
作者&投稿:英萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 John clever and responsible. He likes to make friends with people. 2 I have decided to compete for the new post. You can also competition. It's up to you to decide. 3 the doctor came soon after my father tried to control the disease. 4 as freshman, most of us do not know waiting for our college life, but we all know that we must do well in our studies. 5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets our needs. 6. Although the assignments last week than I thought, I still pay up. 追问: 你是哪个学校的?



Three years ago, we had the honour and entered with a collective, even though we come from all over, but we Qingruyijia. Time flies like an instant we have together traversed three Spring and Autumn. Here, we together common progress and common enriched,

We have been in a group for 3 years .We are friendly to each other,though we are from differents areas.So day after day ,you see how times flies!Three years has gone!We have had a great prograss togather,so happy,so enjoyful!

Three years ago, we went together FORTUNETLY ,although we come from all over the world, we like a family. Time flies like an instant we have together traversed three Spring and Autumn. Here, we together common progress and common enriched。

Three years ago,we join in the same community .We come form differnt place,but we get together like a family.We has spent three years vtogether,Here,we develop and go forward together.

Three years ago, we went together, although we come from all over the world, we like a family. How time flies! three years past quickly, we make progress together.

sa n to a u o wo i tu mo ma ti no zo n de i ma su.※交流时最好不要用あなた(a na ta),用XXさん比较好.所以,一定要记住对方名字的读音 --- 5.お话ができて、ほんとによかったです。o ha na si ga de ki te,ho n to u ni yo ka ta de su ...

Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...

请帮我用英语翻译几句话 很简单的 拜托大家了
1. Fortunately, the police found out the cause quickly. It was done by some youth. How upsetting they were!

Listen to parents's idea modestly , not quarrel with them. Do not make them angry. I believe in , we all can achieve, because of we know, parents is unable to wait for our , their to go to exactly gradually oldly in in situ....

1直到现在还没有你的回信.你很忙吗?I haven't heard(received) from you and I guess you must be busy.2晚上的聚会不要喝太多酒.那样对身体不好.Don't drink too much at the party tonight, and it's bad for you.3请注意身体.Take care of yourself....

1. Your coldness breaks my heart.2. I love you, but you do not belong to me.3. I see...you give me your love as donation.4. The choice of the past, present and the future is momentary.

1.你今天很漂亮. You're so beautiful today.2.你疯了吗? Aren't you crazy?3.我真的好想你. I really miss you.4.我帮你拎东西吧. Let me help yuu to carry it.5.我们结婚吧! Let's be man and wife.6.你愿意嫁给我吗? Are you willing to be my wife?7.你说的是真的吗?

汉译英:1.在2007年,在一所学校中,几经风雨的种子,终于发芽了。Translation: 1in 2007, in a school, after the storm 's seed, sprout.2.为了使这颗种子能够茁壮成长,几位朝气蓬勃的少年为它遮风挡雨 2in order that the seed can grow sturdily, several full of youthful spirit young ...

1 我不想这样。I don't want to be like this.2 我不是你肚子里的蛔虫。I am not a roundworm in your stomach, in other words, I don't know what you are thinking about.3 世界不会因你而改变。The world will be never changed because of you.4 重拾信心。找回自己 。Get back...

1 good faith should list as the head in all moral excellence.2 because he is dishonest, I have lost and him make friend's desire.3 although our living conditions also not entirely as desired.4 sometimes our English study as if always bogs down, but in fact certainly not ...

宝坻区19665096758: 汉语翻英文请帮我翻译几句话,要把中文的意思和感觉(尤其是感觉)给翻译出来.不要机器翻译(这个我自己会做).先给100分,如果满意在加100分.总有一... -
却良舒尔:[答案] 总有一种力量来自乘风破浪的坚定There's always a force comes from a steadfast resolve that can cut through winds and waves.总有一种感动来自风雨同舟的默契There's always an inspiration comes from a taci...

宝坻区19665096758: 汉语英译.请帮我用地道的英语翻译下这几句汉语.一,马上离开这儿!否则我就带你去警察二,听我说,先生.三,先生,请相信我.四,看看这个脏菜刀.五,... -
却良舒尔:[答案] 一,马上离开这儿!否则我就带你去警察 局!Get out of here now,or I will take you to the police office 二,听我说,先生. Please listen to me ,sir 三,先生,请相 信我. sir,please trust me 四,看看这个脏菜刀. look at the dirty knife 五,我认为你做了世...

宝坻区19665096758: 拜托帮我把几句中文翻译成英文
却良舒尔: 1、把窗户关好,不然屋里就太冷了= Shut the window, otherwise the house was too cold 2、我们应该去最需要我们的地方 = We should go to the needs of our place 3、那个人就是昨天向我要钱的人=That man was yesterday I need money

宝坻区19665096758: 请帮忙将几句中文翻译成英语.帮忙讲下面的话翻译成英语.请人工翻译,非常谢谢!现在方便接收我的短信么?不知道什么原因,他妈妈不要我和你们联系.请... -
却良舒尔:[答案] Is it convenience for you to receive my text message? For one reason or another,his mather doesnt want me to keep in touch with you.dont tell her I have contacted you, or there would be some problems....

宝坻区19665096758: 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面几句话,要自己翻译出来,不要那些翻译器翻译出来的1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老帅致谢.2.大部分矿工被解救了出来.3.这座小城的许... -
却良舒尔:[答案] 1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老帅致谢.Here i sincerely appreciate those coaches who helped me a lot.1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老师致谢.Here i would like to give my sincere thanks to those teachers who used to he...

宝坻区19665096758: 帮我把几句中文翻译成英文,急~~~~ -
却良舒尔: I am still your goal, I am still your direction, I am still your support.I still love you very much.Be good.

宝坻区19665096758: 请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了· -
却良舒尔: 1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者. The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations. 2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁. The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship . (介词...

宝坻区19665096758: 麻烦帮翻译几句话,中文译英文
却良舒尔: 您好,可翻译为:I have to depend on you for this lifetime.I have to be in love with you for this lifetime.

宝坻区19665096758: 请帮忙将几句汉语翻译成英文!!~急需~!
却良舒尔: Girl:"I like the soft and warm sunshine." Boy:"I like it too, as i like you."

宝坻区19665096758: 谁能给我翻译几句汉语啊 翻译成英语
却良舒尔: My darling,I will go with you forever and ever.I am expecting your behaviour next year.

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