
作者&投稿:冉顾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5: spraying lacquer
Start spraying natural lacquer, paint spraying thickness 2-3mm, air pressure at 6-8KG/m2. Spraying, painting of him, shall be posted in the newspaper or tape is completely isolated.
Spraying after hardening twenty-four hours, sprayed surface must look with the sample, the amount of approximately 4-6g/m2.

There had been a prince, wealthy but always unable to find a good wife. One day a girl came to take shelter from rain,claiming that she was a real princess. The queen let her sleep on 20 layers of duck down blanket and put a grain of pea at the bottom . Result the princess said that she had got hurt by something on the bed that night, which made the queen concluded that she was a noble princess.

I hope it will rid you of Beijing's coldness in winter.

Don't neglect the warmth just for the sake of looking more handsome. Take good care of yourself.


With this,hopefully you can keep warm during the winter in Beijing.

Don't spend too much time worrying about your appearance and try to look cool in the cold winter. Make sure you are nice and warm all the time~ Take care!

I hope it can help you to enjoy a warm winter in Beijing.
Don't in order to better cool that not keep warm!
Take care of your own!




I hope it will help you keeping warm in the winter.
Not for good appearance to put less clothes on in cold weather,and take good care of yourself.

Wish you a warmer winter in Beijing with it.

Handsome is important however keeping warm is much more important.Take care of yourself.

中译英,谢谢……急用~ 希望能够得到你的帮助,谢谢!
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中译英 高手解答~! 在线等答案
1. 他坚持要求我旅游,坚持认为旅行使人思想开阔。(insist, expand)He insisted that I go travelling, believing that it could expand my mind.2. 在行使权利的同时,我们还必须履行义务。(rights, perform)While exercising our rights, we should also perform our duties.3. 自己没有孩子,...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 急,汉翻译英,不要机翻
巢冰鼻渊: 1 人们常说幸福与金钱不一定如影随形 It's said that happiness and wealth do not go hand-in-hand 2 这是他第一次当着这么多观众演讲(in the presence of sb) This is the first time he speaks in the presence of a large audience. 3 由于文化不同,...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 在线急等,帮忙中译英,谢谢,不要机译哦 -
巢冰鼻渊: I did not send e-mail records I do not know why this happens If the recurrence of similar situations in the future 望采纳

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 急——在线等——3句话中译英——高中英语翻译高手速进——纯人工翻译请各位看到的英语高手 纯人工翻译下面的句子——不要用机器翻译!谢谢合作~~尽... -
巢冰鼻渊:[答案] 1.Those interested in participating in this contest, please sent your piece to writingcompetition@126.com via email before 22md May 2010.2. The winner will receive a beautiful gift.3. Also, the writin...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 急!!中译英——英语翻译高手速进!纯人工翻译!! -
巢冰鼻渊: 1 Please (don't) turn on the radio, OK?2 What's the price of it? (How much does it does sell at?)3 How I wish that I can fly to the moon one day.4 Th...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 请帮忙转译,中译英(不要机译)谢谢! -
巢冰鼻渊: I'm sorry for repling to you so late. First of all, thank you for the arrangements, we will schedule the date (21 / 4) go to visit you, but the number of participants could not affirm for the moment(probably about 10). As for prices, we can determine after the face-to-face.Thanks a lot!

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 急!中译英(人工翻译),谢谢! -
巢冰鼻渊: I'm worried that we can't communicate well, so if you can, please contact the property staff to help us to translate.

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 高手帮我中译英,谢谢啊,不要机译的 -
巢冰鼻渊: It seemed as if he/she still wanted to eat, so I gave the melon seeds that were not cracked to him/her. In so doing, I could save my energy/labour希望对你有帮助

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 求翻译 中译英 急 不要机译 -
巢冰鼻渊: Last time you said you would tell me the suggestions about the quotation,but till now, I didn't got your reply. Did you dissatified with us at some points? I will appreci...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 急求汉译英,勿机翻,谢谢
巢冰鼻渊: I know you just want to find a girlfriend in the same city . I know we are too far away from each other. So I never held any hope,I just want to see you like this every day ,Talk to you, it's enough.I hope my appearance didn't bother to your life,I also ...

澳门特别行政区14717176163: 汉译英~不要用机器翻译 谢谢了 -
巢冰鼻渊: A branch company of McDonald's in Shenzhen employed 400 children whoes minimum age is 14 .Those children are in charge of wrapping toys.They use other's ID cards to...

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