
作者&投稿:储货 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Those are your trousers.

Those are your trousers.那些是你们的裤子吗?

或者:Are those your trousers?那是是你们的裤子吗?

hose are your trousers.

Those are your trousers.

are those your trousers


The trousers are too long. Please give me another( ). A.\/ B.o...
another one,因为没有another pair这种说法,pair后要加of+名词,another one中的one是代词,指代上文出现过的物

is others will call finds an made else seeing


求个英语个人介绍 有中文 麻烦懂的朋友给翻译下 急~~~
Hello everyone.My name is xx,and I'm graduted from Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science and Technology.I am major in Asset evaluation and management.I am blessed with good communication skills, computer skills are also good, with hard work and although English is very ...

大学法语四级考试的试卷结构为:听力理解20%,阅读理解30%,完形填空10%,语法结构与词汇25%,书面表达15 大学法语四级考试分为专业四级和公共四级,其及格线都为60分。法语专业四级考试 TFS-4,全称为Test national du français enseigné à titre de spécialité, niveau IV,由教育部高等学校...

点石成金化腐朽为神奇的意思 释义 比喻修改文章时稍稍改动原来的文字,就使它变得很出色。出处 《列仙传》:“许逊,南昌人。晋初为旌阳令,点石化金,以足逋赋。”

My dear honey baby,could you give me a moment please? I know that you are very angry about the call that my former girl friend gived me.But there is seriouly nothing between me and her.It's all over.It is you who I love now and in the far further.It is just you ...

am \\is\\are\\havegot\\hasgot\\can\\can't\\填空
1、(Has )your father (got) a sister?yes,she ( is) a nurse.你爸爸有妹妹吗?是的,她是一个护士。2、My parent( has got )a nice car ,it ( is) white and big.我的父亲(或母亲)有一辆好看的车。这辆车很白也很大。3、there (is)a pair of trousres on my bed ...

这道题怎么做:-Mum, look! My trous

郏县13426132335: 那是你的的裤子吗?英语句子 -
针之氢溴: 由于裤子trousers是复数形式,所以要用Are 和those来修饰, 而yours用于句尾,所以是Are those your trousers? 或者是Are those your trousers? 还可以说Are those trousers yours?都可以, 满意请采纳哦!!!

郏县13426132335: 用are,trousers,those,your怎么造一个问句 -
针之氢溴: hose are your trousers.很开心为你解答,希望你能采纳

郏县13426132335: are,trousers,those,your连词成句 -
针之氢溴: Those are your trousers.那些是你的裤子.谢谢,请采纳

郏县13426132335: 裤子用how much is还是are -
针之氢溴: 亲,注意了哦.how much询问价格的时候,可数名词单数或不可数用 is,可数复数用 are, 所以裤子trousers用 are

郏县13426132335: 用适当的代词填空:Are those () trousers?No,() aren't () are blue -
针之氢溴: your(形容词性物主代词,后需加名词), they(指代上文提到的可数名词复数), mine(名词性物主代词,代替形容词性物主代词+名词,相当于my trousers)

郏县13426132335: nine,blue ,trousers ,are,those ,连词成句 -
针之氢溴: hose are nine blue trousers,抱歉回迟了,刚看到你的求助,最近事情有点多:Are those nine blue trousers? 不好意思.那些是九条蓝色的裤子. 或者问句的话就是

郏县13426132335: trousers在做主语的时候be动词用什么? -
针之氢溴: trousers在做主语的时候be动词用复数形式 用are 或were等等

郏县13426132335: 用适当的代词填空(英语)1.Are those ()trousers?No,() aren't() .()are blue.(they) 2.Tom,where's() bike?Is this black bike() No,it isn't .(my,mine,your,yours) ... -
针之氢溴:[答案] 1.Are those (their)trousers?No,(they) aren't(theirs) .(Theirs)are blue.2.Tom,where's(my) bike?Is this black bike(yours) No,it isn't .3.What's the woman's name?(Her)name is Gao Hui....

郏县13426132335: 【英语】Here ()some trousers.Here()some treasure. -
针之氢溴: 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,【英语】Here (are)some trousers.Here(is)some treasure.这是一些裤子.这是一些珠宝.前面trousers为复数,所以用are 后面treasure为不可数名词,所以用is*************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,另外如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************

郏县13426132335: Are those( )trousers?No,( )aren't.( )are biue.(they)用代词怎么填
针之氢溴: -Are those(their )trousers? -No,(they )aren't.( They)are biue.(they)

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