
作者&投稿:泊变 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When trees and flowers( stop )( growing ).

In autumn,brown leaves( fall )( onto)the ground.


  1. Every year my parents hold a birthday party for me.

  2. Every term our class holds an English evening party.

  3. Every year our school hold a trip.

  4. My uncle often takes trips to other countries.

hold a birthday party
have an English party

organize a trip
takes trips to

hold a birthday party hold an English party take a trip takes trip to

帮我解几个英语的题目 速度!
1.他在姐姐的书桌上---He's on his sister's desk.2.一件绿色的衬衫---A green shirt.3.这个学校的医生们---The doctors in this school.4.在动物园里---In the Zoo.5.在飞机里---In the Airplane.6.在工厂里---In the factory.7.李红的母亲---Li Hong's mother.8.在公园里-...

1.The question will be discussed by us at the next meeting .

答案c、I’m a nurse.May I use your computer for a while?我可以用一下你的电脑吗?答案是:b、Yes, go ahead。好的,用吧。Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to ___ some money.在他去度假之前,他去银行取了一些钱。答案是:D,draw.提取 How can Jack be a...

1. People can get drinking water by taking away the salt from the sea water.(就划线部分提问)How can people get drinking water from the sea water?2. We can see this sign in the park. (就划线部分提问)Where can we see this sign?3. I’d rather have a piece of pizza.(...

flat cost a month?2.会议室在一楼。3.他正在和一个客户谈话。4.大卫经常午饭时间在办公室吃三明治。5.我预定了一间单人房。6.我在等上海的老板的重要电话。7.起居室很大很舒适。8.我喜欢看电视多过看报纸。9.银行在报刊杂志店对面。10.他从我这借走了一大笔钱。11.从市中心到机场打的要40...

4.(Mary have books.)5.(The clothing shop isn't sale.)6.(She doesn't like the black bag at all.)7.(She bought the pants for only 50 yuan.)8.(What is it?)9.(How) (old) (are) Lily and Luck.10.Her dog (is) (not) 2 years and 5 months old.11.We (are) (...

答:There is one stamp for each year so it takes 12 year to collect all the stamps.3.What is 'the Penny Black'?答:“The Penny Black" is the first stamp in the world.4.Why do a lot of people want to collect 'the Penny Black'?答:Because it's very valuable....

5、I'd like not to eat any fast food for supper.6、How many bottles of juice are there in the fridge?7、What are they going to do tomorrow?8、Many American children spend two hours watching TV every day.9、It is important for people to eat healthy food.不知道是不是这样...

5、Many international football matches occur in the world every year.6、The parents did not regret strengthening children's fire consciousness until only a few people survived the fire,7、Make sure that everything is prepared before we leave off to the ship East Green.8、The need...

boats on the river?河上有船吗?10,There is no cat here.这里没有猫。11,How many trees are there?这里有多少棵树?注:这一看就是中国学者编写的题目,因为第三题中,橙色的表达应该是 "orange",或者"orange coloured", 所以本题应该没有最佳答案,除非可以改词。我给的答案仅供参考。

婺城区18746755322: 七年级两道英语题···谢谢大家解答The (w ) in Hawaii are the hightest in the world.She is dressed in the (f ). -
周邵口泰:[答案] 天气wether 休闲衣free clothes

婺城区18746755322: 2道英语题目谢谢大家!在线等无论做什么事,都要尽力做好.____ - you do , - _ - your best___do it - ____.走的时候务必把们锁上 - ___ - ___ - ____ - lock the ... -
周邵口泰:[答案] Whatever try to well You had better leave 希望对你有用

婺城区18746755322: 两道英语题,谢谢
周邵口泰: Could you tell me what to do first? 特殊疑问后接不定式.我不知道如何发动车子,你能告诉我首先干什么吗?故选A Those who go to space by spacecraft are heroes. who在定语从句中做主语,放在先行词those 的后面,故选B

婺城区18746755322: 问两道英语题 谢谢
周邵口泰: 1 waiting (but、and、prefer to等要保持前后一致,but前是一个名词,因此后面也应该跟名词,所以应该用wait 的动名词waiting) 2 singsing (跟see sb doing something 同理,这里的hear 作系动词) 3 A (根据回答'but it's not going to be easy ' 但这没有那么容易,可知回答者有妥协的想法,希望可以得到谅解,因此只有A答案符合题意.

婺城区18746755322: 两道初中英语题!急~~~~!谢谢~~~~~~~!用括号中的词将下列句子连到一起(注意过去时与过去完成时的放置位置) 例:(After)The children ran away.... -
周邵口泰:[答案] 1.When I had fastened my seat belt ,the plane took off. 2.He had been very ill before he died.

婺城区18746755322: 两道并不难的英语题,谢谢. -
周邵口泰: 应该填写to study他们要去那儿学英语吗take要下雨了,你最好带上伞. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

婺城区18746755322: 两道英语题,谢谢!∩ -- ∩ ①Studies show that people are more -
周邵口泰: likely likely be likely to do something

婺城区18746755322: 两道英语选择题 谢谢!
周邵口泰: 第一题的问题在于 “why not” 句式是用来提出建议的,而不是普通的问句.我相信提建议的人不会看到下雨还建议你去海滩.这四个选项里最佳的是C,翻译为“真是个好主意”. 第二题是否定疑问句“你不是通常都骑车去学校的么?”....

婺城区18746755322: 两道英语题目
周邵口泰: 1.There are two boys in the classroom 2.我们在春天的时候经常野炊希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!@

婺城区18746755322: 两道英语题 谢谢回答 -
周邵口泰: 1这里的cat family是猫科的意思,D的意思是属于,而C就把cat family 当作家庭来理解了,不合适.2A肯定不对,高考题的答案是不该错,但你可以考虑你的书是否正版,排版人员是否犯错了.还有此题选B,请相信我.have sth to do的形式是...

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