
作者&投稿:萧珍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

眼熟 好像做过了 就很快

1--5 CBBBD 6--10 BACBB 11--15 CCCCC 16--19 ABDC
The boy recognized clearly where his duty_________ .
此题考查词组lie in (在于)。这是一个宾语从句,主句的谓语动词recognize的时态是一般过去时,其宾语从句的时态一般要用任一适当的过去时态。此时用lie 的过去式lay,而原题中有连接副词where,故不用in。
原句是comes back,当他回来的时候,说明将要发生的事,还没发生,排除A
他回来的时候已经被发行了,所以排除一般将来时,用将来完成时will have been pubilshed。
Where is Bob? He ________ on the playground ten minutes ago.

1. _________ singer and _______ dancer has accepted the invitation.
A. A, a B. The, the C. The, a D. The, /
选D 后面出现has,说明前面是一个人,The singer and dancer表示 那个歌舞家 的意思
2. My uncle is _______ high school principal.
A. a B. an C. the D. / 选A 是一所高中的校长
3. It was raining,______ we had to stay at home.
A. or B. yet C. for D. and 选D 就表示并列关系
4. Go back________ you came from.
A. until B. where C. wherever D. when 选C 回你来的地方 wherever可以作from的宾语,where不可以
5. They had lost their way in the forest; they didn't know to go farther ____turn back.
A. for B. and C. or D. but 选C 不知道是继续走还是往回走
6. It is quite clear________he won't see us.
A. what B. that C. why D. how 选B It 作形式主语,很明显他看不到我们,不缺成分和含义,选that
7. English is_______language. It is ___________ important tool.
A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. a, / 选 A 元音辅音开头的问题
8. We walked together________ arm in______arm.
A. a, a B. an, an C. the, the D. /, / 选D arm in arm固定搭配,手挽着手
9. I'm not sure _____ he'll be here in time.
A. what B. if C. when D. where 选B 不知道他 是否 会准时到
10. He can speak _____English ______ French.
A. not only, but also B. so, that C. such, that D. either, or 选A ,不仅会,还会
11. English is_______language. It is ___________ important tool.
A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. a, / 选A 同上
12. I must be off now,_______ my sister is expecting me.
A. or B. so C. for D. and 选C,我得走了,因为(for)我妹妹等着我呢
13. I was very thirsty, ________ I asked for some water to drink.
A. than B. for C. so D. as 选C,我渴了,所以找水喝
14. _____ United States of America lies between ______Atlantic Ocean and _____ Pacific Ocean.
A. The, the, the B. /, /, / C. The, /, / D. /, the, the 选A,固定搭配
15. Mr. Fisher wondered ______________his daughter had ever been fond of music.
A. if B. what C. who D. that 选A,怀疑他女儿 是否 喜欢音乐
16. He acted _______ nothing had happened to him.
A. as if B. as C. when D. if 选A,装作 好像 什么都没发生
17. He is neither________American, nor ________ Asian. He is_______ Canadian.
A. an, an, a B. an, a, a C. /, /, / D. a, a, a 选A,元音辅音开头的问题
18. Some are reading newspapers, ________others are playing chess.
A. or B. for C. so D. while 选D,表示同时
19. Difficulties are nothing ______we are not afraid of them.
A. for B. as C. if D. whether 选C,如果我们不怕困难,那困难就什么都不算
O(∩_∩)O~ 望采纳

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. A(此题重复)
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. A
17. A/C都可以(估计楼主AC有一个选项打错了)
18. D
19. C


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C

1----5 DADBC
16----19 ACDC

1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.D 19.C

1.___singer and ___dancer has accepted the invitation.A.A,a B.The,the C.The,a D.The,\/ 选D 面 现has 说明前面 The singer and dancer表示 歌舞家 意思 2.My uncle is ___high school principal.A.a B.an C.the D.\/ 选A 所高 校 3.It was raining,___we had to stay...

){"complete"==e.readyState&&o.call(e,o)})}();alog("speed.set",{fsItems:i,fs:a})}(window,document);() 18. The boys ___a football. It’s new.A. there are B. there is C. there have D. there has () 19.“Can’t you help me now?...

1 ( ) 1 -Have you got some water to drink?-Here you are. There___ still some in the bottle.A. are B. were C. is D. was ( ) 2 ___ there many American friends in the school last Friday?A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were ( ) 3 There ___ a great many accident...

19题选择B,意思是不像你,他总是帮助其他人 A,dislike不喜欢 C,different不同的,与……不同应是different from需要加介词 D,same相同的,与……相同应是the same as也需要加介词 18题选B,考察固定搭配 play a role扮演角色

19. How is it __A___ your roommate’s request and yours are identical?A. in all B. at best C. for all D. by far 20. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have __D__ supplies of petroleum.A. proficient B. efficient C. ...

小学英语 选择 (附答案)12道,急!!!
( )19.I like ___ .You like ___.A.bananas,rice B.banana,rice C.bananas,rices ( )20.He ___ up at six o'clock everyday , and you --I ___ up at half past six everyday .A.goes,went B.get , getC.gets,get Keys:ABBAC AABAA BCBBC BCBBC ...

