put的词组 在句子中的应用

作者&投稿:怀昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. 放,摆,装
Where did you put the spanner?
He put his textbooks on the table by the window.
2. 使处于(某种状态)
They have just put through a business deal.
The situation put us at a serious disadvantage.
3. 施加,强加[(+on)]
They tried to put the blame on him.
4. 表达,表述;翻译
Can you put it in simpler English?
5. 提出[(+to/before)]
I will put your views to the committee.
6. 写上;标上
Put a question mark at the end of the sentence.
7. 使从事;把...用于;使受到
He put his children to work on his farm during the summer vacation.
8. 使渡过;使航行
9. 投掷;发射
Some astronauts were put into space.
10. 移动;拨动
11. 穿(衣)[(+on)]
12. 延后[(+off)]
13. 课(税);投(资);下(赌注)
She put all her money in that company.
14. 为...配曲[(+to)]
Some of his poems have been put to music.
1. 【口】出发,匆忙离开
He put for home after a hurried meal.
2. 开航,航行
3. (植物)发芽
4. (河水)流向
1. 投掷,推
2. 【商】股票出售权,约期出售选择权
1. 【口】固定不动的
She told the child to stay put and wait for her return.

put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出

put in 提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职

put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场

put into 使进入;把...放进;在……上种植

put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿

put together ..放在一起;组合;装配

put out 熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰

put it on 夸张;要高价;[俚]装腔作势

put forth 提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出

put for 以……为目标前进

put down 镇压;记下;贬低;制止

put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止

put into practice 实行,实施;落实

put into operation 使生效;使运转,使开动

put into production 把…投入生产

put into use 使用,应用;投入使用

put away 放好;抛弃;储存

put up with v. 忍受;容忍

put emphasis on 重视,强调;把重点放在……

put in place 到位;落实到位;正在实施

put up with sb 容忍某人
she is so talkative that l couldn't put up with her.

put off 推迟
the meeting had to be put off because of the rain.

Put out
Eg:The wind put out the candle

下面的句子应该是He puts on his T-shirt.

put on
put up
put sth. on/in/into sth.

源城区13590905791: put的所有短语搭配及其中文意思 -
荤通降糖: 我用-隔开单词的,可不理.有:put-away;放好,把…收拾起来.put-down;写下;把…放下;扑灭.put-forward;向前移动;建议;推荐;提出.put-in;插入.put-off;推迟.put-though;接通(电话).put-on;穿上;戴上.put-out;伸出,灭火,灭灯.put-up;挂起,抬起,建造.put-up-with忍受

源城区13590905791: 关于put 的短语 和例句 -
荤通降糖: put sth. about 散布 谣传 put sth. aside 忽视 储存 put sb. away 送某人进监狱 put stn away 把...收好, 攒钱,猛吃猛喝 put sth. back 把...放回原处,推迟,把钟往后拨 put sth. before/above sth. 把...看的比...重要 put sth. behind you 把...放之脑后 put ...

源城区13590905791: put的词组搭配
荤通降糖: to put sth. in/on/under/around sth. 把某物放到某物里/上/下/周围to put sth. high up/low down 把某物放到高处/下面to put a ball out (of court) 把球击到场外to put an advertisement/announcement in the paper 在报纸上登广告/声明to put one's trust/...

源城区13590905791: 两个关于put的短语造句 -
荤通降糖: Put away - I put away my money for the future use.(我把钱储存下来以供将来使用.) Put down - I put down the notes so that I wouldn't forget.(我把笔记抄下来以免忘记.)

源城区13590905791: 有关look和put短语 常用的 -
荤通降糖:[答案] look at v.看;考虑;着眼于 look for 寻找 look forward 期待;盼望 take a look 看一下 have a look 看一下,看一眼;看一看 ... 把…投入生产 put into use 使用,应用;投入使用 put away 放好;抛弃;储存 put up with v.忍受;容忍 put emphasis on 重视,...

源城区13590905791: 常用的put的动副词短语 -
荤通降糖: put away 把……收拾干净 put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命 put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举 put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝...

源城区13590905791: put开头的短语? -
荤通降糖: 1、put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出 2、put in 提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职 3、put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 4、put into 使进入;把...放进;在……上种植 5、put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名 6、put together ..放...

源城区13590905791: 介词短语在句子中做啥成分?例如: he put his book on the desk . -
荤通降糖: 诚然,put 的宾语是his book .on the desk 是地点状语. 介词短语在句子中一般可做后置定语,地点状语,时间状语,主语补足语,宾语补足语,表语,插入语等成分.

源城区13590905791: 初中英语中与put有关的短语
荤通降糖: 1. put aside 存钱 2. put away 放好,收起来;存钱 3. put an end to 结束 4. put back 把(钟)拨慢;推迟;阻碍 5. put down 扑灭,平息,镇压;放下 6. put forward 提出 7. put into 插入;译成 8. put off 延期,拖延 9. put on 上演;穿戴 10. put on ...

源城区13590905791: 关于put的短语有那些? -
荤通降糖: 1、put about英 [put əˈbaut] 美 [pʊt əˈbaʊt]意思:宣称;散布;(使)烦恼; 例句:He is much put about by their recent behaviour.他们近来的行为使他十分烦恼. 2、put aside 英 [put əˈsaid] 美 [pʊt əˈsaɪd]意思:搁;撇开 例句...

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