
作者&投稿:征哑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  On Volunteering




  The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people.

  Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work.

  Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills, all of which are critical for their professional growth.

  As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.





  As we know, a growing outbreak of H1N1 flu has been sparked in many countries. An increasing number of cases are being reported every day。

  It’s thought that H1N1 flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses do, that is, spreading from person-to-person, mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus。

  Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them。

  Finally, H1N1 flu is not a terribly deadly disease, which is curable. So, don’t be nervous and just keep calm as usual。







  生词:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I’d like very much to be a volunteer。

  All our citizens are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English。

  To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one。


  Li Hua

Last Sunday I went to Old people's home with my classmates. we met at the school gate at 8 o'clock. then we took a bus there. we helped do some cleaning.and swept the floor. The old people were very happy.

Dear XXX:
I am a student of XX (age). I have heard that Summer Olympic games will be held in China. I am looking forward to be a volunteer of the game.
To begin with, I am keen on sports. I usually take part in different activities. Then, I am good at English, I can understand most of English sentences. I have never talked to a foreigner, so I want to have a chance to speak to a foreigner. Futhermore, summer holiday will begin, I will have much time. Those are why I am writing this self introduce.
May you contact me?
Your sincerely,

self intruduction
I am a girl(boy) of 18years old.Hearing that the Summer Olympic Games will held in our city,i want to be one of the volunteers for the game.
Firstly,i am fond of sports,i can understand some of the terminology,and watching the game made me excited.Secondly,i am influent of English,i can communicate well with foreigners.Join it can improve my spoken English as well.Of course,thirdly,it happen to my summer vocation,i just have the time to participate,and the enough time can also give me opportunith taste something special.
Thanks for giving the chancefor my selfintroduction,If you are intrested, contact me please.

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中方县17197431350: 急急急!急寻一篇关于申请当奥运志愿者的英语作文啊! -
西鬼沙美: Dear Sir,I read your ad. in the newspaper yesterday. I hope to be the volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.My name is Zhang Guojun, I've studied in Liangfeng Experimental School since September, 2002. I have many hobbies like Ping Pong ...

中方县17197431350: 英语作文 2008奥运会你将做什么?你想为2008年北京奥运会做一名志愿者吗?请写一篇短文,计划一下你将为2008你按北京奥运会做些什么.80词左右.快... -
西鬼沙美:[答案] The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.That's one of the greatest dreams of the Chinese nation.We have been longed for it for hundreds of years.During the Olympic Games,we will be very excited and happy to do some contributions to it.As a ...

中方县17197431350: 谁可以给我一篇关于我要当奥运志愿者的英语范文? -
西鬼沙美: The Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer? To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,...

中方县17197431350: 做为一名奥运志愿者我应该怎么做?
西鬼沙美: 志愿者的权利和义务 权利: 1.了解赛会志愿者政策; 2.在岗位确定之前表达工作岗位的意愿; 3.获得必要的工作保障; 4.维护自身的正当权益; 5.参加赛会志愿者评比表彰; 6.对赛会志愿者工作提出意见和建议; 7.申请退出志愿服务. 义务: 1.遵守奥林匹克宪章,遵守国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会章程,传播奥林匹克精神; 2.遵守北京奥组委各项政策和规章制度; 3.履行经本人签署的志愿服务承诺书; 4.完成相应的培训; 5.服从北京奥组委对志愿服务工作岗位的安排; 6.服从北京奥组委的指挥和调配,认真完成志愿服务工作任务; 7.服从志愿服务期间所在团队的管理

中方县17197431350: 求:奥运志愿者服务的英文演讲稿 我要参加一个大学英语演讲比赛 内容是为了迎接奥运 在倒计时100天的日子里 谈一谈奥运志愿者服务 -
西鬼沙美:[答案] What can I do for Beijing 2008 Olympic I will be sixteen years old when 2008 Olympic being held in Beijing.I have many dreams about it,I want to be a translator to work for foreign athletes.I want to ...

中方县17197431350: 假如我是2008年北京奥运会的一位志愿者你会怎么做~写一篇文章~要英语的 -
西鬼沙美:[答案] If I am a volunteer The Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating.But now,the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics i...

中方县17197431350: 我要一篇关于奥运的作文,600字
西鬼沙美: 为君欢喜为君忧 ————记志愿奥运 文/许如清 “嗨,请帮我问问外省的学生怎么参加奥运志愿者啊?”高中同学热情万丈. “嗨,我已经开始存钱了,到时可就来找你了,食宿全包哦.”儿时玩伴无限憧憬. “嗨,既然当了志愿者,到时可...

中方县17197431350: 我现在在北京科技大学上大一要成为北京奥运会的志愿者现在要做哪些?
西鬼沙美: 努力学习,学习是根本,尤其是外语水平,尽管外语水平不是决定因素,但却是先决条件;另外,从现在起,加入学校的社团,并在其中努力工作,努力学习服务本领;同时强烈建议你去注册志愿者,发挥你的一技之长,在志愿服务中得到的锻炼是最丰富的.多学习,多实践,积极参加社会公益活动,为你将来的应聘作实践经验和履历上的准备.

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