We must learn to keep o______ away from being hurt.

作者&投稿:荣袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
we must keep on learning if we want to keep up with the~


pace 步伐


Keep away from me = 离我远点
Keep me away (from something) = 把我和某东西隔开

keep off 表示远离,这里加了away 确实有些累赘,但是语法上没有错误。


华蓥市17674469036: 【急,在线等】初二英语的一道填空题1.我们必须依靠自己We must learn to - ____ - ________ - _________(3条横线上添3个词,每空一个)要求:简要说... -
秦常皮肤:[答案] do by ourselves

华蓥市17674469036: we must learn to live - ______the past,not in the past.A.on B.for C.in -
秦常皮肤:[答案] A live 动词继续生活

华蓥市17674469036: we must learn to say no这句话中谓语成分是什? -
秦常皮肤: learn to.学会说不.

华蓥市17674469036: 请问情态动词后必须接动词原形吗 -
秦常皮肤:[答案] 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,有网友问:为什么有的书上又说情态动词后接动词完成式呢?现回答如下:▲情态动词后必须接动词原形,不能接带to不定式或动名词等.如:我们应当学讲流利正确的英语.误:We must...

华蓥市17674469036: "我们要学会坚强,学会淡定,学会漠视对我们不利的东西"用英语怎么翻译? -
秦常皮肤: We should learn to be strong and poised and to ignore the things that are bad for us. 请及时采纳,谢谢

华蓥市17674469036: 我们必须学会面对任何危险翻译 -
秦常皮肤: We must learn to face any danger

华蓥市17674469036: 英文翻译1我们必须学会正视困难并努力克服他们2他不仅这样说而且这样做了3最重要的事情就是保持身体健康 -
秦常皮肤: 1 We must learn to face difficulties and try to overcome them.2 Not only does he say so but he also does so.3 It is the most important thing to keep / stay healthy .

华蓥市17674469036: 我们必须学会照顾自己.We ()()() look after ourselves. -
秦常皮肤:[答案] must learn to,学会做某事:learn to do sth

华蓥市17674469036: 我们必须学会把这些问题转换为挑战,we must learn to - - - these problems - - - challenges. -
秦常皮肤: we must learn to _change/transform__ these problems __into_ challenges.希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O

华蓥市17674469036: 麻烦各位翻译两个句子啊~要通顺的~~1.we must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake,not by mechanical aids,but by an infinite expectation of the ... -
秦常皮肤:[答案] 1、我们必须学会再苏醒,更须学会保持清醒而不再昏睡,但不是用机械的方法,而是将无穷的期望寄托于黎明,黎明不会把我们抛弃在最沉的沉睡中的. 2.每人都有责任把他的生命里最崇高的和紧急时刻内所考虑到的做到,甚至是生命的小节上.

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