there is going to be 和there is going to have的区别

作者&投稿:容泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
going to have和will的区别~

be going to be,是 将要成为......
be going to have, 是 将要有...
I am going to be a teacher. 我将要成为一个老师。
I am going to have an English class.我将要有一堂英语课。

will have 和shall have 都有“将要”的意思,只不过后者更婉转一些,主要用于建议和提议。
We will have to hurry.
They shall have practised more.

没有there is going to have这种形式。
there is going to be是there be句型的将来时态,意思是:将会有;也可以there will be。例句:
There is going to be a meeting next week.下周会有一个会议。

1、There be句型中的be应和其后出现的补充语在数上一致,即“就近原则”。
3、There be中的be有时可以是lie,stand,used to be,seem to be,appear to be等。
4、There is(was)+not +doing结构相当于It is(was) impossible to +动词原形。

"there is going to be"用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况,而"there is going to have"则用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。两者的构成方式相似,都是由主语+谓语+动词不定式组成。在使用环境上,"there is going to be"更常见于日常对话和各种文章中,而"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划或变化。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"there is going to be"指的是某个事件或情况将会发生或存在。

例句:There is going to be a party tonight.(今晚将有一个派对。)

"there is going to have"则表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。

例句:There is going to have a new manager next week.(下周将有一位新经理。)

2. 语法区别:

"there is going to be"是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(be动词的不定式形式)。

例句:There is going to be a meeting this afternoon.(今天下午将有一个会议。)

"there is going to have"同样也是一个固定短语,由主语+谓语+动词不定式构成(have动词的不定式形式)。

例句:There is going to have a test tomorrow.(明天将进行一次考试。)

3. 用法区别:

"there is going to be"通常用于描述未来某个时间或地点将会发生或存在的情况。

例句:There is going to be a storm tonight.(今晚将会有一场暴风雨。)

"there is going to have"则通常用于表示某人或某物即将拥有或经历某种情况。

例句:There is going to have a new car next month.(下个月将会有一辆新车。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"there is going to be"经常用于日常对话、新闻报道、书面文章等各种情况。

例句:The weather forecast says there is going to be heavy rain tomorrow.(天气预报显示明天将会有大雨。)

"there is going to have"通常用于谈论未来的计划、安排或变化。

例句:The company announced that there is going to have a reorganization.(公司宣布即将进行一次重组。)

there is going to be 和there is going to have的区别为:正确性不同。


1、there is going to be:there is going to be是正确写法,表示将要有。

2、there is going to have:there is going to have表达上有重复,there is就是有的意思,而后面的have也是有的意思,是错误的表达法。

there is going to be 和have的区别为:指代不同、侧重点不同、引证用法不同。


1、there is going to be:将会有。



1、there is going to be:这是一个词组,表示一种未发生的。



1、there is going to be:there be 的一般将来时形式,是在there be 之间插入is/are going to。


首先我们来看下there is going to be和there is going to have的大致意思:

there is going to be:词性为短语,其中there is为there be的现在时形式,表示存在;going to be则表示将要发生。

there is going to have:词性为短语,其中there is为there be的现在时形式,表示存在;going to have则表示将要拥有或经历。

通过下面的表格我们了解下there is going to be和there is going to have的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下there is going to be和there is going to have的用法区别:

1.基本意义:there is going to be表示将要发生某事,而there is going to have表示将要拥有某物或经历某事


- There is going to be a concert here tomorrow.


- They are going to have a new house.


2.词性:there is going to be是动词+介词短语,而there is going to have是动词+介词+动词短语


- There are going to be a lot of people participating in the event tomorrow.


- I am going to have my own car.


3.用法:there is going to be常用于表示未来某个时间或地点将会有某事物或事件发生,而there is going to have常用于表示未来某个时间或地点将会拥有某物或经历某事


- There is going to be an important meeting in the company next week.


- They are going to have a baby next year.


