
作者&投稿:左娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

how [hau]
ad. 如何,怎样,多少,多么
n. 方式
ad. (指方式、方法)怎样,怎么

1. How lucky I am to work with you! Happy Valentine's Day.
2. This dictionary has many examples of how verbs are used.
3. The proBlem of how to hem a skirt evenly.
4. He advised them how to stop the invasion.
5. I don't know how to express my gratitude.
6. I can't express how grateful I am to you.
7. I’ll show you how to search the Internet.
8. How many copies do you want printed off?.

when [hwen]
ad. 何时,什么时候
conj. 当…时;那时,然后;可是,而
pron. 什么时候

1. He had a good time when he was beyond the seas.
2. When everybody adds fuel the flames rise high.
3. Tom has visions of becoming a pop star when he grows up.
4. Helen made her debut at a party when she was eighteen.
5. Her cherry cheeks turned pale when she heard the news.
6. It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.
7. Warships will remain in commission when not refitting.
8. The park is a picture when the daffodils are in bloom.

where [hwɛə]
ad. 在哪里,往哪里
conj. 在…的地方
pron. 哪里

1. Men leap over where the hedge is lowest.
2. Where did you land? We landed at Bombay.
3. Improve your composition where possible.
4. I'm afraid I've no idea where he's gone.
5. A cinema is a building where film is shown .
6. They noted the place where these herbs grew.
7. You shall put it up where we all can see it.
8. We'll pick up where we finished yesterday.

what [hwɔt]
pron. 什么;所…的事物
a. 什么;多么,何等;所的…,尽可能多的

1. What is bred in the bone will never crane out of the flesh.
2. Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.
3. Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum.
4. Act upon what you know in making your decisions.
5. Finally she owned the truth of what he had said.
6. There is not a vestige of truth in what he says.
7. I can't decipher what is inscribed on the pillar.
8. No one really knows what motivated him to do so.

who [hu:]
pron. 谁;…的人

1. a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services
[同] who, world health organization


1. He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung.
2. A pedestrian who was run down By a speeding motorist.
3. It's unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.
4. The Boss will frown on those who come to work late.
5. Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you.
6. An unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane.
7. She wasn't one of those girls who are all Sa and IT.
8. A man who holds a peerage by descent or appointment.

whose [hu:z]
pron. 谁的;那人的,那些人的

1. A man whose attitudes and behavior are felt to be naive.
2. An organ stop whose flue pipe produces a flutelike tone.
3. A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.
4. People whose homes are in town want to live in the country.
5. Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy.
6. Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails.
7. a couple whose kindness endeared them to friends.
8. One whose occupation is journalism.

1A victim is a person,animal or thing【that】suffers pain,death,harm,etc(这里不是eta哦).
这句话是定语从句,a person,animal or thing在定语从句中作主语。因为先行词又有人又有物,所以只能用that。
2I've come to the point 【where】 I can't stand him.(这句话应该没有办法填关系代词,where是关系副词,或者就要填at which)
这也是一个定语从句,the point 在从句中做的是地点状语,表示的是到达这种地步,所以用where。或者可以用at which。
3Xiao Wang,with 【whom】I went to the concert,enjoy it very much.
这是一个非限定性定语从句。Xiao Wang作从句中with的宾语构成介宾结构。跟在介词后代指人的关系代词就只有whom了。
4There are in this class 20 students,【whose】backgrounds are different.(这句话的in this class位置很奇怪,是否是打错了?)
这又是个非限定性定语从句,这里是Student‘s backgrounds are different.所以要用whose代指所有格。
5Yao Hui is the boy 【whose】English study is very good in our class
与上一题同理,the boy's English study所以用whose
6This is so interesting a book 【that】we all like.
这个是结果状语从句中的so...that结构,结构为so + 形容词 + 冠词 + 名词 + that + 结果
7Who 【that】you have ever seen can do it better?