初一(上)英语选择题及答案 (300道)
初一英语,五道选择题求答案 1b2b3a4b5d 求初一英语选择题答案 1 C 定冠词the指特指,这里指足球的统称,不是特指,因此不用the。 2 B 你想要一些苹果吗? 不,谢谢。我已经饱了。 3 B 我会游泳,但我不会放风筝。 4 C 问句用can,回答时也用can teach *** sth 教...

初一英语150道单选题!如题 谢谢了
[ ] A. What B. Which C. Who D. How 19. Mike a new book. [ ] A.aren't have B.don't have C.isn't have D.doesn't have 20. Don't do it like ___! [ ] A. those B. that's C. that D. these 21. I want ___ the new sweater. [ ] A. put o...

2.C beef 不可数名词,photo 和 apple 可数名词必须加s。3.C 三瓶水bottle必须加s,water 不可数名词,不能加s。4.A What's the time now?现在几点钟?5.D 几点钟前面的介词用at。6.C do well in = be good at 擅长于 7.D 书只会是interesting(有趣)8.D g...

1.to 2.in 3.on 4.at 2:All the other passengers on the ship gathered around me and watched me write as if I __4 were___ a sidewalk artist drawing pictures of passersby.1.am 2.are 3.is 4.were 3:If tasks are brief and easily done, you may get to some of these...

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做19道英语选择题,最好保证正确率,1.Look after the children_______ - I am out.A.though B.so that C.that D.while 2.I'll put off my visit to the exhibition - __... -
古脉上清:[答案] C B A D A B D A C B B A D C B A D C A B 眼熟 好像做过了 就很快

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做19道英语选择题,1.________ - singer and - _____ - dancer has accepted the invitation.A.A,a B.The,the C.The,a D.The,/ 2.My uncle is - _____ - high ... -
古脉上清:[答案] 1._________ singer and _______ dancer has accepted the invitation. A.A,a B.The,the C.The,a D.The,/ 选D 后面出现has,... 18.Some are reading newspapers,________others are playing chess. A.or B.for C.so D.while 选D,表示同时 19.Difficulties ...

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做19道专升本英语选择题 要求正确率 谢谢 -
古脉上清: 1--5 CBBBD 6--10 BACBB 11--15 CCCCC 16--19 ABDC 3.BThe boy recognized clearly where his duty_________ .此题考查词组lie in (在于).这是一个宾语从句,主句的谓语动词recognize的时态是一般过去时,其宾语从句的时态一般要用...

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做19道选择题1. - -----of the rooms is about sixty feet square. A. Every B. Both C. All D. Each -
古脉上清: D后面be 动词是is 故排除BD,另外没有every of 结构BD一点时间C either两者之一,neither 两者都不 BD用于三者及以上A sheep 是单复数同行 选C 后要用eatsB advice 是不可数名词D 这句行是对人的外貌,品质提问的AA none of 固定结构 没有一本AA BBBC difficulty解释为困难时为不可数名词,解释为难题,困境时可数ADD

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做19道专升本英语选择题 要求正确率 1.Hello,Mary,we haven't seen each other for years.What - _______ - now?"- - "I - ____ - at university.A.do you do,... -
古脉上清:[答案] 1 —5CBCBB 6—10CACBB 11—15 CCDAC 16—19AADC

紫阳县17137653106: 帮忙做些英语选择题.只需答案谢谢! -
古脉上清: 1 B2A3 C4 D5 C6 D7 D8 B9 B10 D11 A12 B13 A14 B15 B16 B17 A18 A19 A20 C

紫阳县17137653106: 有谁可以帮我解答一下几道英语选择题~~谢谢啦~~ -
古脉上清: 1,选A2,选C3,选A

紫阳县17137653106: 请帮忙做几道英语题一、选择题1.I want___homework now.A.doing B.to do C.to do my2.It's time____A.go to school B.play games C.to go home3.___you___... -
古脉上清:[答案] 一: 1B 2C3 A 4C 5C 6B 7B 8C 二: 1. I have many friends in China. 2. Do you do your homework every day? Yes, Ido. 3. Does Kate help her mother with housework? 4. Does Amy like playing computer games? Yes, he does. 5. We Don't go to school ...

紫阳县17137653106: 帮我做一下英语题,谢谢一、单选题(共25道试题,共100分)1
古脉上清: 1B 2B 3B 4B 5A 6A 7C 8A 9B 10A 11 C 12A 13 C 14A 15 A 16A 17B 18B 19A 20B 21 B 22C 23B 24C 25C 请楼主知道的时候告诉正确答案

紫阳县17137653106: 谁的英文好.帮我做20个选择题.谢谢了.不懂的别瞎说.
古脉上清: 1A表示兴趣爱好,其他两项没有这个意思 2B其中A有尴尬的意思,但是A表示主要表示一种尴尬的情况之类,此题主要是要表示令人感到尴尬,选B 3D,这个考词组的,没什么可解释的,Dsend up表示派送 4A,表示被看到,看得见,B主要表...

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