4.发音:there is going to be的英式发音为ðeər ɪz ˈɡəʊɪŋ tuː biː,而there is going to have的英式发音为ðeər ɪz ˈɡəʊɪŋ tuː hæv


- There is going to be a wonderful performance tonight.


- You are going to have a great day tomorrow morning.


5.语态:there is going to be可以用于被动语态,而there is going to have不能用于被动语态


- This project is going to be postponed.


- We are going to be assigned to different groups.


6.动词搭配:there is going to be常与表示事件或事物的名词搭配,而there is going to have常与表示拥有或经历的名词搭配


- There is going to be a surprise for you tomorrow.


- They are going to have a peaceful life.


there is going to have表达上有重复,there is就是有的意思,而后面的have也是有的意思。第一中表达没有问题,therer is going to be表示将要有......

比如There is going to be a basketball game on TV this evening.今天晚上将转播一场篮球比赛。

there is going to be(将会有)=there will be是there be 句型的将来时结构.而there is going to have则是错误的表达法,在选择题中属于干扰选项,可以马上排除。

there be 的一般将来时形式,是在there be 之间插入is/are going to 或will, 即:there is/are going to be 或there will be. 后一种不存在。注意:The boy (there )is going to have a meeting tomorrow. 那儿的男孩每天将开会。

云城区13169569682: there is going to be句型的用法越详越好 -
务保复方:[答案] 这是一个存在句型. 将会有. There is going to be a concert on next Sunday. 下个星期将有一场音乐会.

云城区13169569682: there is going to be a party 还是 there is going to have a party?顺便写一下例句 -
务保复方:[答案] There is going to be a partythere be 的将来形式为there will be.或 there is/are going to be.如:明天有两场足球赛.There will be two football matches.There are going to be two football matches.赞同请采纳...

云城区13169569682: there is going to have 与there is goingthere is going to have 与there is going to be 的区别(举例句分析.例句要翻译) -
务保复方:[答案] 首先这两个句子并无本质上的区别,没有there.have的结构,只有there be,所以当你看到there have结构时可立刻排除

云城区13169569682: there is going to be句型和there going to have句型的区别是什么 -
务保复方:[答案] There is going to be 是there is 的将来形式, 如,there is going to/will be a grand festival. there is going to have 不是一个句型.

云城区13169569682: there is going to have ,there is going to be ,will have 哪个对,怎么用?区别是什么? -
务保复方:[答案] there is going to be there will be 对 这是there be 句型的将来时 在 there 和be 中间 加 be going to 或者 will

云城区13169569682: There is going to be a football match tomorrow . 为什么用be 而不用has -
务保复方:[答案] 其实there is 并不是这个句子中的there be 结构,因为你可以发现is going to 这个结构插入了there be 结构.be going to 译为将要,to 是不定式,所以后面用了be 的原型.而这个be 才是there be 结构中的be ,所以,这个地方不用has

云城区13169569682: 单项选择19.thereisgoingto -
务保复方: there is going to be an important meeting. had better not do sth.最好不要做某事,用not be late 选择B

云城区13169569682: there is going to 和be going to一样么.都代表什么意思呀?谢谢. -
务保复方: there is going to 通常只能接be,即:there is going to be ⋯(将要有⋯)

云城区13169569682: there is going to be 和there is going to have的区别 -
务保复方: be going to 用于there be句型时, 应该是there is going to be, 不能说there is going to have. 例如:There is going to be a meeting this afternoon. 今天下午有个会议.不能说: There is going to have a meeting this afternoon. 类似结构还有: ...

云城区13169569682: there is going to be和there is going to have的区别 -
务保复方:当然了,才可能正确,应该是错误的用法. is going to be C:B,问了他这两种用法,因为there is是“有”的意思,不能和动词have混在一起用,我实际上是怀疑的. 在网上查了一下,也可能是我没有见过这种用法,我又打电话给一个美国朋友,...

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