高等教育 higher level education

中学 secondary school/middle school/junior high

社区大学 district university

专业方向 targetting career

人文学科 Humanities

私立大学 private university

不是所有的学生都有高中毕业文凭 not all the students have a high school diploma/ not all the students are high school graduates

在美国,社区大学都有公费的 in USA, the district universities are publicly-funded

职业学校为学生提供各种职业培训 The vocational schools provide specific career trainings for the students

本次会议要开三个小时 this meeting will last for three hours

中小学教育 elementary/ middle school education

学区 school areas/ school districts

宗教团体 religious groups

朝不同的方向 going to different directions

学士学位 Bachelor's degree

饲养动物 animal breeding

美国的许多中小学课程跟中国相似 in USA, many elementary school's education curriculum are similar to china

这本字典跟那本字典有什么不同吗 is this dictionary different from that one?

有些大学生准备毕业后从事农业 some university graduates are going into agriculture

我对互联网略之一二 i know something about internet

1:高等教育 higher education
2:中学 middle school
3:社区大学 communiversity
4:专业方向 direction of major
5:人文学科 humanities
6:私立大学 private university
7:不是所有的学生都有高中毕业文凭 Not all the students have the diplomas of high school.
8:在美国,社区大学都有公费的。Some communiversities are publicly funded in the US.
9:职业学校为学生提供各种职业培训。Vocational schools provide various vocational trainings for the students.
10:本次会议要开三个小时。This meeting is going to last for three hours.
11:中小学教育 education of primary school and middle school
12:学区 school district
13:宗教团体 religious groups
14:朝不同的方向 in different directions
15:学士学位 Bachelor’s degree
16:饲养动物 Keep animals
17:美国的许多中小学课程跟中国相似。Many courses of primary school and middle school in the United States are similar to the courses of primary school and middle school in china.
18:这本字典跟那本字典有什么不同吗? Is this dictionary different from another one?
19:有些大学生准备毕业后从事农业。Some graduates prepare to go into agriculture after graduation.
20:我对互联网略之一二。I know something about the Internet.

1.It's certain that every effect must have a cause.无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。2.The uncertain weather delayed our departure.天气变换莫测,延误了我们启程。3.I'll do everything possible to help you.我会尽一切可能帮助你。4.You are the most impossible person I've ever met!你是...

1.Will there be anyone else we know at the party_besides__Janet and Will .(除……之外,包括在内)2.I don`t want to go to the cinema_except that__I`m feeling too tired.(后面接从句)3._Expect for__one old lady ,the bus is empty.(指一个整体里面剔除)4.the house ...

She pauses for a while, uses a small handkerchief to clean her mouth and then continues to tell us about the incidents that have happened in the shirt factory 6. 我怎么能为他讲的话负责呢?How can I be responsible for what he has said?参考资料:http:\/\/www.google.com.sg\/sea...

1.My name is Beth. I\\'m 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hui\\'an. My school is very big and beautiful. I\\'m very happy in the school. I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I ha...

1. American educators fear that ___ creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge.A. if B. only when C. if only D. unless 选A。题意:美国教育学家觉得如果创造里过早的开发,反而会让创造力不会显露。if表条件的假设,考察条件句的运用。2. The developmental history of t...

A) put out B) make out C) come out D) think out 答案:b。make out :辨认出,理解。由于他说的一口方言,我实在搞不懂他想知道什么。Put out:使…灭;生产;公布。Come out:发现,出现,结果是。主语如果是人,则是出现的意思,除此外,主语一般为物或代词it。Think out:顾名思义是...

5. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多 We often find that the application of a rule is much more difficult than understanding it.6. 千万别说可能会被人误解的话 Don't say anything that may be misunderstood by others.7. 冷静耐心的处理这个问题是明智的 It is sensible to deal ...

