求一篇关于human body and numbers这个话题的英语文章!!跪求!!

作者&投稿:圣呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In recent years,protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to the whole human beings.(近年来,环保越来越受到全人类的重视) It is everyone's duty to do someting good to the environment around us.(保护好我们周边的环境是我们每一个人的职责)
As middle school students,we can also do a lot of helpful things.(作为中学生的我们,也可以做许多有利于环保的事)For example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.(比如说,我们可以避免到处扔垃圾)We can save water to make full use of it.(我们可以节约用水,并且充分利用水资源)We can use materials which do no harm to the enviornment.(我们还可以使用不破坏环境的材料)
Thingd we can do are a great many.(我们可以做的事很多)Only when we have the idea of loving our environment can we make a better place to live.(只有我们有了环保的观念我们才能创建一个更好的生活环境)So everybody,let's take action!(所以,大家行动起来吧!)

  If insomnia is derailing your sleep, a prescription sleeping pill may not be the best cure. Here are some options to explore:
  Practice good "sleep hygiene." This does not mean making sure your bedding is clean! It means following good sleep habits, especially ensuring the bedroom environment is conducive to sleep. Among experts’ recommendations: Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex; keep regular sleep and wake times; eliminate afternoon caffeine; banish pets (and snoring partners) from the bedroom; ensure the bedroom is a dark, cool, quiet place; and get computers and TVs out of the sleep environment, because they stimulate the brain and their light tells the body "it’s daytime," disrupting the internal clock.
  Break the rules when necessary.While exprts’ common-sense recommendations about sleep hygiene should be the first line of defense against insomnia, selectively breaking them can sometimes help, too. TV isn’t recommended, for example, but a DVD or show (make it a boring one) may put some people to sleep. "Listen to experts’ rules; don’t throw them out," says Gayle Greene, 65, a lifelong insomniac who has learned to cope. But "bend them, make them work for you."
  Develop a pre-bed relaxation ritual."Adults need these rituals, too," says Meir Kryger, director of sleep research and education at Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford, Conn. "You’d be amazed at how helpful they can actually be." To develop a nonstimulating evening ritual, you might recall what your parents did when you were young to get you in sleep mode. Or try taking a hot bath or sipping a warm cup of chamomile tea; either will raise your core body temperature, which leads to a drowsy feeling as you cool down, says Lisa Shives, medical director of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Ill.
  Try not to self-medicate."I personally don’t recommend that people just go out and treat themselves with over-the-counter medications," says Kryger. "They never solve the problem; they’ll just help you get through." Pharmacies certainly offer lots of sleep remedies. There are antihistamines, like Benadryl, which have a sedative side effect. (The ingredient that causes drowsiness is also found in products like Tylenol PM and Advil PM.) But those medications can induce next-day grogginess—what some patients call "sleep hangovers"—and they can actually have an alerting or a disorienting effect on the elderly, says Shives. Other OTC options include melatonin supplements and valerian extracts, although evidence of the effectiveness of either is slim, a National Institutes of Health insomnia consensus panel concluded in 2005. And, as Shives says of melatonin, valerian, and similar substances, "Nobody’s regulating this stuff."
  Don’t drink to sleep.Sure, sloshing down a little Pinot Noir will put you to sleep, but as the alcohol is metabolized by the body, it fragments sleep, which tends to cause nighttime awakenings and next-day tiredness. "People have the misconception that alcohol helps," says Ralph Downey III, chief of sleep medicine at the Loma Linda University Medical Center in California. "It doesn’t."
  Create a barrier between work and sleep.You want to have some sort of break from the day’s stress before sleep, advises Lawrence Epstein, medical director of Sleep HealthCenters in Boston and coauthor of The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep. If you know you’re going to bed at 10:30, stop your day at 10:15, or sooner if you can. Shortchanging that break can be a recipe for insomnia. Write down all the things you need to worry about on a piece of paper, and do your best to leave them behind. Whether asleep or awake, there’s likely nothing you can do about them until tomorrow, anyway.
  Don’t "catastrophize." People who can’t sleep tend to compound the problem by fretting about the consequences of their sleeplessness, like the possibility that they’ll do a bad job at work and get fired. Catastrophizing a sleep problem, however, tends to further engrain it, says Shives. "I try to get [people] to calm down," she says. "But that’s kind of like telling a depressed person to perk up."
  必要时,打破规律。专家们有关睡眠卫生的常识性建议应该作为对抗失眠的首要准则,但选择性地违反其中几条也会带来帮助。例如,通常是不推荐看电视的,但一张DVD光碟或秀(比较无聊的那种)也可能以让人犯困。“听专家的建议,并接受它们”,现年65岁的嘉乐.格林(Gayle Greene)说道,他一生都患有失眠,并已经掌握应对方法。“但可以‘改善它们’,让她们为你所用。”
  养成睡前放松的习惯。康涅狄格州沃灵福德市的加洛德医院(Gaylord Hospital)的睡眠研究和教育主任梅尔.克瑞格(Meir Kryger)表示,“成年人也同样需要这些习惯,你可能会对这些习惯的实际效果大吃一惊。”为了养成非刺激性的晚间习惯,你应该回忆一下小时候你的父母是如何哄你睡觉的。或者尝试洗一个热水澡或饮一杯温柑橘茶;或提高你的体内温度,而当你体温降下来的时候,你将会觉得昏昏欲睡,伊利诺斯州艾瓦斯顿的北岸睡眠医疗中心(Northshore Sleep Medicine)的医疗主任丽萨.谢福思(Lisa Shives)这样说道。
  不要尝试给自己开药。克瑞格说道,“我个人常不建议人们简单地跑到街角医院,给自己胡乱开药。这些药不会解决问题;它们只能短时间内帮助你。”药房当然会提供许多睡眠治疗药物。它们是一些抗组胺剂(如苯海拉明),具有镇静剂一般的副作用。(引起睡意的成分还在其它产品中发现,如Tylenol PM 和Advil PM。)但这些药物可能导致第二天站立不稳-也就是所谓的“睡眠‘宿醉’”。谢福思还说道来源:考试大的美女编辑们,这些药物可能导致老年人变得警惕或迷失方向。其它OTC药物(包括褪黑素补充剂和缬草提取物),国立卫生研究所的失眠共识委员会于2005年得出结论,显示其效果极为微弱。而且谢福思还提到褪黑素、缬草和相似物质,“没有人对这些原料加以规定。”
  在工作和睡眠制造一道屏障。波士顿睡眠健康中心的医疗督导,同时也是哈佛医学院良好晚间睡眠指南的合著者,劳伦斯.爱普斯顿(Lawrence Epstein)建议,“在睡觉之前,你需要从白天的压力中解脱出来。如果你计划在10:30上床就寝,那么在10:15结束一天的活动,或尽可能早地结束。

