感强 要有气氛!! 追加分...!!!!!
金咽清开: 张韶涵《寓言》 陈慧琳《不如跳舞》 张韶涵VS潘玮柏《快乐崇拜》 S.H.E《波斯猫》 萧雅轩《爱的主打歌》 蔡依林《Love love love》 孙燕姿《绿光》 S.H.E《Super Star》 李克勤《红日》 郑秀文《眉飞色舞》 李孝莉-anyclub

峄城区13290832226: 求一首中文歌 男声 属于中快的节奏, 每到高潮部分就有一两句相同的:你到底懂不懂. -
金咽清开: 微笑唱完这首歌 歌手:钟洁&瞳 是这个吧这是歌词是我想太多你说在一起不会有结果都是我的错你说放我一个人生活撑到了最后仅存着你留下的温柔我放肆的醉了脑海清晰还记得你到底的懂不懂你到底的懂不懂还是我想太多你到底...

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