
作者&投稿:并佩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  我梦想的学校为题写的作文,分享: I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If i want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.如果想快速提高自己的英语水平可以选择英语培训机构,阿卡索外教网,点击蓝字免费领取,欧美外教试课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】跟着真人外教一对一学习地道英语。  他们家提供纯正地道口,10000多位全球外籍教师团队,来自美国、英国、菲律宾等国家,具有国际专业英语教学资格认证TESOL及各行业工作背景。根据中国学生的特点,甄选多年执教经验的优秀外教给每一位学习者带来互动式学习体验,能够采取各类有针对性的教学方式,每节课25分钟,课均不超过20元,性价比很高。  还有其他什么学习问题,可以百度搜“阿卡索vivi老师”为您分析解答。  想要更多的英语学习资源,可以百度搜“阿卡索官网论坛”免费下载。

My Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

Everyone has their own dreams 。 Someone wants to be a teacher 。Someone wants to be a singer 。Let me tell you something about my dream。
Well, I want to be a doctor when I grow up 。First,I think doctor is a intersting job and I am interested in it 。And doctor can help people who are illness . I want to help them and make them feel happy . So I must work harder .
What's your dream ? Can you tell me?

我有一个梦想 作文500字 我现在12岁 现实一点
今天,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能考上一所中意的大学,最好能在北京。我为着梦想,在高中这条黑暗的水坛子里寻膳,每一天都苦苦寻找着充实自己的食物,为着前途的光明而努力。 梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。有了梦想,...


我的梦想是到北京大学读书,可是我发现以我此刻的实力,距离梦想还差的很远。我必须要向董天晨学习,脚踏实地做好每一件事,去圆我的北大梦、去追求我的科学梦想! 2022全国新时代好少年节目观后感篇8 这期节目让我认识了许多优秀的少年,有热爱航模飞机的董天晨,沉浸科技的邵子衿,坚持不懈的__……其中让我感触最深的...

中国的985大学是众多学子们的梦想大学,为此我将分享几所985大学供各位学子参考。 一、 北京大学 北京大学,简称北大,创建于1898年,是中国第一所国立综合性大学,也是近现代中国最早由国家建立的最高学府。初名京师大学堂,是中国近现代第一所国立综合性大学。北京大学是C9联盟、985工程、211工程、双一流大学A类建设高...

我是一名武汉大学大一的学生,现在也即将进入大二。还有我口才没有其他各位那么好,我就讲的朴素一点叭。首先武汉大学是一所风景优美的大学 这是我第一次在武大看樱花特意错开了高峰期去的樱花真的很值得一看,也可以顺带着了解我们武大的悠久历史。武汉大学四季都很美,冬天雪花飘飘的时候甚至比樱花盛放的时候更令人...

邓稼先 邓稼先,年出生于安徽怀宁县一个书香门第之家。翌年,他随母到,在担任清华、北大哲学教授的父亲身边长大。他5岁入小学,在父亲指点下打下了很好的中西文化基础。年,他考入志成中学,与比他高两班、且是清华大学院内邻居的杨振宁结为最好的朋友。邓稼先在校园中深受爱国救亡运动的影响,年北平...

For a year student association President, period, I tried to serve for you and set up schools and students of the bridge.虽然工作很忙,但我认为我的工作很有价值,让我理解了税收是取之于民用之于民的。我工作了两年,感受到自己的理论知识不足,所以想到大学中深造一下。Although the ...


蔡元培在自写年谱中称,自己的梦想之一就是写一本《比较民族学》,“以研究民族学终老”。 蔡元培赴京殿试时,在有关西藏的策论题中,他详述西藏“地域广袤,山川道里”。1901年蔡元培在《学堂教科论》中说:”以前的历史只记帝王之事,不记民生风俗,以致于一群强弱盛衰之数,终不可稽。“1908年至1911年在德国莱比锡...

我与前夫没有过亲密行为 男友能接受吗

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段干贾枢瑞: University", a beautiful word, which makes me have much imagination. As the name "ivory tower" given by people, it's a good place to live and study. In the ivory tower, romantic love just like cherry blossom smiles happily in the campus. Many ...

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段干贾枢瑞: Ialways feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We also can spend more time ...

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