投资 美国公民身份

作者&投稿:离响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Immigration through Investment

Immigration Through Investment


Under section 203(b)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1153(b)(5), 10,000 immigrant visas per year are available to qualified individuals seeking permanent resident status on the basis of their engagement in a new commercial enterprise.

Of the 10,000 investor visas (i.e., EB-5 visas) available annually, 5,000 are set aside for those who apply under a pilot program involving an CIS-designated “Regional Center.”

A "Regional Center:"

* Is an entity, organization or agency that has been approved as such by the Service;
* Focuses on a specific geographic area within the United States; and ,
* Seeks to promote economic growth through increased export sales, improved regional productivity, creation of new jobs, and increased domestic capital investment.

"Alien investors" must:

* Demonstrate that a "qualified investment" (see below) is being made in a new commercial enterprise located within an approved Regional Center; and,
* Show, using reasonable methodologies, that 10 or more jobs are actually created either directly or indirectly by the new commercial enterprise through revenues generated from increased exports, improved regional productivity, job creation, or increased domestic capital investment resulting from the pilot program.


Permanent resident status based on EB-5 eligibility is available to investors, either alone or coming with their spouse and unmarried children. Eligible aliens are those who have invested -- or are actively in the process of investing -- the required amount of capital into a new commercial enterprise that they have established. They must further demonstrate that this investment will benefit the United States economy and create the requisite number of full-time jobs for qualified persons within the United States.

In general, "eligible individuals" include those:

1. Who establish a new commercial enterprise by:

* creating an original business;
* purchasing an existing business and simultaneously or subsequently restructuring or reorganizing the business such that a new commercial enterprise results; or
* expanding an existing business by 140 percent of the pre-investment number of jobs or net worth, or retaining all existing jobs in a troubled business that has lost 20 percent of its net worth over the past 12 to 24 months; and
2. Who have invested -- or who are actively in the process of investing -- in a new commercial enterprise:

* at least $1,000,000, or
* at least $500,000 where the investment is being made in a "targeted employment area," which is an area that has experienced unemployment of at least 150 per cent of the national average rate or a rural area as designated by OMB; and
3. Whose engagement in a new commercial enterprise will benefit the United States economy and:

* create full-time employment for not fewer than 10 qualified individuals; or
* maintain the number of existing employees at no less than the pre-investment level for a period of at least two years, where the capital investment is being made in a "troubled business," which is a business that has been in existence for at least two years and that has lost 20 percent of its net worth over the past 12 to 24 months.

How do I ...Seek Status as an Immigrant Investor

In order to seek status as an immigrant investor, you must file CIS Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur. The Form I-526 must be filed with supporting documentation which clearly demonstrates that the individual’s investment meets all requirements, such as:

* establishing a new commercial enterprise,
* investing the requisite capital amount,
* proving the investment comes from a lawful source of funds,
* creating the requisite number of jobs,
* demonstrating that the investor is actively participating in the business; and, where applicable,
* reating employment within a targeted employment area.

How do I ...Obtain Status as a Conditional Resident

Once the Form I-526 is approved, immigrant investors may obtain status as a conditional resident by:

* Filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, if residing within the United States; or,

...Become a Permanent Resident Based on Investment

In order to become a lawful permanent resident, eligible investors must file a Form I-829, Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions. Form I-829 must be filed within 90 days before the second anniversary of an Alien Investor’s admission to the United States as a conditional resident.





