
作者&投稿:田宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Opening Ceremony of Olympic Games always leaves deep impression on the guests.
Please check the exam papers as carefully as possile before turning them in.
Such opportunities may not come again. You'd better take full advantage of them.
However difficult it may be, we can overcome it with our determination.

1. 来自欧洲的数百万移民来到美国第一眼看到的就是自由女神像。
2. 他说他宁愿和他的同学迈克住在一起。
3. What a great progress you've got !

because I communicate with people with my real spirit , and I will show my heart in front of others,However, many people think that is not good, because other people might not really for you, but I think that is the true meaning of communication, so the friendship is the most real. through communication with people, I have a bridge in their heart, while those with false communication can only built a dangerous single-plank bridge, which are likely to collapse at any time .

because I can communicate with people with my heart, show myself to others.However, many people think it is not a good way, because other people might not be really for me.Sometimes ,i am cheated.In my opinion, the true meaning of communication is to show my real face to my friends and others ,then I can get the friendship that I really need . Because of communicating with people, I have a bridge in our heart, while those with false communication can only built a dangerous single-plank bridge, which are likely to collapse at any time .

Because I was using the real me in communicating with people, and I will show in front of others, many people think that this is not good, because others may not be true for you, but I think that, is the meaning of communication, so that the friendship is true. Through communication and I can build a bridge between the heart, and those with false communication can only build a perilous bridge, may collapse at any time

我就是建议你提高赏分的,我的答复请验收。以为你是匿名的没法和你联系,也没法通知你。中国输变电工业的基本情况调查报告纲要:Outline of the Investigation Report on the China’s Power Transmission and Transformation Industry 随着中国电力工业进入大机组、大电厂、大电网、超高压、自动化、信息化...

They are just like a little lights in their life. Although they release tiny flame, warm this society and warm everyone's heart.这里我修改了几个词和几个语序 尽量让他接近比较诗意比较原味一点 希望你喜欢 (一楼大哥 你最后两句貌似是 “这个社会的温暖,温暖了大家的心吧。”)...


My sister is chating on line.I enjoy myself last supper.I am not so familiar with Beijing.I lost my way during my stay at London last week


1.有一个人在家里养了一只猫 Once upon a time, there was a cat in a house.2.而在这个屋子里住着一群老鼠,他们每天都会受到猫的袭击.老鼠们每天都提心吊胆.于是他们聚在一起开会.商量用什么办法来对付这只讨厌的猫. however, there were some mice that also lived in the same house. ...

赵奢收税的译文 翻译: 赵田部吏.民富而府库实. 十万火急!

The green tea garden, the long bamboo corridor, the spring and monthly spring of day of tight companion of about Goddess of Mercy of the life, American beautiful Huan of human relations. Visiting here will also have unexpected excellent activities that wait for you, fishing, roasting...

LG. . The PHILIPS dawn company quite takes staff's training, fromprepares to the test to the implementation stage, the company manytimes to organize various levels personnel to carry on training again,and unifies enterprise's technological transformation with training,has obtained a ...

艺术活动策划推广Planning to promote the arts 学术交流组织策划Academic exchange organization 企业文化活动策划组织Enterprises planning to organize cultural activities 四季如歌 Four Seasons Cantabile 大型赛事 晚会策划及承办Evenings planning large-scale events and contractors ...

衡阳县15948137285: 翻译:英译中,十万火急啊~~哪位好心人帮忙一下呢?
伯宙华舒: 十万火急啊翻译英文Most urgent 望采纳 谢谢

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急,求翻译!!把中文翻译成英文!
伯宙华舒: In 2008, we will step out to the World. 2008,我们将走向世界!

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急(中文翻译成英文)
伯宙华舒: I'm waiting for you! Hope you happy forever!

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急,请问,汉译英
伯宙华舒: 1.I am working in a meeting, wait a minute, I'll call you, ok 2.What surprises, surprise, where, what time ah, well, see tonight

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急!英语翻译!哪位高手帮我翻译以下中文,我明天就要用,真的很急很急!A:为期五天的学农终于结束了.B:是呀,我有点不舍得.A:你觉得怎么... -
伯宙华舒:[答案] 楼上的:学农的英文请用learn farmingA:The five-day school learn farming over.B:Yes,I am a little reluctant.A:What do you think?B:At first I felt very hard,No matter what have to be very soon.A:And then?...

衡阳县15948137285: 中英翻译!十万火急!!
伯宙华舒: 1.I had two holidays 2.I only use MP3 songs and rest 3.Because I was car sick 4.We had come a Villa 5.Villaed on our dinner 6.climbed 第二个错了是I only used MP3 songs and rest

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急翻译
伯宙华舒:你好, 参照如下: l'm fixing the hang glider 翻译成汉语为: “我正在修理悬挂滑翔机.“ hurray 翻译成汉语为:"欢呼, 万岁呼声, 加油的意思"." hurray. " 可以翻译成:”好棒呀.“

衡阳县15948137285: 十万火急翻译两句英文?
伯宙华舒: 比那村(区域)大一点 在血管里涌动!

衡阳县15948137285: 英语翻译十万火急!、、、、、、、~ -
伯宙华舒:[答案] Put the literary works into screen.

衡阳县15948137285: 帮忙翻译成英语…很简单的句子…十万火急…
伯宙华舒: you go ,i can't see you ,ever if it rains ,i'll meet .给分啊 这是言情的,不宜逐字翻译.

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