The human body is often referred to as the world's most incredible machine, but how much do we really know about what our bodies must do -- every second of every day -- to keep us alive? This January, Discovery Channel combines a stunning mix of high-tech graphics and live action to illustrate what makes us move, think and grow in the four-part seriesBODY IN NUMBERS.

BODY IN NUMBERS decodes the body's vital statistics -- showing how the heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime, and that the fastest sneeze ever recorded was clocked at 100 miles per hour. The series makes a profound impact by juxtaposing the human body with everyday objects and actions, creating a new level of understanding that will change attitudes and instill wonder. Viewers will be presented with illuminating figures such as:
-- There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in your body -- the same distance it would take to circle the world twice over.
-- The surface area of a human lung is equal to that of a tennis court.
-- Humans can see more than 7 million different colors -- equal to a paint chart 21.75 miles long, or equivalent to 11/2 times the length of Manhattan.
BODY IN NUMBERS explores the body's extraordinary abilities and secrets with the numbers that lie behind everything we do. Have you ever thought about just how we develop from a fertilized embryo to a newborn? Or how eating and drinking change our physiology? Based on amazing facts and calculations, this series will trace the consequences of our everyday actions and explain how our bodies react and adapt.

From conception to birth, from adulthood to old age, the human body is a remarkable machine that carries on functions every second of every day that we never stop to think about. By unlocking the secrets of the human body, BODY IN NUMBERS will revolutionize the way we think about ourselves and the things we do.

The human body is the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), two arms and hands and two legs and feet. Every part of the body is composed of various types of cell. At maturity, the estimated number of cells in the body is given as 37.2 trillion. This number is stated to be of partial data and to be used as a starting point for further calculations. The number given is arrived at by totaling the cell numbers of all the organs of the body and cell types. The composition of the human body shows it to be composed of a number of certain elements in different proportions. The study of the human body involves anatomy and physiology. The human body can show anatomical non-pathological anomalies which need to be able to be recognized. Physiology focuses on the systems and their organs of the human body and their functions. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain homeostasis.

Men’s Average Height 69.4 inches

Men’s Average Weight 194.7 lbs
Men’s Average Waist Circumference 39.7 inches
Women’s Average Height 63.8 inches
Women’s Average Weight 164.7 lbs
Women’s Average Waist Circumference 37 inches
Body Fluid Statistics
Average amount of water in the human body 40 litres
Average percent of body weight made up of water 57%
Amount of body fluid that is Intracellular fluid 25 litres
Amount of body fluid that is Extracellular fluid 15 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Plasma fluid 3 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Interstitial fluid 12 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Transcellular fluid minute
Human Heart Statistics
Average human heart beats per day 100,000
Average human heart beats per year 35 Million
Average human heart beats per lifetime 3 Billion
Gallons of blood pumped by the heart in a lifetime 48 Million
Human Lung Statistics
Lung breathes per day 23,000
Gallons of air produced per year 80 Million
Kidney Statistics
Urine produced each day by kidneys 1.5 Quarts
Urin produced in a lifetime by kidneys 10,000 Gallons
Blood processed each minute by kidneys 1 Quart
Blood processed each day by kidneys 423 Gallons
Blood processed in a lifetime by kidneys 13 Million Gallons
Food Consumption
Amount of food consumed each day by average human 3.5 pounds
Amount of food consumed in a lifetime by average human 53 Tons
Saliva produced in a lifetime 10,000 gallons
Average time it takes food to travel from mouth to stomach 7 Seconds
Body Makeup Statistics
Number of cells that compose the body 100 Trillion
Number of cells that die and are replaced every minute 300 Million
Blood cells that die every minute 15 Million
Muscles in the human body 650
Bones in the human body 206
Square feet of skin in the human body 20 Square ft
Miles of blood vessels in the human body 60,000
Number of scents detected by the nose 50,000
Number of eye blinks each year 6 Million
Number of diseases that affect the human body 20,000

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