1.今年我踏进了大学的校门,在大学里我学到了很多东西,大学也给留下了许多深刻的事情.In this year, I steped into university, in which I have learned so much and got lots of impressive experiences.2.这是我们班的第一次班会,同学们开始自我介绍,在这班会上我认识了很多新同学.This was ...

take in v. 接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗 take on v.披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行 Our factory will take on twenty more workers next month.我们厂下个月将再雇用20名工人。She takes on extra work on Sundays.她星期天还承担了额外...

1. Most of the people wearing boots during winter.2. I often wear slipper in my garden 3. People usually wear sandals at the seaside or swimming pool area.4. My father present me a pair of sneakers on my birthday.

慈溪市19377794647: 请英语高手帮我做几个名词解释 -
凤安乐净: 1:高等教育 higher education2:中学 middle school3:社区大学 communiversity4:专业方向 direction of major5:人文学科 humanities6:私立大学 private university7:不是所有的学...

慈溪市19377794647: 请英语高手帮看下这几个名词解释1.Ivy League schools 2.Check and balance system3.Mississippi 4.Boston Tea Party 5.Emancipation Proclamation -
凤安乐净:[答案] 1常春藤联盟学校 2检查并平衡系统 3密西西比 4波士顿倾茶事件 5宣布解放 你学历史的吧,我初中时学过

慈溪市19377794647: 请英语“大牛”帮忙做几个名词解释the Creator an African - American MosesQuakerBiblemethodist ministerBethlehemsalvationUncle Tom's Cabin请全部用英... -
凤安乐净:[答案] the Creator ---Godan African-American Moses --Moses was,in the Old Testament, the Hebrew prophet and lawgiver who led the Israelites out of Egypt. An African-American Moses refers to an American ...

慈溪市19377794647: 请英语“大牛”帮忙做几个名词解释theCreatoranAfri
凤安乐净: t :anAfrican-AmericanwhobelievesinMo :ThesacredbookofChristianity,acollectionofancien thodis ,worship,andsystemoforganizationoftheMethodists. ,25,000. ,Truth,...

慈溪市19377794647: 哪位英文高手帮忙翻译下面几个名词? -
凤安乐净: Host feeding speed motors, fans, pumps, shaker, stirring motor

慈溪市19377794647: 求高手来帮忙,翻译几个名词? -
凤安乐净: 1. world supernatural warriors league (WSWL)2. international supernatural phenomenon research institute(ISPRI)3. North American new humanity(NANH)4. North Pole warriors (N...

慈溪市19377794647: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下几个特殊名词(非机器) -
凤安乐净: Chinese wine online,Chinese food network, the first network of food,Chinese food business network, the network of food industry, food science and technology network, the food safety net, Japan MINATO news, Sina, China's fisheries trade ...

慈溪市19377794647: 英语名词、请求高手 举例子
凤安乐净: 规则不规则等等你的那些问题要靠积累,1规则dogdogs.不规则manmen,2不知道你问的什么,分辨单复数看冠词和谓语(通常看be动词)3,不一定,police这个词虽不是复数形式但谓语必须用复数,而news是个不可数名字,意味着它虽是复数形式,它在句子里当主语时谓语只能用单数.4双重所有格通常形式:数词+名词+of+形容词性物主代词/所有格(既表数量又表所有即是双重所有格).而所有格分为of所有格和's所有格,如colour{颜色},of,my,eyes(逗号不要在意)./Ann's(安的)

慈溪市19377794647: 帮忙回答两个比较专业的名词 英语高手们 帮帮忙啦 -
凤安乐净: 党委委员 = Member of the Party Executive Committee 第二个专业名词:开发策划部 = Department of Planning and Development第三个专业名词:部长 = Minister 第四...

慈溪市19377794647: 请高手翻译几个名词生命线感情线事业线请问用英语应该怎么翻译哇 这么多版本那一个是正确的啊~~~~ -
凤安乐净:[答案] 生命线 lifeline 感情线 sentiment line 事业线 career line

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