
作者&投稿:劳有 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to spend pocket money
Now more and more teenagers get
pocket money from their parents.Some students like spending their money
in playing computer games.Others like buying stionaries with the money.I
think it is a good way to spend the money on study and good
entertainment.Such as buying some useful books,dictionaries,table tennis
rat and so on.If they use the money properly,it will be good for them.

How to make use of change
After helping my parents for the shoping, They always ask me to save the change.These changes are a big deal of money for me now.I finally could afford of my favourite book

How to make use of change
After helping my parents for the shoping, They always ask me to save the change.These changes are a big deal of money for me now.I finally could afford of my favourite book

Nowadays,it is a commonplace that children own large amount of pocket money.However,I’m strongly against this point of view.As far as I am concerned,parents ought to decrease teenagers’ pocket money instead of satisfying them without limitation.The proverb goes : no pay no gain....

pocket money

Recently a survey has been done to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money. As is shown in the chart, both junior students and senior students spend most their money on books, snacks and playing games, still some money goes to clothes, banks, sports and so...

Most of students get a certain amount of pocket money regularly.However, they are very differently in the ways they spend the money.According to my research in my class, there are three major ways. First, about 55% of the students in the research spend the money on books, ...

零用钱 [词典] pocket money; small incidental expenses; spending money;[例句]志愿者每周领到21英镑的零用钱,免费住宿,还得到一笔生活费。Volunteers receive £ 21 pocket money each week, accommodation and expenses.

英语作文 my pocket money How do you deal with?Do you think you use...
tidying their bedroomsthemselves,is favorable for them to form good living habits.如何合理使用零花钱.比如,简单地规定零花钱的开支范围,和子女一起做一个简单的开支预算.总之,不要把金钱这种能够自由获取物品的“力量”,随便交付给子女.How to make use of allowance reasonably?There are many ...

The economy of china has been devloped very well these 20 years and many famillies have become richer than before.The life of Chinese people is very comfortable and relaxing now,so many parents always give their children some pocket money as one way to offer their love,including ...

电话费常可表达为telephone\/mobile fee\/charge\/bill 检测费常可表达为testing、check fee 服装费常可表达为clothing fee另外至于像军队常有服装津贴之说,此时则要用clothing allowance 上述翻译还应据具体情景而定。这些表示费用的单词中,allowance常用来表示津贴,补贴,给小孩子的零用钱等;layout常表示...

多沟通,引导孩子把零花钱用在“刀刃”上,可积攒起来用于订报刊、买课外读物看;用于买必要的学习文具,用于捐助别人等。2、老师可利用班会、中队会等,召开“我是这样花零花钱的”的演讲比赛或专题讨论会,以引导学生认识钱来之不易和学会正确理财。3、校园内如有小卖部,应只卖学习文具和必 ...

一篇英语写作:如今很多家长都给孩子零用钱,请以Should parents give...
Children needs some money, especially after they start their school. So parents should give them some pocket money. These money should never been too much. How much is too much? Different parents have different ideas about it. However, from the children's aspect the money should ...

恩平市13088109543: 英语作文 如何使用零用钱 -
郯先沙巴:[答案] Now more and more teenagers get pocket money from their parents.Some students like spending their money in playing ... table tennis rat and so on.If they use the money properly,it will be good for them. 现在越来越多的青少年从父母那里拿到零花钱.有...

恩平市13088109543: 英语作文:中学生应如何使用零花钱 -
郯先沙巴:[答案] With the development of our living standard ,we get more and more pocket money from our parents or relatives .But how should we spend it? First of all,you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money.when you really need money,you ...

恩平市13088109543: 如何使用零花钱 英语作文 -
郯先沙巴: Now more and more teenagers get pocket money from their parents.Some students like spending their money in playing computer games.Others like buying stionaries with the money.I think it is a good way to spend the money on study and good ...

恩平市13088109543: 零花钱怎么用的英语作文 -
郯先沙巴:[答案] How to spend pocket money Now more and more teenagers get pocket money from their parents.Some students like spending their money in playing computer games.Others like buying stionaries with the money...

恩平市13088109543: 怎样使用零花钱 英语100字!!! 速度 30分钟 -
郯先沙巴: how to use the allowance . one hundred English words

恩平市13088109543: 中学生应该如何使用零花钱?英语作文,70词左右. -
郯先沙巴: 首先要形成正确地花钱、算账的观念,逐步养成良好的消费习惯.第二,要懂得珍惜父母劳动成果,不奢侈浪费,养成勤俭节约的良好习惯.第三,应参加储蓄存款,零花钱送银行零存整取,自己计划管理, 你可以用于丰富自身的见...

恩平市13088109543: 英语作文:如何安排我的零用钱 -
郯先沙巴: How to spend my allowances I have a plan to spend my allowances every week. My allowances every week is fifty dollars. First, I would spread my fifty dollars into two parts according to the week's activities. Which would probably be ten to forty, or ...

恩平市13088109543: 英语作文主题为“中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱 -
郯先沙巴: With the development of our living standard ,we get more and more pocket money from our parents or relatives .But how should we spend it? First of all,you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money.when you really need money,...

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