hold it down 啥意思

作者&投稿:邸炒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
burn it down中文是什么意思~

The cycle repeated 轮回重现   
as explosions broke in the sky 好像天空中爆炸后的伤痕   
All that I needed 我所需要的一切   
Was the one thing I couldn't find 化作泡影   
And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角
Waiting to let me know 让我明白   
We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   
To break it back down 化为灰烬   
We're building it up 我们血汗所铸  
To burn it down 焚烧殆尽   
We can't wait 我们迫不及待   
To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地   
The colors conflicted 当烈焰吞噬云彩   
As the flames climbed into the clouds 光影凌乱   
I wanted to fix this 我想要弥补一切   
But couldn't stop from tearing it down 于事无补   
And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角   
Caught in the burning glow 被火海湮没   
And I was there at the turn 而我命运更迭   
Waiting to let you know 让你明白   
We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   
To break it back down 化为灰烬   
We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   
To burn it down 焚烧殆尽   
We can't wait 我们迫不及待   
To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地   
[Mike rap]  
you told me yes 你曾肯定我   
you held me high 你曾赏识我   
and I believe when you told that lie 我却坚信你的谎言  
I played soldier you played king 我演士兵,你演国王   
and stuck me down when I kiss that ring 当我亲吻指环,你却将我击倒   
you lost that right to hold that crown 你无权拥有那个王冠   
I built you up but you let me down 我成就你,而你令我失望   
so when you fall I'll take my turn 于是当你倒下,我将把握机会   
and fan the flames as your blazes burn 煽动烈火将你毁灭   
And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角   
Waiting to let me know 让我明白   
We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   
To break it back down   化为灰烬  
We're building it up    我们血汗所铸   
To burn it down   焚烧殆尽   
We can't wait   我们迫不及待   
To burn it to the ground   就让它夷为平地   
When you fall   于是当你倒下   
I'll take my turn   我将把握机会   
And fan the flames as your blazes burn   煽动烈火将你毁灭   
We can't wait to burn it to the ground   我们迫不及待就让它夷为平地   
When you fall    于是当你倒下   I
'll take my turn   我将把握机会   
And fan the flames as your blazes burn   煽动烈火将你毁灭   
We can't wait to burn it to the ground   我们迫不及待就让它夷为平地


can't 英[kɑ:nt] 美[kænt]
v. 不能,不会;
[例句]I'm afraid I can't remember the way.

put 英[pʊt] 美[pʊt]
vt. 放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态);
vt. 使感觉到; 使受到…的影响;
vi. 说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接;
[例句]Leaphorn put the photograph on the desk.

down 英[daʊn] 美[daʊn]
adv. 向下; (坐、倒、躺) 下; (表示范围或顺序的限度) 下至;
prep. (从高处) 向下; (表示位置) 在…的下方; (表示方向) 沿着…向下; (表示时间) 自…以来;
adj. 向下的; 沮丧的; 计算机或计算机系统停机; (以…) 落后于对手的;
[例句]We're going down a mountain.






铜川市15157624667: hold it down 啥意思
运欧美士: 意思是:小声点,嘘希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

铜川市15157624667: hold from什么意思 ,最好再系统讲一讲hold的常用短语 -
运欧美士: 习惯用语: 控制, 保留 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it! 不要动! hold one's own 坚守;坚持立场 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it! 不...

铜川市15157624667: 英语关于hold的词组.大侠帮我整理下啊.我记得乱啊.常用的,常考的,就好了.比如:hold in .hold up .hold off .hold down.等等. -
运欧美士:[答案] 词义: hold [hEuld] n. 把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt. 拿着,保存,支持,占据,持有,拥有 vi. 支持,保持,有效 n. 习惯用语: 控制,保留 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it! 不...

铜川市15157624667: hold up 和 hold back 的具体区别 -
运欧美士: hold up和hold back的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、hold up:站得住脚,成立. 例句: Why were you holding everyone up? 你为什么耽搁了大家? 2、hold back:(使)退缩,阻挡. 例句: You seem to be ...

铜川市15157624667: hold it back翻译成中文是什么意思??? 谢谢 -
运欧美士: 拿回来的意思,hold back 本身有阻止、阻碍、犹豫不前的意思,这里中间加个宾语“it”,是拿回来的意思了.

铜川市15157624667: hold的词组及例句
运欧美士: 及物动词 vt. 1. 握着;抓住;夹住 He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀. 2. 托住;支承 The roof was held up by pillars. 屋顶由柱子支撑着. 3. 使保持某种姿态等[O] She held herself erect. 她把身子挺直. 4. 拘留,扣留 The highjackers ...

铜川市15157624667: 英语中像cheer him up,宾语放在前面的还有后面的都是为什么,怎么用?
运欧美士: 遇到宾语是人称代词宾格,比如me, him, her, them, us, it等等,需要放在中间,其他的一般放在后面,比如put up your hands,put it down.不知道你问的是不是这个问题. hold on的用法跟上面的不一样,hold on是固定用法,有两种常用的用法,一...

铜川市15157624667: hold down 什么意思?
运欧美士: 抑制,压制

铜川市15157624667: Hold It Down 歌词 -
运欧美士: 歌曲名:Hold It Down 歌手:unkle bob 专辑:Sugar & Spite Artist : Unkle Bob Title : Hold It Down- Hold it down, boy Don't lose your head You're so inviting And I'm easily led Leave a message'Cause you know that I'll be tired and low Tired and low ...

铜川市15157624667: keep it down啥意思 -
运欧美士: Keep It down 有两个意思: 1. 小声点 别这么喧哗 (和 keep quiet 有相同意思) 例句: Keep it down, I am trying to study. 2. 吃得下去 没有呕吐 通常以反义方式来用,比如 He has an upset stomach. He just can't keep anything down. 他肠胃不舒服,吃什么吐什么

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