美国投资移民EB-5(Employment Based Fifth Preference)的依据是1990年美国移民法规定--外国人在美国投资有权取得永久居留权。此类签证每年有10000个名额,其中有5000个名额保留给选择目标就业区投资的投资人。根据此方案,外国移民申请人在美投资创设有利于美国经济的商业性企业,并创造10个全职的美国工人就业机会,即可获发二年期的条件式移民签证。二年届满前90天,若移民投资者的投资行为仍存在,可申请"条件移除",而成为永久居民。此方案的投资额为美金100万元。如果投资标的是位于目标就业区(Targeted Employment Area),则投资额可降为50万美金。


美国费城市政府的投资移民推荐工作由费城美国投资移民基金来具体操作,费城美国投资移民基金由Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC)与CanAm Enterprises, LLC共同成立,目的是为希望办理EB-5 Pilot Program的投资移民人提供各类合法且安全的投资方案。投资移民申请人将可通过投资于这些精选出的投资方案,进而可持条件式的移民签证进入美国。二年期满,投资人申请将签证条件解除,正式成为永久居民。此基金所募集的资金将主要投资于能促进费城地区观光、科技、交通、教育、制造业与贸易等项目的专案中。


泸溪县17530119597: 欲钱买美国公民是什么意思 -
帅竿氨酚: 美国投资移民需要50万美元,也就是说在现行的EB5政策下,50万美元的资产可以移民美国,但并不意味着拿到绿卡的所有费用就是50万美元.首先,投资款.想要获得美国永久签证需要投资100万美元,或在特定地区投资50万美元.这是投资...

泸溪县17530119597: 移民美国的条件 -
帅竿氨酚: 1、必须在取得永久居留权后,连续在美国居住5年.这是取得入籍的最低居住年限.在5年之中,不能连续超过半年的时间离开美国,如果超过半年以上,必须提供无意放弃美国住所的证明.2、与美国公民结婚的外籍公民必须在保持两年的婚...

泸溪县17530119597: 中国人如何能移民美国? -
帅竿氨酚: 李汉君为您解答移民美国的方法一、投资移民 投资移民是最容易办理的,需要投资一定的钱到美国,新出的台EB 5投资移民,降低了之前的要求,只要满足以下条件即可:申请人年满21岁,在美国投资50万美元,并间接创造十个工作机会,...

泸溪县17530119597: 获得美国的绿卡是意味着放弃中国公民的身份? -
帅竿氨酚: 就目前的情况来说,因为中国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍,所以获得美国绿卡就意味着失去中国国籍. 根据《中华人民共和国国籍法》第三条中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍.第九条定居外国的中国公民,自愿加入或取得外国国籍的,即自动丧失中国国籍.

泸溪县17530119597: 如果降低美国投资移民成本?
帅竿氨酚: 美国投资移民并非是一次性投资一笔资金即可获得美国移民的资格,我们可以把投资移民理解为一项长期的投资计划.那么所谓的低成本投资移民美国就是说在你进行投资...

泸溪县17530119597: 我的儿子19岁了,我想给他单独办个美国投资移民可以吗? -
帅竿氨酚: 当然可以,我把流程给你看,有任何疑问请留言投资移民绿卡EB-5申请人的资格和条件投资人无需任何商业背景,且不受年龄,教育程度及语言能力的限制,只要证明其...

泸溪县17530119597: 美国EB5投资移民申请条件及办理流程
帅竿氨酚:一.完善所有的申请材料. 二.投资人将投资金额汇入汇丰银行在美分行(HSBC Bank USA)的监管帐户. 三.将所有申请材料递交美国移民局进行审批. 四. 美国移民局收件后二个月内完成审批.审批通过之后,申请人将在45-60天内收到由美...

泸溪县17530119597: 如何拿到美国公民身份?
帅竿氨酚: 正规移民美国,居住满1个月后,移民局会寄绿卡给你,居住满5年以后,就有资格申请美国公民,通过考试后,就是了 来美持有A5卡,就是所谓的政治避难,貌似是居住满1年,申请绿卡,拿到绿卡后,也是5年以后考美国公民

泸溪县17530119597: 移民美国需要什么条件 -
帅竿氨酚: 美国投资移民条件1 、申请人必须年满 21 岁美国投资移民条件2 、申请人不必有任何学历,经商或工作经验的背景美国投资移民条件3 、申请人必须拥有一百万/五十万(特区移民方案)美金的资产...

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